geez, how fucked up does the war and economy have to get people to open their damn eyes and stop focusing on stupid shit like patriotism and lapel pins.
Boogie said:But the "surrender movement" as you put it had no sense of urgency, and was quite irreleveant.
BotoxAgent said:geez, how fucked up does the war and economy have to get people to open their damn eyes and stop focusing on stupid shit like patriotism and lapel pins.
Atrus said:You have a funny notion of relevance. So you're equating the same people that actually surrendered, and the ones that fought off the military coup of men who should have been convinced by the dropping of the bombs into surrender, as irrelevant.
Just because the US was pressured to conclude the war before the Soviets became invested doesn't mean that they need nuke civilians to keep that schedule.
Atrus said:You have a funny notion of relevance. So you're equating the same people that actually surrendered, and the ones that fought off the military coup of men who should have been convinced by the dropping of the bombs into surrender, as irrelevant.
Just because the US was pressured to conclude the war before the Soviets became invested doesn't mean that they need nuke civilians to keep that schedule.
Deus Ex Machina said:Another superdelegate for Obama.
Well, with respect to this being an issue of support thrown in favor of one potential nominee or another, this can still be seen as a gain.v1cious said:he's about to lose one, so it's not really a gain.
"he gained more delegates but she won some states, so he didn't really gain any"v1cious said:he's about to lose one, so it's not really a gain.
soul creator said:
belvedere said:Holy wow.
This seriously made an impact on me and for some, will definitely change one's perception of the U.S.
Very moving.
PhoenixDark said:The decision had little to do with the Soviets. Japan was not going to surrender under normal circumstances, and if you understood the history of the situation you'd know that. The atomic bomb saved more lives than it took, and was Truman's best option.
People who invest unnecessary emotion into the debate usually have little to no understanding of the issue, which is far more complicated then simple terms of what's "right" and "wrong."
This site is down!soul creator said:
Shes a repulicanSystems_id said:Sweet mercy Amy Homles is hot.
JCreasy said:So I finally got a chance to listen to this:
I'm just blown away. I had no idea that almost everything Clinton said about the trip was a lie. Even the shit about the plane. I mean, damn. And I'm insulted that she tried to pulled this shit on the entire country. FUCKING A!!
Fuck no! This was the b@T%@ I was trying to call out before and mistakenly called out someone else.XxenobladerxX said:Shes a repulicanBut I guess I can give her a pass.
Indeed. But I think she's a cyborg designed to lure us into the GOP. It might just work too.Systems_id said:Sweet mercy Amy Homles is hot.
Who is he losing?v1cious said:he's about to lose one, so it's not really a gain.
"I hate the gooks," McCain said yesterday in response to a question from reporters aboard his campaign bus. "I will hate them as long as I live."
The Republicans were created by Man.masud said:Indeed. But I think she's a cyborg designed to lure us into the GOP. It might just work too.
Deus Ex Machina said:Who is he losing?
Deus Ex Machina said:
Deus Ex Machina said:Who is he losing?
Apparently he said it again. Read the link.Atrus said:Isn't that really old? I think he's apologized for it a long while ago.
That's where the McCain hates Asians thing comes from.Atrus said:Isn't that really old? I think he's apologized for it a long while ago.
masud said:Apparently he said it again. Read the link.
Oh, I see.gluv65 said:Puerto Rican Gov. being indicted
Oh you're right sorry. I just looked at the date at the top.v1cious said:i did, and it's the same quote from 2000.
v1cious said:also the Mccain quote is really old news. i've been saying for awhile on this board that this will sink him.
v1cious said:the governor of Puerto Rico. he's about to be indicted.
also the Mccain quote is really old news. i've been saying for awhile on this board that this will sink him. no one seems to believe it though.
JCreasy said:So I finally got a chance to listen to this:
I'm just blown away. I had no idea that almost everything Clinton said about the trip was a lie. Even the shit about the plane. I mean, damn. And I'm insulted that she tried to pulled this shit on the entire country. FUCKING A!!
PhoenixDark said:So a decade plus old quote that has had no effect on McCain in the past will "sink" him, but Obama's more recent Wright controversy - which is actually effecting numbers - will simply blow away right? mmk
siamesedreamer said:By the way, anyone know if Obama's appearance on CNBC today is up on Youtube?
thegreyfox said:Not Youtube but it's on cnbc site.
Warning: needs Internet Explorer to view.
thegreyfox said:Not Youtube but it's on cnbc site.
Warning: needs Internet Explorer to view.
gluv65 said:Wright revisited, March 2007 Letter to NY Times
Good or bad? scared to look... peeps ingluv65 said:Wright revisited, March 2007 Letter to NY Times
gluv65 said:Wright revisited, March 2007 Letter to NY Times
mashoutposse said:Nice read, thanks
Dear Jodi:
Thank you for engaging in one of the biggest misrepresentations of the truth I have ever seen in sixty-five years. You sat and shared with me for two hours. You told me you were doing a "Spiritual Biography" of Senator Barack Obama. For two hours, I shared with you how I thought he was the most principled individual in public service that I have ever met.
For two hours, I talked with you about how idealistic he was. For two hours I shared with you what a genuine human being he was. I told you how incredible he was as a man who was an African American in public service, and as a man who refused to announce his candidacy for President until Carol Moseley Braun indicated one way or the other whether or not she was going to run.
I told you what a dreamer he was. I told you how idealistic he was. We talked about how refreshing it would be for someone who knew about Islam to be in the Oval Office. Your own question to me was, Didn't I think it would be incredible to have somebody in the Oval Office who not only knew about Muslims, but had living and breathing Muslims in his own family? I told you how important it would be to have a man who not only knew the difference between Shiites and Sunnis prior to 9/11/01 in the Oval Office, but also how important it would be to have a man who knew what Sufism was; a man who understood that there were different branches of Judaism; a man who knew the difference between Hasidic Jews, Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews and Reformed Jews; and a man who was a devout Christian, but who did not prejudge others because they believed something other than what he believed.
I talked about how rare it was to meet a man whose Christianity was not just "in word only." I talked about Barack being a person who lived his faith and did not argue his faith. I talked about Barack as a person who did not draw doctrinal lines in the sand nor consign other people to hell if they did not believe what he believed.
Out of a two-hour conversation with you about Barack's spiritual journey and my protesting to you that I had not shaped him nor formed him, that I had not mentored him or made him the man he was, even though I would love to take that credit, you did not print any of that.
Deus Ex Machina said:Can anyone send this to CNN, MSNBC... and maybe FOX.
Amazing read!
The videos of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's controversial sermons and Barack Obama's subsequent speech on race and politics have attracted more public attention than any events thus far in the 2008 presidential campaign. A majority of the public (51%) said they heard "a lot" about the videos, and an even larger percentage (54%) said they heard a lot about Obama's speech, according to the weekly News Interest Index.
Most voters aware of the sermons say they were personally offended by Wright's comments, and a sizable minority (35%) says that their opinion of Obama has grown less favorable because of Wright's statements.
However, the Wright controversy does not appear to have undermined support for Obama's candidacy. The latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted March 19-22 among 1,503 adults, finds that Obama maintains a 49% to 39% advantage over Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, which is virtually unchanged from than the 49% to 40% lead he held among Democrats in late February. Obama and Clinton continue to enjoy slight advantages over John McCain in general election matchups among all registered voters.
The new polling suggests that the Wright affair has not hurt Obama's standing, in part because his response to the controversy has been viewed positively by voters who favor him over Clinton. Obama's handling of the Wright controversy also won a favorable response from a substantial proportion of Clinton supporters and even from a third of Republican voters.
More than eight-in-ten supporters of Obama (84%) who have heard about the controversy over Wright's sermons say he has done an excellent or good job of dealing with the situation. Reactions from Clinton supporters, and Republicans, are on balance negative; however, 43% of Clinton voters and a third of Republican voters who have heard about the affair express positive opinions about Obama's handling of the situation.
Deus Ex Machina said:That was a good insight.
Wright's Letter To NYT About Obama
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