I don't know why I waste my energy getting pissed about these attempts to make Obama look bad, especially considering he has this thing locked up, but Hillary's attempts to portray Obama as an elitist just show how out-of-touch with America she really is.
I know I'm LTTP in responding to her stupid bullshit, but it's late and I'm grumpy and I'm going to bother my message boards with my opinions:
First of all, what the FUCK does Hillary know about these peoples' lives, and whether they're bitter or not? Yeah, I'm sure that cushy life has taught her a lot about bitterness. The only bitterness she's had to deal with has been being bitter because her last name doesn't mean the same thing to voters that it did a decade ago, and in response she's turned not to guns, religion, or racism, but to tearing her own party apart as she becomes more and more desperate for a magical turnaround.
Second of all, Obama's remarks were far from elitist bullshit. In fact, they're the truth, and they show how in-tune with America Obama is. My entire family on my mother's side is from Youngstown, Ohio. Most of them have lived there their entire lives. At the family reunions, it's hard to find people who don't live in Youngstown, because very few of them have been able to escape the endless hardships and poverty in Youngstown. Now, god bless them, they're good people. They're some of the nicest, most loving people I've ever met. However, almost all of them are poor, and have serious financial troubles. They were affected by the steel mills closing down, just like everyone in the town. They keep their heads above water by working long and hard, and by supporting each other. But they are angry and bitter about where they are. About how much they struggle, and how they can't seem to escape the poverty and troubles that rule their lives. And as a result, many of them have found things to do with their anger. Many of them are extremely racist. Many own guns. Almost all are religious. Some have turned to drinking or gambling, which has further wrecked their lives. And none of them leaves a convenience store without a lottery ticket.
So yeah, they are bitter. And they have done the things Obama said. An they're still great people who would give me the shirts off their backs if I said I wanted it. And Obama's statements are absolutely true, and further assure me that he knows how the American people feel, and what needs to be changed in this country.