Liara T'Soni said:Anti-Israel remarks.
Anti-Italian remarks.
I'd say, it was anti-Israel remarks and anti-Jesus era Italian remarks
Liara T'Soni said:Anti-Israel remarks.
Anti-Italian remarks.
PhoenixDark said:Please explain this. I rarely bring up polls, but when I do it's an onslaught of information to back my claims - and my current claim is that the Wright thing has really damaged Obama, in more ways than one. As the dude from MyDD said it's time to have an adult conversation on this and face reality. Just last month people were writing McCain off.
ari said:You know, politics show the ugly side of people some time. You guys might not be complete dicks, but...
:lol GTFOPhoenixDark said:It's the internet - I don't take it seriously. I do take my country seriously, and I just want the best for everyone
PhoenixDark said:It's the internet - I don't take it seriously. I do take my country seriously, and I just want the best for everyone
PhoenixDark said:It's the internet - I don't take it seriously. I do take my country seriously, and I just want the best for everyone
"There, you've had it," Sen. Earline Rogers, a Gary Democrat, said after the lawmakers spoke. "Indiana, north, south, east, west, middle. Black, white, Hispanic. Urban, rural. We cross all of these spectrum. And with those kinds of demographics that Indiana possesses, those are precisely the democgraphics that will make Barack Obama the next president of the United States.
Slurpy said:To be fair to Phoenix Dark, he basically lives on this message board and on the internet, and probably has lost almost all touch with the outside world and reality, dealing with real people/situations, which goes hand in hand with sensibility and common sense.
His posts are more humor than anything, and I always read them as such and pretend he's being sarcastic, to avoid feeling too much pity for him that he actually takes himself and his disconnected views seriously.
ToyMachine228 said:I wonder how long it'll be until the media picks up on some of the things that McCain's pastor has said about destroying Islam, or how 9/11 and and Katrina were God's reactions to liberal policies in America.
.APF said:I also agree with the poster who asserts in disgusting venomous tones every other day that the people who disagree with me are in fact joke posters who should be ignored and pitied.
APF said:I also agree with the poster who asserts in disgusting venomous tones every other day that the people who disagree with me are in fact martyrs who should be rewarded with babes and cash. said:And who would that be?
Smiles and Cries said:McCain does not get enough heat for this
FEC sure is a softy
Lefty42o said:
ari said:
crisdecuba said:Indiana state legislators endorse Obama
link or stfu or feel triumph's wrath!PhoenixDark said:Polls show otherwise, but by on means continue to live in your fantasy world. And v1cious with respect to it being a Rasmussen poll: it's still more than capable of showing voting patterns, which is the point.
not be civil?gkrykewy said:Whatever would we do without the civility police?
sangreal said:
in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.siamesedreamer said:Exactly my point...too bad its not being reported that way. From your article:
John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has been called upon to renounce a church leader he considers his spiritual guide for urging a Christian war to destroy the false religion of Islam.
A blatant misrepresentation of facts. And it seems to have already seaped into the talking points of the left as evidenced by the post I was initially refering to.
We'll need to wait until the gallop poll reacts to the media's inability to drop the Wright ordeal, but until now it's yaaaaaaaay.Captain Pants said:This warms my heart.
This is true as well. We still need the Democrats to quickly unite, that's one thing I liked about the Republicans.To be fair, the wright issue would've came up regardless.
Thats not a new super delegate. That's a add-on super delegate thats been counted since feb 5th. It's just a person picked to represent it has been picked out.Lemonz said:New superdelegate for Obama
To be fair, the wright issue would've came up regardless.Jenga said:So is anyone else convinced McCain had a clear shot at the election he didn't have a few months ago? Goddamn Clinton, her refusal to just gracefully surrender the nomination is RUINING chances of a democrat victory. I can't help but think about where we would be at if Hillary had lost Texas/Ohio and bowed out to support Obama.
gluv65 said:My Life as Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine), Starring Hillary Rambo Clinton
For those of you who doubt that story involving a Balkan airport, the one Hillary Rodham Clinton tells about darting across the tarmac to dodge sniper fire, take note: It really did happen.
Just not to Clinton.
In October 1995, six months before then-first lady Clinton led a delegation to Tuzla, Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and six other senators went on a fact-finding mission through war-torn Sarajevo, just before the Dayton accords resulted in a U.S. military presence on the ground in Bosnia.
Snowe's congressional delegation had an experience remarkably similar to the one Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) described in a speech delivered on St. Patrick's Day. Clinton has since said that she "misspoke" when she recalled arriving in Tuzla under sniper fire.
Unlike Clinton's version, Snowe's story was backed up news accounts. Clinton's story has been debunked by sources including television news accounts and the memories of the comedian Sinbad.
The seven senators flew into the host city of the 1984 Olympics on a military C-130 that, in addition to its senatorial payload, was carrying 20,000 pounds of peas to the starved city. A States News Service dispatch from Oct. 20, 1995, provided a portion of Snowe's Bosnia account:
"It's really sad. People are basically just living there and trying to survive," the Maine Republican said. "They're constantly living under threat of shelling or sniper fire." . . . As the plane landed she took note of the fortified bunkers surrounding Sarajevo's airport. . . . She glanced at the wall of firetrucks lined up along the airport tarmac, acting as shields from any Serb gunman looking to make a name for himself. She dashed across the runway to an armored vehicle waiting to whisk the senators to the city center. She glared at the hollowed-out remains of buildings along the city's main highway, better known as "Sniper Alley."
XxenobladerxX said:Link?
Tamanon said:I'd say, it was anti-Israel remarks and anti-Jesus era Italian remarks![]()
ari said:in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.
ari said:in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.
Counted by whom? The add-on delegate rules vary by state and while it was virtually certain an Obama supporter would be the delegate in CT, for example CNN and Politico still haven't added him.Cheebs said:Thats not a new super delegate. That's a add-on super delegate thats been counted since feb 5th. It's just a person picked to represent it has been picked out.
Edit: He is also likely to lose 2 super delegates. Rep. Wynn is stepping down in June and the gov of PR. is likely to be removed from office.
Diablos said:McCain is probably going to pick Romney as his running mate according to some speculation on MSNBC...
Don't scare me like that.Deus Ex Machina said:
KramerGiddyup.gifLefty42o said:
ari said:in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.
Diablos said:McCain is probably going to pick Romney as his running mate according to some speculation on MSNBC...
With Rep. Wynn, I think he still remains a delegate. Many delegates don't hold office or some used to be in office.Cheebs said:Thats not a new super delegate. That's a add-on super delegate thats been counted since feb 5th. It's just a person picked to represent it has been picked out.
Edit: He is also likely to lose 2 super delegates. Rep. Wynn is stepping down in June and the gov of PR. is likely to be removed from office.
ari said:in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.
Lefty42o said:
Jason's Ultimatum said:Luckily recent polls show that people don't give a shit about the Wright/Obama controversy. Suck it down, MSNBC, CNN, and ESPECIALLY FoxNews. Americans are smarter to realize that it's Obama's issues for solving this country's problems that matter the most. Not what some Looney Tune maniac reverend says.