APF said:To not see this as a good example of the almost cluelessly-arrogant sense of entitlement that's been the hallmark of the Clintons and Hillary's campaign is more an indictment against the ignorance (in the political / historical sense) of Obama's supporters than any directly-indirect slam on the part of the former President. Even people who are total Obama Kool-Aid drinkers are again scratching their heads over this manufactured outrage. The fact that people here can't even admit their campaign might have overreached in this one single solitary instance doesn't bode well for their credibility when attacking my level of objectivity.
APF said:I'm thinking there are two things at work here: first, the Obama campaign wants to capitalize on the paranoia that Democrats are tagged as "unpatriotic" by the right-wing, primarily in conjunction with their (Dems) opposition to the Iraq war (this is a winning issue for Obama, in terms of Dem support); second is the Obama campaign capitalizing on their supporters' relative ignorance of campaigns speaking with a tone of inevitability as to their candidates' chances, be it in terms of winning a party nomination, or the Presidency as a whole.
Really, what it comes down to is the fact that the Obama campaign wants you to believe in the truthyness of a begged question: the Clintons are conniving scheming people who use subtle non-words to insinuate unspoken meanings because they're conniving scheming people who would do this sort of thing. Sorry, no. This is manufactured outrage on the part of the Obama campaign that has even honest Obama supporters like Richardson and (ugh) Andrew Sullivan scratching their heads.
quietcrown: no, your logic is flawed there.
harSon said:I was expecting a much larger sampling of the sermon, that seemed like a minute and a half at best.
maximum360 said:Why do you all even bother with APF? The conversation will go nowhere, so I never bother getting involved.
Hitokage said:Seth C: Holy shit, your avatar. Second rollover imminent!
EDIT: Stop reading my mind!
Broken Nose
On September 27, 1998, Michael Ware was involved in an altercation with George Foreman outside a Miami-area restaraunt. The altercation with the former heavyweight boxing champion left Ware with a severely disfigured nose, which he has elected not to repair, as it reportedly makes him appear more credible in wartime reporting.
Can't stop the signal, man!/whedon nerdSeth C said:Oooh, now I quoted it before you said it! I should say that some doubt the counter is still accurate. However, I wonder why they wouldn't just stop it from counting if that were the case.
PhoenixDark said:Clinton's comments were definitely subtle, but they didn't question Obama's patriotism; that's a reach to put it lightly. Obama will have to deal with questions about his patriotism until November due to his puzzling (and idiotic) comments on pins, not to mention his inability to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Is that a big deal to me, or reason to question his patriotism? No. But let's see how that plays out in "purple" states.
Last month Hillary's surrogates were out of line, and this month Obama's are. Calling Clinton's comments "McCarthyism" is a stupid, negative attack with no grasp in reality
PhoenixDark said:Clinton's comments were definitely subtle, but they didn't question Obama's patriotism; that's a reach to put it lightly. Obama will have to deal with questions about his patriotism until November due to his puzzling (and idiotic) comments on pins, not to mention his inability to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Is that a big deal to me, or reason to question his patriotism? No. But let's see how that plays out in "purple" states.
Last month Hillary's surrogates were out of line, and this month Obama's are. Calling Clinton's comments "McCarthyism" is a stupid, negative attack with no grasp in reality
That's what he gets for getting up in George's grill.APF said:
Spot on. The person who taught Obama the difference was his granddad... who was in WWII.gluv65 said:I keep hearing this dumb shit about putting your hand over your heart for the "national anthem" let me tell you, you don't put your hand over your heart for the national anthem, you put your hand over your heart for the pledge of allegiance. I was in the USMC for 6 years(83 to 90) and have done a many of color guard and stood with a salute with the national anthem was being played. This is one of the first things they teach you in boot camp.
Just a point of reference for the idiot tools who think you have to put your hand over your heart for the national anthem. When you go to any ball game football, basketball or baseball the PA person say Please "RISE" for our national anthem. The next time you see a game on tv watch how many fans put their hand over their heart for the national anthem.
so here we go
Pledge of Allegiance = Hand over Heart and recite the allegiance
National Anthem = Requires civilians to rise, and military personnel to rise face in the direction of the nearest flag and salute
mugwhump said:That's what he gets for getting up in George's grill.
PhoenixDark said:Clinton's comments were definitely subtle, but they didn't question Obama's patriotism; that's a reach to put it lightly. Obama will have to deal with questions about his patriotism until November due to his puzzling (and idiotic) comments on pins, not to mention his inability to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Is that a big deal to me, or reason to question his patriotism? No. But let's see how that plays out in "purple" states.
Last month Hillary's surrogates were out of line, and this month Obama's are. Calling Clinton's comments "McCarthyism" is a stupid, negative attack with no grasp in reality
Isn't that bad for Republicans?gluv65 said:Is this shit real?
Romney's campaign staff person endorsing Obama?
This endorsement may be of little note or consequence, except perhaps that it comes from an unlikely source: namely, a former constitutional legal counsel to two Republican presidents.
beermonkey@tehbias said:The only logical argument that is pro-pin is that critical thought should yield to knee-jerk herd mentality in America. And that's an argument that should be rejected by anybody who is opposed to the dumbing down of our nation.
Pins are for sheep.
Slurpy said:Yeah, Obama's questioning of the inherent 'patriotism' of wearing a pin, which came only as a result of him being attacked for not wearing one, so is puzzling an idiotic, isnt it? I mean, God forbid he questions of significant of a fucking piece of metal that everyone and their dogs wear these days, and since 911, as a symbol of their patriotism, and meanwhile do nothing patriotic and do not act in the best interest of the country. Tell me, in what other country do the majority of news anchors and politicians wear these types of pins? The superficiality is off the charts, but we get people like you who buy into them.
APF said:Step back from the brink, people; you're literally trying to say not saying something is the equivalent of saying something.
mashoutposse said:"I think it would be a great thing if we had a political discussion where you had people like *lists everyone but APF*; people who are mature and were devoted to facilitating intelligent discourse."
Seth C said:Yeah. For me it is like having him on ignore, but without actually having him on ignore.
ralexand said::lol at the guy trying to get people to believe that Bill Clinton didn't know exactly what he was doing.
Yes, Bill is just a naive, rookie politician occasionally prone to slip ups. Bill "Who me?"
Ed Rendell said:He (Bill Clinton) was just saying what a lot of us think... that you could have a discussion between these two patriotic [candidates] without getting bogged down in race and all that other stuff
GhaleonEB said:
I hope he rejects and denounces the support of non-patriots like Bill Richardson:Slurpy said:God forbid he questions of significant of a fucking piece of metal that everyone and their dogs wear these days, and since 911, as a symbol of their patriotism, and meanwhile do nothing patriotic and do not act in the best interest of the country.
DuggKarishBHR said:
Instigator said:I was away in the weekend so I missed most of the Richardson discussion.
One thing I don't get from the news relating to this story is why Richardson endorsing Obama is a betrayal to the Clintons while Richardson running against Clinton in the primaries was perfectly fine.
I don't see the discrepancy--it's one thing to have personal political ambitions that you've expressed for a while now. It's another to pick someone else over a long-time friend and ally.Instigator said:I was away in the weekend so I missed most of the Richardson discussion.
One thing I don't get from the news relating to this story is why Richardson endorsing Obama is a betrayal to the Clintons while Richardson running against Clinton in the primaries was perfectly fine.
tanod said:Finally, he said that the media needs to move on from obsessing over the Clintons like they're the most important people in the country. "It's a SITCOM. A SITCOM"
APF said:I don't see the discrepancy--it's one thing to have personal political ambitions that you've expressed for a while now. It's another to pick someone else over a long-time friend and ally.
syllogism said:
Great article.Eric P said:Is Hillary the New Queen of Mean?
Eric P said:Is Hillary the New Queen of Mean?
"As you all know, I own many houses. Many of the superdelegates, also, own many houses. This housing crisis really only personifies one thing, and that is the fact that the American people cannot be trusted with important decisions. If you are not capable of providing for your own families, how do you intent to make informed decisions about who can provide for the nation?"XxenobladerxX said:Hillary is going to make a major speech on the housing crisis today.