siamesedreamer said:
I see.
siamesedreamer said:
Obama's full answer there was no less disingenuous. The fact that he can't admit he's distorting McCain's words is bizarre IMO. He could just as easily say, "hey you're right I looked at the clip and he wasn't talking about being at war for that long, but even his suggestion we could have a long-term peaceful presence there is unrealistic IMO" and he'd get a million kudos for making the right point rather than a cheap, purely-political stab that's off the mark.mashoutposse said:And now for the entirety of what Obama said (starting from 3:20)...
APF said:Obama's full answer there was no less disingenuous. The fact that he can't admit he's distorting McCain's words is bizarre IMO. He could just as easily say, "hey you're right I looked at the clip and he wasn't talking about being at war for that long, but even his suggestion we could have a long-term peaceful presence there is unrealistic IMO" and he'd get a million kudos for making the right point rather than a cheap, purely-political stab that's off the mark.
belvedere said:The man said he'd be fine with a 100 year U.S. presence in Iraq. Not once, but on a few different occasions now. These were direct responses to questions using the word "war".
siamesedreamer said:
bob_arctor said:We're all done with this sort of bullshit. These little made-up "Gotcha!" moments. .
schuelma said:Are you truly unable to see the distinction between what McCain said and what Obama has been saying/implying?
belvedere said:Are you saying McCain never made such a comment?
Dude, the youtube vid SD posted is old school politics. You do disown that at least don't you?schuelma said:Obama's constant mispresentation of McCain's statement is a perfect example of old school politics.
Azih said:Dude, the youtube vid SD posted is old school politics. You do disown that at least don't you?
Town hall meeting--he was answering a question from an audience member.Azih said:Edit: In any case this is the youtube era. Let's see the link to an entire McCain speech or press conference on this to settle this either way.
harSon said:Mccain may or may have not specifically stated that an occupation of Iraq for an extended time would be fine with him. But thats certainly going to be the case if he sees our aiding of the Iraqi people as a 'Moral Obligation'. There will be casualties as long as we have a presence in Iraq and we will be in Iraq for quite a while (If the reconstruction of Iraq is our goal). The Republicans are full of themselves if they think anything but a long term occupation will result in substantial strides. It's quite easy to understand, Iraq does not want us in their country.
What are you talking about?schuelma said:What does that have to do with what we're talking about?
schuelma said:What does that have to do with what we're talking about?, Jan. 3: Make it a hundred. ... Weve been in Japan for 60 years. Weve been in South Korea for 50 years or so. That would be fine with me, as long as American, as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. Its fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintained a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting and equipping and motivating people every single day.
schuelma said:Obama's constant mispresentation of McCain's statement is a perfect example of old school politics. To a mother fucking T.
Surely you see the distinction. McCain's statement assumes there is no more violence; Obama's representation of that statement is that McCain will stay in Iraq even with violence.
Azih said:Dude, the youtube vid SD posted is old school politics. You do disown that at least don't you?
bob_arctor said:So fucking what? Don't get upset cuz he can get away with it. See, if we like someone, when we all know he's the best bet to help get this country out the crapper, we let shit slide like that. I don't know what kind of white horse you think we here are riding but what's good for the goose isn't necessarily good for the old geezer.
schuelma said:Surely you see the distinction. McCain's statement assumes there is no more violence; Obama's representation of that statement is that McCain will stay in Iraq even with violence.
siamesedreamer said:How is it old school politics when Obama himself said to check Youtube?
schuelma said:Well, if you're just going to admit you're a hypocrite, I guess I have nothing left to add. :lol :lol
Wait, you're saying Obama's plan is to remove all US forces from the region and not just Iraq? Because otherwise your point is meaningless.belvedere said:In almost every instance where Obama has brought this up, his point was clearly about the efficiency in bringing this war to an end in a timely fashion. His opinion obviously differs from McCain's in that if done right, there won't be a need for troops in Iraq for 100 years.
APF said:Obama's full answer there was no less disingenuous. The fact that he can't admit he's distorting McCain's words is bizarre IMO. He could just as easily say, "hey you're right I looked at the clip and he wasn't talking about being at war for that long, but even his suggestion we could have a long-term peaceful presence there is unrealistic IMO" and he'd get a million kudos for making the right point rather than a cheap, purely-political stab that's off the mark.
bob_arctor said:Am I? Really? Please, show me all my posts where I pretend to be Obama.
APF said:Wait, you're saying Obama's plan is to remove all US forces from the region and not just Iraq? Because otherwise your point is meaningless.
siamesedreamer said:
APF said:Wait, you're saying Obama's plan is to remove all US forces from the region and not just Iraq? Because otherwise your point is meaningless.
Yeah could you explain how what you said there makes sense?APF said:Wait, you're saying Obama's plan is to remove all US forces from the region and not just Iraq? Because otherwise your point is meaningless.
Because he never backed away from his original statements like you implied and was referring to McCain videos to back up his original assertion. But you knew that already of course.siamesedreamer said:How is it old school politics when Obama himself said to check Youtube?
Cool. Thanks.PhoenixDark said:Clinton, Dean, and Obama have been distorting McCain's 100 year comment for months, it's nothing new. Obvious it's going to be a big talking point in the general election for them, which is apparently more important than telling the truth.
It's a lie, end of story
*sigh* You people. McCain agreed with the hypothetical "100 years" presence because he asserted the strategic importance of having US forces in the region. Saying Obama is planning a withdrawal from Iraq in such a way that US forces won't be needed in the region--an idea that reaches hallucinogenic levels of optimism--necessitates US forces not being in the region; in other words, the poster's assertion makes no sense unless that's Obama's plan, which it is not.Dahellisdat said:Yeah could you explain how what you said there makes sense?
theBishop said:Are you suggesting DailyKos isn't a credible source of information? Can you back that up with anything?
APF said:Wait, you're saying Obama's plan is to remove all US forces from the region and not just Iraq? Because otherwise your point is meaningless.
I'm not following you here. He's not calling for removing all forces from the entire middle east/africa. He's calling for removal of our forces from Iraq.APF said:*sigh* You people. McCain agreed with the hypothetical "100 years" presence because he asserted the strategic importance of having US forces in the region. Saying Obama is planning a withdrawal from Iraq in such a way that US forces won't be needed in the region--an idea that reaches hallucinogenic levels of optimism--necessitates US forces not being in the region; in other words, the poster's assertion makes no sense unless that's Obama's plan, which it is not.
EXACTLYDahellisdat said:I'm not following you here. He's not calling for removing all forces from the entire middle east/africa. He's calling for removal of our forces from Iraq.
Agreed.Dahellisdat said:god damn this thread is full of nitpicking fools
I think you're just not reading my posts.Dahellisdat said:Ok why exactly were you arguing with belvedere?
Let's say I actually did read your posts....can you still tell me what you were trying to say?APF said:I think you're just not reading my posts. said:Let's say I actually did read your posts....can you still tell me what you were trying to say?
Is it running behind schedule?Tamanon said:He's on the Foreign Relations committee. That hearing is at 2:30, he'll probably get a question near the end of it.
APF said:Xisiqomelir: how does what you just said argue against what McCain said?
I still don't understand why you were arguing....what he said agrees with the conclusion we came to.APF said:
McCain: There are numerous threats to security in Iraq and the future of Iraq. Do you still view Al Qaeda in Iraq as a major threat?
Petraeus: It is still a major threat, though it is certainly not as major a threat as it was say 15 months ago.
McCain: Certainly not an obscure sect of the Shiites overall?
Petraeus: No, no sir.
McCain: Or Sunnis or anybody else then? Al Qaeda continues to try to assert themselves in Mosul, is that correct?