will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
How is it possible that Mccain is doing everything possible to lose the election? Is he really crying for help or what?
gkrykewy said:Nevertheless, he is coming off as unpredictable and indecisive. Will he debate? Is he compromising? Is he campaigning? No one fucking knows. He is not looking very presidential.
MightyHedgehog said:Hey, dudes. I heard McCain suspended his campaign.
No one's talking about how his whole "campaign suspension" was bullshit, though.gkrykewy said:Nevertheless, he is coming off as unpredictable and indecisive. Will he debate? Is he compromising? Is he campaigning? No one fucking knows. He is not looking very presidential.
SpeedingUptoStop said:How is it possible that Mccain is doing everything possible to lose the election? Is he really crying for help or what?
I suppose... but I severally doubt Noriega will winMacam said:Since the DKos article noted that this event took place in Central Texas and I presume, at least by the mentioning of Travis County, in Austin or near it. Austin is the one consistently "blue" spot in Texas, and if and when McCain wins the state, you'll see a blue dot in the middle. That's where this is taking place. As a volunteer myself, I can safely say Austin is well organized and optimistic in spite of the state's leanings. I'll be happy enough if we can just get Rick Noriega into John Cornyn's seat for the US Senate.
Frank the Great said:Don't be too hasty. This could either help him big or backfire.
His campaign knows that this is a lost election. They need to pull stunts like this to have any sort of chance. This COULD benefit him, you never know.
RubxQub said:No one's talking about how his whole "campaign suspension" was bullshit, though.
McCain is wiling to fuck the nation to score political points. How cute.
Jesus, I don't know anything anymore.Frank the Great said:Don't be too hasty. This could either help him big or backfire.
His campaign knows that this is a lost election. They need to pull stunts like this to have any sort of chance. This COULD benefit him, you never know.
NullPointer said:Its beginning to dawn on me that my web programming skills aren't going to save my ass in the coming economipocalypse.
If anybody needs me, I'll be hiding in the nearest CostCo, waiting for the darkness to fall.
ezekial45 said:So what does this mean now? Will they continue negotiations?
NullPointer said:Its beginning to dawn on me that my web programming skills aren't going to save my ass in the coming economipocalypse.
If anybody needs me, I'll be hiding in the nearest CostCo, waiting for the darkness to fall.
Couldn't be. I've heard that guy died in secret and was replaced not long after his failed 2000 Presidential campaign. But this other McCain guy has surrogates all over the place in the media right now.Hootie said:![]()
John McCain? Isn't he that general's son who got shot down over 'Nam recently?
Dax01 said:The McMaverick. <3
Hopefully they bring some more kids by the home this week. Oh how I love swatting them with my cane.Dax01 said:oh it was fun. we had coloring time today and this time i managed to stay INSIDE the lines i was so prowed of myself. and then we had lunch and i had a juice box and it was really yummy and i also had a um other stuff for lunch as well like playdoh. it was asume.
BenjaminBirdie said:God, I really didn't fully realize the extent of how McCain fucked himself until they just spelled it out on Hardball.
a) He spends all week talking about how important it is to resolve this quickly
b) To do so he has to cross the conservative base of his party
Here is the upside in McCains gamble: Congress reaches a solution before Friday night, McCain takes credit for jawboning the lawmakers into doing it, and then he flies down to the debate looking like a man of action willing to make bold moves.
Here is the downside: Congress fails to act in time, McCain gets to blame Congress for letting the people down, he misses the debate, and Obama gets to stand on a stage without him.
Is any of that so terrible?
Yes, McCain would be blamed for being impetuous, and he does do impetuous things. (Wanting to fire Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Chris Cox and possibly replace him with Andrew Cuomo ranks right up there.)
But McCain as an action figure is not a bad image. At least he is doing something, while our president doesnt seem to be doing much of anything.
Seriously man, he's going down in flames for the 6th time.agrajag said:McCain's throwing the election. But what a glorious way to go out. Pull a scandalous stunt by not attending the debates, flying to Washington to fuck up the negotiations for the bailout bill... he's the real grinch.
Frank the Great said:I think I'm definitely going to Law School now, just to be in school and shielded from the real world for another 3 years.
StoOgE said:I dont know, without McCain coming out and backing the plan house republicans will not vote for it. This is an unpopular bill, and without protection from the head of the republican ticket they will not risk losing their seats to vote for it.
Without a majority of the house republicans voting for the bill, democrats wont even bring it to a vote, because they dont want to get blamed for passing an unpopular bill.
Basically, McCain needed to come out like Obama, Bush and all the other leadership and back this plan for everything to fall into place. Not only is he not supporting it, it sounds like he is throwing a wrench in it, all but gaurenteeing nothing happens. Unless he pulls another stunt reversal tommorow this may not happen.
If it doesnt happen, we could be completely fucked for the next decade. This could be bad. really really fucking bad. entire economy grinding to a hault bad.
Lets all hope this is some sort of attention whore move on his part.
SpeedingUptoStop said:Seriously man, he's going down in flames for the 6th time.
Reading up on this more now. I guess that's why he pushed forward an alternate GOP-sponsored plan that, for some inexplicable reason, favors a cut in the capital gains tax and less regulation.BenjaminBirdie said:God, I really didn't fully realize the extent of how McCain fucked himself until they just spelled it out on Hardball.
a) He spends all week talking about how important it is to resolve this quickly
b) To do so he has to cross the conservative base of his party
Zamorro said:
Trakdown said:*Sigh* and now there's no way in hell that anything is going to get done tonight since McCain flew to his condo in Virginia.
StoOgE said:good luck with those student loans. I dont think ya'll get how bad this could be.
Souldriver said:This is incredible. It's goddamn unreal. OMG!!!!
I'm in pain.
StoOgE said:I think there is an upside. I think every major financial leader is going to come out and roast his ass. They have to.
I actually feel slightly ill right now. This could completely and totally fuck us. I cant tell you how bad this could get. I just hope WaMu survives tommorow. Im really not kidding, if WaMu goes, the FDIC could run out of capital.
Holy fuck he may have fucked us already. JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST.
The only fitting advice Stooge could give you is:Frank the Great said:Should I start stacking up on bottled water and non-perishable food, then? Would a cardboard box investment be prudent, in your opinion?
StoOgE said:I think there is an upside. I think every major financial leader is going to come out and roast his ass. They have to.
I actually feel slightly ill right now. This could completely and totally fuck us. I cant tell you how bad this could get. I just hope WaMu survives tommorow. Im really not kidding, if WaMu goes, the FDIC could run out of capital.
Holy fuck he may have fucked us already. JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST.
BenjaminBirdie said:God, I really didn't fully realize the extent of how McCain fucked himself until they just spelled it out on Hardball.
a) He spends all week talking about how important it is to resolve this quickly
b) To do so he has to cross the conservative base of his party
Frank the Great said:Should I start stacking up on bottled water and non-perishable food, then? Would a cardboard box investment be prudent, in your opinion?
mckmas8808 said:McCain is the worst senator in the country right now.
Fragamemnon said: