The only thing thats disgusting is your gullibility.PhoenixDark said:I'm seeing a disgusting pattern of Obama lying about people who aren't alive to challenge his tales. First his grandma, now JFK?
The only thing thats disgusting is your gullibility.PhoenixDark said:I'm seeing a disgusting pattern of Obama lying about people who aren't alive to challenge his tales. First his grandma, now JFK?
APF said:Is it a lie when someone says I called something an "innocent mistake" end-quote when I did no such thing? I'm interested in knowing the Obamapologists' take on this one.
Oh, I don't think so. I'm not entirely sold on several of his policy positions, but to harp on something like this is just dumb. Even Republican strategist Amy Holmes was laughing it off this morning on CNN.siamesedreamer said:No, the incredulity comes in at the mere thought of criticizing the Messiah.
He's simply above reproach.
Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?APF said:Hitokage: I believe their explanation was that there were reports of possible threats in the vicinity, and this warped in her head to, "under sniper fire."
APF said:Seriously: are people really honestly trying to suggest he didn't research basic facts for his own book? No ghostwriter there--it was him. Again, both of these are basic facts that would have been uncovered when he wrote his autobiography, especially considering how tightly-woven that biography is to his campaign.
Hitokage said:Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?
Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.
Ok, I can see that. How could she have known?reilo said:Personal experiences don't have a library for fact checking.
Hitokage said:Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?
Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.
More like, it warped in her head to repeatedly stating "we had to cancel the greeting ceremony and run with our heads down straight to our vehicles" amirite?APF said:Seriously: are people really honestly trying to suggest he didn't research basic facts for his own book? No ghostwriter there--it was him. Again, both of these are basic facts that would have been uncovered when he wrote his autobiography, especially considering how tightly-woven that biography is to his campaign.
Edits: Lefty: don't reply when you don't know what I'm talking about, it only makes you look like you can't help but respond to anything regardless of content
Hitokage: I believe their explanation was that there were reports of possible threats in the vicinity, and this warped in her head to, "under sniper fire."
Hitokage said:Ok, I can see that. How could she have known?
d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.Hitokage said:Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.
APF said:d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.
Lefty42o: the point is, the story Obama talked about was about the Kennedy link. With which there was no link to his father coming over. Period. So the entire point of telling story was false, period.
His white grandmother is very much alive.PhoenixDark said:I'm seeing a disgusting pattern of Obama lying about people who aren't alive to challenge his tales. First his grandma, now JFK?
APF said:d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.
Lefty42o: the point is, the story Obama talked about was about the Kennedy link. With which there was no link to his father coming over. Period. So the entire point of telling story was false, period.
Hmm...Incognito said:
APF said:If I said, for example, that someone had a link to a terrorist organization at a certain point, and it was discovered that they really only had solid links a year later than I claimed, would that be a lie or simply a "misstatement?"
Triumph said:Oh, I don't think so. I'm not entirely sold on several of his policy positions, but to harp on something like this is just dumb. Even Republican strategist Amy Holmes was laughing it off this morning on CNN.
Cheebs said:His white grandmother is very much alive.
HA, no I didn't. I'll have to search out a video clip, I like watching Krugman hyperventilate.siamesedreamer said:Speaking of Sunday morning shows, anyone see Robert Reich and Paul Krugman side-by-side on This Morning with George Stephanopolis? Talk about some paranoid, the sky is falling star power there. I thought George Will was gonna have a heart attack.
Hitokage said:I'm sorry, but I actually agree with APF. Those who can't correctly recall this information from when they were newly born are obviously not qualified to be president, and he should know absolutely everything about his parents with his purported people skills.
Triumph said:HA, no I didn't. I'll have to search out a video clip, I like watching Krugman hyperventilate.
The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smhquadriplegicjon said:seriously. the kennedys got involved in the program 48 years ago.. NOT 49. what an utterly blatant lie!!! obama should be strung up!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFcRfy3zcA0Cheebs said:His white grandmother is very much alive.
APF said:The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smh
Is it a lie when someone says I called something an "innocent mistake" end-quote when I did no such thing?
APF said:The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smh
APF said:Is it a lie when someone says I called something an "innocent mistake" end-quote when I did no such thing? I'm interested in knowing the Obamapologists' take on this one.
Lefty42o said:your a fucking idiot.
siamesedreamer said::lol
quietcrown said:'the campaign-stop version is probably, in her head, simply a truncated depiction of those events'
Which would certainly appear to suggest you believe there was no intent to deceive hence no guilt.
lolLefty42o said:your a fucking idiot.
you ignore the fact the keneddys were a part of the Kenyan student program. the program that brought his dad over here. they did not start supporting the plan till july 1960. obama's dad cam,e over in 59. a historical inaccuracy on obama's part but not some vast lie.
I already did, didn't I?reilo said:I'm still waiting on APF to respond to my post.
Should I hold my breath, GAF?
APF said:Let me clarify: I think she exaggerated her experience on purpose, although if you want to be charitable perhaps she didn't realize exactly what she was saying.
APF said:I already did, didn't I?
APF said:Yes.
He recently wrote about and researched his family history. Again, the point has moved on from the official campaign response, and further objections have been raised.reilo said:And yes, you can get things factually wrong even regarding your family.
Clinton lies about Bosnia [which, I, as a Bosnian refugee, called her out on it a good while before the news media even picked up on it], and APF calls it a mere "exaggeration" and an "innocent mistake."
Let's argue whether APF represents the Israelis or the Palestinians.Triumph said:You guys should stop playing conversation tennis with APF. It's like Israelis fighting Palestinians- just by getting you to fight with him he wins.
I represent all good people of this Earth.Hitokage said:Let's argue whether APF represents the Israelis or the Palestinians.
I'd say the Palestinians.Hitokage said:Let's argue whether APF represents the Israelis or the Palestinians.