...I don't see Nintendo polling well at all.sp0rsk said:What did I say!?!?!
reilo said:Hannity: "I thought there was a life years of experience in difference between Obama and McCain, while Obama has book knowledge... even though there's nothing wrong with book knowledge."
besada said:Morris in the tank for Obama? Is hell getting chilly?
CNN's poll rates it as an Obama win.
quoting for the new pagekkaabboomm said:cnn-524 adult telephone flash poll
who won?
51% - 38% obama wins
52%-47% obama wins
58%-37% obama wins
Is that saying Obama won?kkaabboomm said:
I am. He believes Obama took Kissinger's quote out of context. I bet you he doesn't even know what the Kissinger quote Obama referenced is.Chiggs said:Somebody please tell me that someone is also watching Sean Hannity's subdued tantrum? None of his guests are agreeing with him. :lol
I'm eating it up, hahaha.Chiggs said:Somebody please tell me that someone is also watching Sean Hannity's subdued tantrum? None of his guests are agreeing with him. :lol
Good, you're watching it, too.![]()
reilo said:I am. He believes Obama took Kissinger's quote out of context. I bet you he doesn't even know what the Kissinger quote Obama referenced is.
Wexler is smacking him with a twelve inch dildo right now.
Red Blaster said:John McCain came off as a smelly, crotchety old man.
Chiggs said:Fox is moving to the middle. Swear to God. Murdoch is no dope.
Chiggs said:The Ecomony has really fucked John McCain. Any other night, he wins this one.
Suikoguy said:I seriously did not expect public opinion to be that Obama won, holy crap
ronito said:Stop deflecting and answer the question.
MaddenNFL64 said:Likeability is fucking huge in politics. We have our entrenched biases, but Obama's ability to make people "feel" good about a topic is big. I KNOW, we in this Poli-GAF community are immune to it, but people who don't hear him alot? It makes an impact.
All the current focus groups & snap polling suggest this. So far. It could change, and I could be wrong in the end, but I think most people saw Obama in a good light tonight.
iby.h said:I still hate Dick Morris
Red Blaster said:John McCain came off as a smelly, crotchety old man.
"You wanna bomb ally countries? You wanna invade ally countries?!"Chiggs said::lol :lol :lol
GhaleonEB said:http://thepage.time.com/mark-halperins-grades-for-the-first-presidential-debate/
Halperin gave it to Obama across the board.
Is that saying Obama won?
Suikoguy said:I seriously did not expect public opinion to be that Obama won, holy crap
How can liberal even watch a minute of this shit?Dot50Cal said:lol Hanity "taking off his partisan hat", and then brings up experience, lmao. What a jackass.
agrajag said:Damn, I didn't know smello-vision was out already.
SealSqueal said:I don't watch Fox, but here in Australia he did the same thing through his vast newspaper network, just before the incumbent government was wiped out in the election late last year.
SealSqueal said:I don't watch Fox, but here in Australia he did the same thing through his vast newspaper network, just before the incumbent government was wiped out in the election late last year.
I'd say it's a safe assumption to state that a majority of PoliGAF doesn't have faith in the average American.SpeedingUptoStop said:looking at the polls...Is Poli-GAF really underrating Obama's success tonight?
RapeApe said:Where are you guys getting this CNN poll?
Dude. It's HILARIOUS. It's like the Colbert Report for 4 hours straight.NomarTyme said:How can liberal even watch a minute of this shit?
Half an hour of Colbert is enough for me.reilo said:Dude. It's HILARIOUS. It's like the Colbert Report for 4 hours straight.
Pakkidis said:You guys do realize the VP debate is much more restrained than these. There will be very little opportunities to fight back on the opponents issues. Either way Palin has 6 days to get her shit together. I think it would be wise to hide her and practice, practice practice
You can say that again!typhonsentra said:It never felt so good to be wrong, eh guys?![]()
reilo said:"
HAHAHA. He had a huge smile on his face ready to show it, and they didn't have it. Dude looked deflated.
Snap. So one poll shows independent voters giving it to Obama 2:1 over McCain, and CNN's poll has Obama winning across the board. And Mark-conventional-wisdom-Halperin gives it to Obama across the board.iby.h said:Yup, it states the name of the candidate who has the highest percentage, to which Obama has all.