Liu Kang Baking A Pie
Well I know I saw it that way. I just don't have the confidence in the general public to see through bullshit that you guys do.Tobor said:The average independent is going to see McCain as an angry bitter crank.
Well I know I saw it that way. I just don't have the confidence in the general public to see through bullshit that you guys do.Tobor said:The average independent is going to see McCain as an angry bitter crank.
Chiggs said:Wow, Krauthammer calling it for Obama. "Only slightly behind in foreign affairs."
Guybrush Threepwood said:Am I wrong?
I fucking love that "No" at the end. :lolRubxQub said:Fuck John McCain. That shit was so fucking obvious and pathetic.
Fuck you, John.
no, I have a feeling this will be a very close election.Kagari said:So... am I the only one who thinks this election will turn out very close?
this. We'll see on Monday.Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Well I know I saw it that way. I just don't have the confidence in the general public to see through bullshit that you guys do.
SuperAndroid17 said:
SuperAndroid17 said:
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:This is really all it comes down to. Obama didn't have a single strong, motivating, concise statement about anything, while McCain rolled out the one-liners and bullshit that Americans love. What did Obama say for like half an hour about education other than that he'd focus on it? He never clarified.
Frenck said:Biden OWNS McCain on CNN. He would've taken a big fat shit on McCain in the debate. Even Hillary could beat Palin at a debate, his talents are wasted.
omfg, tell me thats a joke..please? What kind of shit is that?SuperAndroid17 said:
SuperAndroid17 said:
Ugh what bullshit.SuperAndroid17 said:
Dot50Cal said:omfg, tell me thats a joke..please? What kind of shit is that?
SuperAndroid17 said:
painey said:I knew it would bite him in the ass, THATS why you dont do it.
The pundits wanted a blood bath and Obama wouldn't give it to them. So McCain won...MaddenNFL64 said:And Obama could have easily joined McCain in being a dick. But he kept his cool, smiled & let him finish his rant.
Me? I woulda yelled "FUCK YOU JOHN!", but i'm not a frontrunner for President.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:This is really all it comes down to. Obama didn't have a single strong, motivating, concise statement about anything, while McCain rolled out the one-liners and bullshit that Americans love. What did Obama say for like half an hour about education other than that he'd focus on it? He never clarified.
Chiggs said:And I'm not calling you an anti-semite, either.
You We Are Wrong? BUT WHO HAS WRONG?kkaabboomm said:
StoOgE said:Fucking get out of the spin room CNN. I thought most news networks came out of the spin room years ago.
Fuckin right.kkaabboomm said:
SuperAndroid17 said:
grandjedi6 said:That's going to be soo much fun![]()
HolyStar said:Dude Hillary is a great debator
What did they say?typhonsentra said:Fox News focus group vindicates my reaction. You people are so dumb.
PS2 KID said:Ever since Fox topped the news ratings with spin despite what O'Reilly says, it's been spin spin spin at all news networks and even broadcast networks are getting into it. Shame really. We still have PBS, C-Span, CNBC, etc. lol
Tamanon said:Eh, McCain would make an ad about anything. Let him waste his money.
Bumblebeetuna said:I'm pretty much sold on McCain after this debate. I especially liked how McCain is supposed to be the one with the temper but Obama was angry almost the entire time. Plus, according to Obama, McCain is basically right on everything anyway :lol
But a major issue for me is Obama supporting a set withdrawal date from Iraq. That is beyond retarded, imho. Especially when all he talks about is the $10,000,000,000 a month a spend there but then he says we should put more focus on Afghan. So the war there is free, apparently? At least his spiel was mostly about the economic downside of war in Iraq, not Bush-esque circa 2004 fear mongering that his VP candidate loves to dote on and on about.