Cheebs said:
CoolTrick I often sided with you with the early clinton attacks here but the fact you still attack Obama makes NO sense to me.
Once it became clear he is 100% the nominee I dropped almost all defense of Clinton. Aren't you a dem? You really should stop attacking the nominee you'll be voting for in the fall, come on.
I'm not 100% on voting for Obama in the fall.
I also can't stand the radicalism here. It's awful. It's not that I HAVE to play devil's advocate, but the sheer Obama jerk off a thon that goes on around here 24/7 has pushed me much more into Clinton's camp.
I don't read? You have yet to answer a single one of my points in regards to Bosnia and WHY it constitutes strong scrutiny from the media. I gave you a clear example as to WHY her statements were wrong and why she deserved every bit of negative feedback from it.
I did answer you. I said I felt that the underlying intent about the whole Bosnia thing doesn't really work for me because there's nothing new that's revealed there.
Clinton embellishes? No surprise. (As does Obama.)
Clinton isn't totally honest? No surprise. (Neither is Obama.)
So if they try and discredit Hillary's experience, well, I think she still has way more experience than Obama. Period. Nor does any attack of Hillary's experience make me go
"Hm, she might've embellished her experience, so let me go for the candidate who barely has a resume!"
Of course, you, in all your glory, just spin it right around and say that we should attack Obama just as vigorously because in your mind, somehow, what his pastor said some odd six to seven years ago, is equal in every way, shape, or form to Clinton's Bosnia lie.
I think the whole Bosnia thing is more of an honesty thing than an experience thing. Hillary Clinton doesn't try to portray herself as a new kind of politician. Obama does. AND one of his core campaign talking points is his judgement. When something happens that puts his judgement into question, I think that's worth talking about.
I'd say the same if Hillary Clinton proposed a policy that was just, frankly, stupid and contradicted the notion that she has a clear cut plan to get the country back on its feet.
Guess what? It is not equal. It is not equal because Clinton has failed, time after time and again, to raise herself above the standard.
But wait, that's okay to you because, well, she is below the standard so why scrutinize her on all the dumb shit she said? I gave you a clear example as to why Clinton's Bosnia lie is so degrading and downright wrong on so many levels.
This is a problem many Obama fans here seem to have: They can't look at another person's perspective.
I'm sorry you have ties to what went down in Bosnia, but for me and almost every other American, we don't have relatives who were killed in sniper fire in Bosnia. Infact, what she did not only is typical of a politician to do, Obama does it too.
That's why I keep saying what I'm saying. Obama's the one who holds himself to a higher standard, and yet, when he fails it, his supporters don't hold him accountable.
I think judgment in national security matters outweighs the judgment of saying factually misleading things regarding essentially meaningless crap in your personal life.
Okay, but then how do you explain Clinton and Obama's almost identical voting records when they have to actually be accountable for their stances? How do you answer the fact that for Obama to go out and speak against the war in Iraq at that point wasn't actually going on a political limb, when there's evidence he may not have had he actually been in the Senate?