Stoney Mason
Republican dogma on Castro. I'm on an iphone so somebody else can give the long version.maximum360 said:What's up the Cubans?
Republican dogma on Castro. I'm on an iphone so somebody else can give the long version.maximum360 said:What's up the Cubans?
Ether_Snake said:If Palin was to have an ear-piece during the debate she would fuck up even more.
Kusagari said:Yeah, it's amazing how different parts of Florida are. I live in South Florida and literally don't know a single Republican.
Zapages said:We were both going to register through Will that be the same...
Stoney Mason said:Republican dogma on Castro. I'm on an iphone so somebody else can give the long version.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
I think Vote For Change automatically figures out the requirements based on your state (and even your area, I believe).Zapages said:We were both going to register through Will that be the same...
Trakdown said:I'd watch for a hump.
Stoney Mason said:Republican dogma on Castro. I'm on an iphone so somebody else can give the long version.
maximum360 said:What's up the Cubans?
DeaconKnowledge said:Since this thread has slowed down considerably, lemme ask:
What's with all the hate on Wolf Blitzer and CNN? People call them terrible, but I haven't seen anything that I can qualify as that. Or is it just that they don't push on issues as much as people think they should?
Pakkidis said:Wolf comes across as someone who only focuses on talking points and doesn't bother too much with the substantials behind them.
DeaconKnowledge said:What's with all the hate on Wolf Blitzer and CNN? People call them terrible, but I haven't seen anything that I can qualify as that. Or is it just that they don't push on issues as much as people think they should?
Maximilian E. said:Great!
send my prize to: Gidofalvy ut 33 in Budapest.![]()
(from now on, I will be in lurking mode then)
Trakdown said:I'd watch for a hump.
DeaconKnowledge said:Since this thread has slowed down considerably, lemme ask:
What's with all the hate on Wolf Blitzer and CNN? People call them terrible, but I haven't seen anything that I can qualify as that. Or is it just that they don't push on issues as much as people think they should?
The last segment of McCain on O'Reilly has been used in an Obama ad before, and I really like it. McCain sounds so devilishly passionate about his Bush support.Trakdown said:
McCain V. McCain
Kinda reminds me of "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake."
Trakdown said:
McCain V. McCain
Kinda reminds me of "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake."
Zaraki_Kenpachi said::lol The way he talks is creepy sometimes especially him saying he enjoyed campaigning for bush.
What is this thing about palin and a trooper?
Maximilian E. said:Has this been posted?
Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin
Fragamemnon said:
It's a real messy thing, to say the very least. The national GOP has locked down the whole investigation in their usual style, of course.
RumpledForeskin said:If they start giving out Oscars to say Lindsay Lohan or Clay Akin, the Oscars won't be as special as they are.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said::O Hadn't heard that before.
Fragamemnon said:Pelosi is asking for a final bailout agreement by tonight so that members can review the principles in full overnight and vote on it tomorrow, having th preznit sign it tomorrow afternoon/evening. The House GOP is really getting the screws put to them because a failure to get this bill out by the end of the weekend makes John McCain look even worse-instead of the "white knight to save the day" he becomes the "fool that ruined the negotiations".
Trakdown said:Even worse, the House GOP members risk looking like assholes. Most of the headlines from McCain's Fail Mary (campaign suspension+parachute mission) blamed the Republicans for stalling the passage. Pence, Boehner and company aren't going to risk taking the blame for him twice.
Freedom = $1.05 said:I'd watch for Joe Lieberman in a wig.
Trakdown said:Also, I remember hearing that there was going to be an option on dealing with the bad debts- either buying them or insuring them. I'll see if I can find the info on it.
Fragamemnon said:Senator Bennett from Utah is saying that a very large bank will fail on Monday if action isn't passed this weekend. My hunch is that it is Wachovia-the nation's fourth largest bank-whose collapse would hit the North Carolina political geography like a nuclear bomb.
Ether_Snake said:How many big banks will be left after this mess? 3?
Ether_Snake said:How many big banks will be left after this mess? 3?
Maximilian E. said:Has this been posted?
Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin
Zeliard said:This was therapeutic.
Zeliard said:This was therapeutic.
shiiiiiiiiiittt...Trakdown said:
McCain V. McCain
Kinda reminds me of "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake."
Fragamemnon said:They want the government to fix the liability/leverage problem by insuring private mortgages. The problem is that it does nothing to fix the capitalizaiton problem (which the House GOP wanted to fix with loltaxcuts), which is the immediate need. Not to mention that insuring that stuff would likely result in a huge taxpayer loss, where as the Dodd/Paulson plan that was hammered out gives the government an equity stake, screwing the shareholders but saving the day to day operations of the bank and better protecting the taxpayers.
Not bad, especially for a Friday night.Door2Dawn said:An estimated 57 million people watched the debate last night.
agrajag said:Most straight couples are fucking idiots. They keep insisting that gays can't marry because marriage is a religious concept. We're supposed to have a separation of church and fucking state. They can still get married in their church and their marriage will be recognized as a strictly religious ceremony.
GhaleonEB said:Not bad, especially for a Friday night.