I'm utterly amazed that the Clinton camps can change the goal posts almost weekly and they don't get called on it. To be fair, they have a right to do whatever they want to change public perception of the race but it is a devious move. It wouldn't even be such a big deal if her statements previously on almost every subjective marker their camp sets is almost always if not always contradictory to Hillary's previous statements.
I get the impression though that the media may be finally ready to call her on this though. Her contradictory chickens have finally come home to roost.
One negative on Obama's camp though. His campaign managers/etc. need to back off and stop engaging Wolfson and company in the dirt slinging business. Wolfson and Penn make statements that are almost laughable by most standards but they almost get a free pass by the press despite making contradictions on Hillary's position almost daily.
I get the impression though that the media may be finally ready to call her on this though. Her contradictory chickens have finally come home to roost.
One negative on Obama's camp though. His campaign managers/etc. need to back off and stop engaging Wolfson and company in the dirt slinging business. Wolfson and Penn make statements that are almost laughable by most standards but they almost get a free pass by the press despite making contradictions on Hillary's position almost daily.