The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday where Barack Obamas priority was political posturing in his opening monologue defending the package as it stands. John McCain listened to all sides so he could help focus the debate on finding a bipartisan resolution that is in the interest of taxpayers and homeowners. The Democratic interests stood together in opposition to an agreement that would accommodate additional taxpayer protections.
MrHicks said:how long till the debate?
wanna see if i wanna stay up for it and follow it live with gaf (for the live comments)
im euro so gimme a time in hours so i don't have to start converting timezone shit
Deus Ex Machina said:What time tonight?
MrHicks said:how long till the debate?
Askani said:
SIX DAYSsaelz8 said:This means no push back for VP debate.
It will be ugly!
SUCH FUCKING BULLSHIT! I cannot believe they are trying to directly blame Obama now.ShOcKwAvE said:
harSon said:So Mccain only has hours to study for the economic part of the debate? This is going to be awesome.
You have got to be kidding me! :lolShOcKwAvE said:
CNN?distantmantra said:The networks are NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX.
ShOcKwAvE said:
syllogism said:
This is even richer:pxleyes said:SUCH FUCKING BULLSHIT! I cannot believe they are trying to directly blame Obama now.
whatdog.gif"So this is a plea to President Bush, for the sake of America, please get your party in line. Get the House Republicans to be more constructive; get Sen. McCain to leave town and not throw fire on these flames. And maybe we can get something done."
Meanwhile, per a GOP congressional source, McCain has told House Republicans leaders this morning that it was time to get someone to the negotiating table and work towards a deal.
House Minority Leader Boehner has now designated the whip, Roy Blunt, to be that person.
*** UPDATE *** RNC spokesman Danny Diaz issues this statement responding to Schumer: Chuck Schumer is now attacking the person working to solve the mess he helped create. While Schumer was against reform in the housing industry, Sen. McCain was calling for it. And now that we have reached an economic crisis, Sen. McCain is focused on finding a solution and Schumer is focused on leveling political attacks.
To clarify I'm not just speaking of McCain and Palin but the entire "election" and the media moguls who are presenting it.Shaheed79 said:You guys are taking this dog and pony show way too serious sometimes. Like I said before it's like a horrible mock-Shakespearean docudrama and the American public are lapping it up.
Here is the channels showing the debate:Haunted said:Fucking up the economy is one thing, but now McCain is going to rob me of my Friday night Entertainment? Is there no atrocity he isn't ready to commit.
tak said:I just watched some of the Letterman show from last night, never cross that guy.
Thanks. Seeing CNN on that list is nice, as it's the only US channel I'm getting here. >_>Cheebs said:Here is the channels showing the debate:
Haunted said:Oh, so McCain will be attending after all? Phew.
Thanks. Seeing CNN on that list is nice, as it's the only US channel I'm getting here. >_>
I'm sure it will be streamed online everywere as well.Haunted said:Oh, so McCain will be attending after all? Phew.
Thanks. Seeing CNN on that list is nice, as it's the only US channel I'm getting here. >_>
Haunted said:Running a shitty campaign is one thing, but now McCain is going to rob me of my Friday night entertainment as well!? Is there no atrocity he isn't ready to commit.
Hey, I thought McCain wasn't going to attend for a second there, anything was possible!Pakkidis said:Do you honestly believe CNN wouldn't be showing it?![]()
Mango Positive said:Since I haven't read all the replies in this thread, this may have been posted, but her name did not come up in a search. This is pretty much how I feel about the "bailout".
Marcy Kaptur from Ohio:
Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, here is the latest reality game. Let's play Wall Street Bailout.
Rule one: Rush the decision. Time the game to fall in the week before Congress is set to adjourn and just 6 weeks before an historic election so your opponents will be preoccupied, pressured, distracted, and in a hurry.
Rule two: Disarm the public through fear. Warn that the entire global financial system will collapse and the world will fall into another Great Depression. Control the media enough to ensure that the public will not notice this.
Bailout will indebt them for generations, taking from them trillions of dollars they earned and deserve to keep.
Rule three: Control the playing field and set the rules. Hide from the public and most of the Congress just who is arranging this deal. Communicate with the public through leaks to media insiders. Limit any open congressional hearings. Communicate with Congress via private teleconferencing calls. Heighten political anxiety by contacting each political party separately. Treat Members of Congress condescendingly, telling them that the matter is so complex that they must rely on those few insiders who really do know what's going on.
Rule four: Divert attention and keep people confused. Manage the news cycle so Congress and the public have no time to examine who destroyed the prudent banking system that served America so well for 60 years after the financial meltdown of the 1920s.
Rule five: Always keep in mind the goal is to privatize gains to a few and socialize loss to the many. For 30 years in one financial scandal after another, Wall Street game masters have kept billions of dollars of their gain and shifted their losses to American taxpayers. Once this bailout is in place, the greed game will begin again.
But I have a counter-game. It's called Wall Street Reckoning. Congress shouldn't go home to campaign. It should put America's accounts in order.
To Wall Street insiders, it says ``no'' on behalf of the American people. You have perpetrated the greatest financial crimes ever on this American republic. You think you can get by with it because you are extraordinarily wealthy and the largest contributors to both Presidential and congressional campaigns in both major parties, but you are about to be brought under firm control.
First, America doesn't need to bail you out, it needs to secure the real assets and property, not your paper, that means the homes and properties of hardworking Americans who are about to lose their homes because of your mortgage greed. There should be a new job for regional Federal Reserve Banks. We want no home foreclosed if a serious work-out agreement can be put into place. And if you don't do it, we want a notarized statement by a Federal Reserve official that they tried and failed.
Second, taxpayers should directly gain any equity benefits that may flow from this historic bailout. We want the American people to get first priority in taking ownership of the institutions that want to pass their toxic paper onto the taxpayers.
Third, before any bailouts for Wall Street, America needs major job creation to rebuild our major infrastructure. America needs assets, not paper. We need working assets.
Fourth, the time for real financial regulatory change is now, not next year. A modernized Glass Eagle Act must be put in place. We need to reestablish locally-owned community savings banks across this country and create within the Justice Department a fully funded unit to prosecute every single high-flying thief whose fraud and criminal acts created this debacle and then forced their disgorgement of assets going back 15 years.
Fifth, any refinancing must return a major share of profits to a new Social Security and Medicare lockbox, where the monies can go to pay for a dignified and assured retirement for every American. This Member isn't voting for a penny of it. Those who created and profited from this game of games must be brought to justice. The assets they stole must be returned to the American taxpayers, right down to the tires on their Mercedes.
Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in cosponsoring my bill to create an independent commission to investigate these well-heeled wrongdoers. Real reform now, or nothing.
PrivateWHudson said:This is spot on with my ideas of the situation we're in and the way we should fix it. Is this the plan that McCain doesn't like?
Exactly. I know for sure it will be on CNN Live. They had the entire DNC and RNC even when no one big was talking.GhaleonEB said:I'm sure it will be streamed online everywere as well.
PrivateWHudson said:This is spot on with my ideas of the situation we're in and the way we should fix it. Is this the plan that McCain doesn't like?
CharlieDigital said:Have you seen the alternative plan he was supporting? Holy moly.....
I haven't, to be honest. All I've heard is that it offered "insurance". Gonna go look it up right now...CharlieDigital said:Have you seen the alternative plan he was supporting? Holy moly.....
Van, it's all grandstanding on his part - the only prompt he needs is the same one that's fueled his campaign for the past few months: the completely self-indulgent drive to win the presidency at whatever cost. If there isn't a prompt, he'll manufacture one as needed.VanMardigan said:You tell me the scenario in which he could've done what he did without a prompt?
Deku said:Help me out here. GAF is having a party at McCain's expense quoting op ed pieces and commentaries on McCain.
But two things I have been unable to reconcile. #1 the public is overwhelmingly against the bailout plan #2 McCain is taking the blame for blowing up the plan.
Wouldn't this HELP him???
If he were to push for number 9 I might end up supporting him.:lolGhaleonEB predicts McCain's next 10 stunts:
1. Returns to Vietnam and jails himself.
2. Offers the post of "vice vice president" to Warren Buffett.
3. Challenges Obama to suspend campaign so they both can go and personally drill for oil offshore.
4. Learns to use computer.
5. Does bombing run over Taliban-controlled tribal areas of Pakistan.
6. Offers to forgo salary, sell one house.
7. Sex-change operation.
8. Suspends campaign until Nov. 4, offers to start being president right now.
9. Sells Alaska to Russia for $700 billion.
10. Pledges to serve only one term. OK, half a term.
CharlieDigital said:Have you seen the alternative plan he was supporting? Holy moly.....
PrivateWHudson said:I haven' you have a link?
I'm talking about the public being against bailing out wall street, the entire concept of it and the protests it has spawned so far.BenjaminBirdie said:Not quite. Buchanan is wrong on this one. The public is not overwhelmingly against US feduciary solvency over the next 24 hours.
Deku said:Help me out here. GAF is having a party at McCain's expense quoting op ed pieces and commentaries on McCain.
But two things I have been unable to reconcile. #1 the public is overwhelmingly against the bailout plan #2 McCain is taking the blame for blowing up the plan.
Wouldn't this HELP him???
KING: Didn't you introduce Obama at a rally?
ROCK: I introduced Obama at the Apollo Theater not too long ago. I think Obama would be great. I mean, just look the big thing right now is the economy. And people are going broke. And here: The choice isn't Republican or Democrat. The choice is you got a guy that's worth $150 million with 12 houses against a guy who's worth a million dollars with one house.
KING: Well --
ROCK: The guy with one house really cares about losing a house, because he is homeless. The other guy can lose five houses and still got a bunch of houses. Does this make any sense? Am I the only one that sees this?
KING: It's unique way of ...
ROCK: I'm just saying, John McCain could lose half his houses.
KING: You got a point.
ROCK: And sleep well.