Now we can have our own baby eating picture!Lemonz said:With Rep. Wynn, I think he still remains a delegate. Many delegates don't hold office or some used to be in office.
New obama pic.
Now we can have our own baby eating picture!Lemonz said:With Rep. Wynn, I think he still remains a delegate. Many delegates don't hold office or some used to be in office.
New obama pic.
It doesn't even matter.syllogism said:Another NC poll showing Obama up significantly.
e: and that's with obama only getting 79% of the black vote
syllogism said:Another NC poll showing Obama up significantly.
e: and that's with obama only getting 79% of the black vote
Diablos said:It doesn't even matter.
Hillary's going to take this to the convention.
How could you continue to fight for Hillary?Fragamemnon said:Some of us are going to fight hard for her here in NC,
ari said:in other words, all the left have is mccain's economic issues and a false quote about iraq. Cool.
Shes a good canidate.Diablos said:How could you continue to fight for Hillary?
She's tearing the party apart.
Fragamemnon said:The superdelegates and rest of the party establishment will put a bullet in her campaign's head first if it is truly over. Guaranteed.
Fragamemnon said:put a bullet in her campaign's head
Fragamemnon said:bullet in her...head
Fragamemnon said:HEADSHOT
Bullshit.Fragamemnon said:The superdelegates and rest of the party establishment will put a bullet in her campaign's head first if it is truly over. Guaranteed.
So was John Kerry. So was Al Gore. So was Mike Dukakis. None of them won. Democrats need to pick someone who can win, and it's not Hillary. She's making a fool out of herself, perhaps more than any other Democrat running for the White House has in the past couple decades.XxenobladerxX said:Shes a good canidate.
Boogie said:"If wishes were horses then beggars would ride."
Sorry that you have angst about a tough decision made in wartime, but tough shit.
Truman didn't have the luxury of wishing the tough decisions of the war away, and your post basically amounts to a bunch of whining that, gee, why do people have to die in war?
"It is well that war is so terrible otherwise we should grow too fond of it" -General Robert E. Lee
Cheebs said:Thats not a new super delegate. That's a add-on super delegate thats been counted since feb 5th. It's just a person picked to represent it has been picked out.
Edit: He is also likely to lose 2 super delegates. Rep. Wynn is stepping down in June and the gov of PR. is likely to be removed from office.
electricpirate said:McCain is coasting on media good feelings right now
Chris Matthews of MSNBC has even called the press McCains base a comment that Mr. McCain himself has jokingly reiterated.
Yet the reporters, so quick in general to jump on hypocrisy, seem to find his insincerity a virtue. When an old sobersides like Mitt Romney flip-flops, he is called a panderer. When Mr. McCain suddenly supports the tax cuts he once excoriated, or embraces the religious right, or emphasizes border security over a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, we are told by his press acolytes that he doesnt really mean it, that his liberal cosmology will ultimately best his conservative rhetoric.
Yeah.BotoxAgent said:Hillary's strategy:
Let the rest of the American people's voices be heard, so that I can override it later with the supers :lol :lol
Do still think McCain will be easy to beat and the prolonged primary isn't hurting democrats? If not, why are you still going to campaign for her?Fragamemnon said:Some of us are going to fight hard for her here in NC, but it's a lost cause, and most of Hillary supporters here know that the only way she can win, or even be close, for that matter, here is through an Obama implosion instead of any actions of her own campaign.
Diablos said:It doesn't even matter.
Hillary's going to take this to the convention.
Diablos said:Her stubborn incompetence shown this year is just unreal. Who would have ever thought the Clintons could fuck up an election?
"As Ryan Lizza described it last month in The New Yorker, a typical campaign day has Mr. McCain rumbling from one stop to another on his bus, the Straight Talk Express, sitting in the rear on a horseshoe-shaped leather couch surrounded by reporters and talking until the room is filled with the awkward silence of journalists with no more questions."bob_arctor said:
At a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser Thursday afternoon at the Credit Suisse building in Manhattan, Sen. Barack Obama echoed the themes hed discussed in a speech about the economy earlier in the day.
We have an economy that is out of balance, Obama told the audience of about 300 supporters. Its one in which most of the people in this room have benefited enormously over the last decade - and I include myself in that group but it is an economy that has left millions and millions of Americans behind.
Restoring the economy, he said, means putting in place a regulatory framework thats up to the task of dealing with a global financial system and a new set of financial instruments but more than anything, whats important is restoring a sense that this is not a youre on your own society, that were a were in this together society.
The Illinois senator began his remarks with a barely-veiled shot at his primary opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton.
I decided to run not because of some long-held ambitions or because I thought it was somehow owed to me - and certainly I wasnt presumptuous enough to think it was my turn, Obama said.
He dismissed concerns that the bruising Democratic primary would hurt the partys chance of taking back the White House in November.
The Democratic primary has gotten people engaged in politics who were never engaged before or who had forgotten what its like to be passionate about politics, he said.
I am absolutely confident that by the time this thing is over, the Democratic party will be completely unified.
For those of you who are just weary of the primary, and feeling kind of ground down or that its like a Bataan death mark, I just want everybody to know that the future is bright.
He took about a half-dozen questions from the audience, addressing energy policy, the war in Iraq and how he will appeal to independent voters in the general election.
In discussing energy policy, Obama said the White House should seek to change peoples habits as well.
I think the president needs to use the bully pulpit to change our culture we are a wasteful culture. Its always been that way because of our history. We do everything big.
Asked negotiating with certain foreign leaders such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Obama said:
I think people understand the notion of talking to our enemies, Obama said. If FDR can meet with Stalin and Nixon can meet with Mao and Kennedy can meet with Khrushchev and Reagan can meet with Gorbechav, then the notion that we cant meet with some half-baked dictator is ridiculous.
Im not worried about losing a propaganda war with Ahmadinejad, he said, That guy opens his mouth and I think people see there are problems there.
White Democrats who hold unfavorable views of Obama are much more likely than those who have favorable opinions of him to express less tolerant views on race. In addition, nearly a quarter of Democrats (23%) who hold a negative view of Obama believe he is a Muslim.
There is little evidence that the recent news about Obama's affiliation with the United Church of Christ has dispelled the impression that he is Muslim. While voters who heard "a lot"about Reverend Wright's controversial sermons are more likely than those who have not to correctly identify Obama as a Christian, they are not substantially less likely to still believe that he is Muslim. Nearly one-in-ten (9%) of those who heard a lot about Wright still believe that Obama is Muslim.
Yep. It took me a bit longer. After Iowa I was still pretty split. She really didn't start to get crazy until a month after Iowa.BotoxAgent said:Yeah, when this race started, I only questioned her electability not her credibility or ethics. But my attitude was that I will be behind her 100% no matter what. But after Iowa, my opinion of her started to change dramatically. I would never have though I'd end up hating her so much.
She basically did have it in the bag; Obama is the upset. She would have slaughtered every other candidate by now.I guess it was arrogance and hubris. She thought she had it in the bag. But when the playing field got more leveled, her true colors showed and the whole fantasy world started crumbling for me. Only when the fight got more fair they decided to change the rules and the goal post, and it all looked starkingly amateurish :lol
The fact that he actually made it this far is amazing. Everyone wrote him off as having no real chance, and now, look at him.McCain will be a harder opponent than I thought. Reporters are kind to him, and he has soften them up quite nicely with his BBQ and personality. It's even a tougher battle now thanks to HRC's selfishness.
Mind you, those people are democrats. Maybe the US deserves four more years of Republican BS.syllogism said:Every time I see polls like that it makes me wonder if people are actually answering these questions seriously. I doubt it.
If that's what we get, y'all can have fun with that while I'm chillaxin in France.Funky Papa said:Mind you, those people are democrats. Maybe the US deserves four more years of Republican BS.
Dinner with Barack
Too many political fundraisers are hosted by Washington lobbyists and filled with representatives of special interests.
But our campaign is different.
Our funding comes from a movement of more than one million supporters like you giving whatever they can afford.
Make a donation in any amount between now and 11:59 pm EDT on Monday, March 31st, and you could join Barack and three other supporters for an intimate dinner for five.
Triumph said:If that's what we get, y'all can have fun with that while I'm chillaxin in France.
The French are already disenchanted with Sarkozy, since he went and started fucking an Italian.JayDubya said:Yeah, Sarkozy's government loves hippies.
So all of Obama's supporters are hippies?JayDubya said:Yeah, Sarkozy's government loves hippies.
Lemonz said:With Rep. Wynn, I think he still remains a delegate. Many delegates don't hold office or some used to be in office.
Yeah, chill out. JD and I have a long standing banter of calling each other "hippie" and "heartless, mindless libertarian randdroid". All in fun!XxenobladerxX said:So all of Obama's supporters are hippies?
Fucking asshole,get he hell out of here with that bullshit...
Oh....Star Power said:He didn't say that.
You guys are too sensitive lol.
I figure a lot of people were surprised that got emailed last year that he was a muslim "wait! I thought he was a muslim" What is he doing going to church?!Funky Papa said:This is just in: people=sheep
This is no laughing matter, but still...
KRS7 said:What the hell are ethnic Americans I keep hearing about on TV? Are any Americans not ethnic?
siamesedreamer said:MSNBC is pretty much running a loop on the Wright story every half hour. Good times. :lol
Tim Russert brought up that whole Farrakhan thing that Obama rejected and then subsequently denounced in addition.mckmas8808 said:But I thought MSNBC was biased and loved Obama?!?!
polyh3dron said:Tim Russert brought up that whole Farrakhan thing that Obama rejected and then subsequently denounced in addition.
I don't think there is such a thing as an ethnic American. There are ethnic Jews, ethnic Kurds, ethnic Albanians and a few other ones, but the idea of an ethnic American is laughable.KRS7 said:What the hell are ethnic Americans I keep hearing about on TV? Are any Americans not ethnic?
mckmas8808 said:You do know I was talking about innocent people right? creator said:
Boogie said:You do know I was talking about the biggest war in human history, right?
Your "talking" was self-serving emotional drivel, not anything resembling rational analysis.
The fact that innocent people died makes the atomic bombing a tragedy, but that doesn't change the fact that it was necessary. "Hating" the bombings, and "wishing" innocent people didn't die doesn't add anything to the discussion.
soul creator said:
mckmas8808 said:But see that's my problem with Americans and this dumbass thinking. We think to ourselves "it was necessary" therefore it was okay then and it should be okay tomorrow.
What is stopping us from doing that again on some terrorist area in some Arab country? And what makes terrorist killing thousands of people in other countries so bad if they think it is necessary for their cause?