soul creator said:Sarah Palin's dossier is thinner than an EA Sports instruction manual
Ho-lee shit :lol :lol
soul creator said:Sarah Palin's dossier is thinner than an EA Sports instruction manual
Perhaps it was people, though nielsen ratings are usually households. Still, through the four days the average was 22.5m households. Regardless, the original point stands. Few people would vote based on punditry and short speech excerpts.capslock said:Wait, I thought it was 38 million PEOPLE, where are you getting this figure from? That's half the households there are in the country.
BenjaminBirdie said:PLUS his pick, no matter who it was, was scheduled for 11 AM. No one at the Obama camp expected to own the weekend.
Which, again, makes McCain's making a decision based in any way on "DOOD PWNING THE NEWZ CYCLE" all the more colossally stupid.
capslock said:I never said she was a wonderful pick, she's a fucking terrible pick, but it makes everyone reasses McCain, and not all will do it in a negative way, and it keeps the media talking about his choice. That's what McCain needs, that's what he wants, the celebrity ads were stupid as hell, but the MSM picked up that bullshit and ran with it for almost a month.
capslock said:Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.
capslock said:Wait, I thought it was 38 million PEOPLE, where are you getting this figure from? That's half the households there are in the country.
Xeke said:It doesn't matter. The only thing on all the news channels right now is the Hurricane.
The maxim that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" doesn't exactly hold true for politics.capslock said:I never said she was a wonderful pick, she's a fucking terrible pick, but it makes everyone reasses McCain, and not all will do it in a negative way, and it keeps the media talking about his choice. That's what McCain needs, that's what he wants, the celebrity ads were stupid as hell, but the MSM picked up that bullshit and ran with it for almost a month.
thekad said:Judgement? Tell me you're not going to bring up his pastor.
BenjaminBirdie said:Yeah, I was saying that on Friday morning, underscoring what a dumb idea this was in the first place because of the Hurricane.
*shakes head*
Just....such a bad decision.
Obviously, since the democrats were able to book a week between Fay and Gustav.worldrunover said:So when were they supposed to do it? A week ago when they saw the hurricane coming through their crystal balls?
esbern said:i leave for 3 hours and a bunch of dudes are acting like they understand pregnacy. good lord this is just pitiful
Agent Icebeezy said:Well, I watched my wife do it twice. I think I know a preggo woman when I see one.
Right front quadrant.Suikoguy said:
It does not look good, they are already starting mandatory evacuations.
They are not fooling around this time.
Bad luck for the RNC, this will probably take top story for most of the week.
thekad said:Krowley: So you must really have problems with McCain's judgement.
Krowley said:I like McCain on a personal level. I voted for him in primary against bush. He was wrong about the war, but so was almost everybody else. McCain has had pretty good judgement about most things for most of his career... But that's not even it. It's a personality choice.
I like the guy, I trust the guy. Period.
Frank the Great said:You trust a politician even after his massive flip-flops?
And people say Obama supporters have a messiah complex.
Kolgar said:This thread to me, is like the "Blu-ray takeover watch" thread all over again: It's all one side crowing about how bad of shape HD DVD (McCain/Palin) is in.
Well, hehehe, maybe it's true. Or maybe we're all in for a surprise.
At any rate, you can't deny that the Palin pick has energized conservatives and set the stage for a powerful RNC next week.
And all the Palin bashing? I detect a whiff of fear.![]()
Kolgar said:This thread to me, is like the "Blu-ray takeover watch" thread all over again: It's all one side crowing about how bad of shape HD DVD (McCain/Palin) is in.
Well, hehehe, maybe it's true. Or maybe we're all in for a surprise.
At any rate, you can't deny that the Palin pick has energized conservatives and set the stage for a powerful RNC next week.
And all the Palin bashing? I detect a whiff of fear.![]()
I think most of the fear is: Oh my god there's a chance that this woman might become president one day.Kolgar said:And all the Palin bashing? I detect a whiff of fear.![]()
capslock said:Come on, Obama's campaign apparently doesn't have anything beyond two pages on Palin in their dossiers, they had plenty of attack ads ready to run for Romney or Pawlenty. They're taking things for granted I think.
Frank the Great said:You trust a politician even after his massive flip-flops?
And people say Obama supporters have a messiah complex.
Frank the Great said:You trust a politician even after his massive flip-flops?
And people say Obama supporters have a messiah complex.
First, Governor Palin is not merely, as Jay describes her, "all-American", but hyper-American. What other country in the developed world produces beauty queens who hunt caribou and serve up a terrific moose stew? As an immigrant, I'm not saying I came to the United States purely to meet chicks like that, but it was certainly high on my list of priorities. And for the gun-totin' Miss Wasilla then to go on to become Governor while having five kids makes it an even more uniquely American story. Next to her resume, a guy who's done nothing but serve in the phony-baloney job of "community organizer" and write multiple autobiographies looks like just another creepily self-absorbed lifelong member of the full-time political class that infests every advanced democracy.
Second, it can't be in Senator Obama's interest for the punditocracy to spends its time arguing about whether the Republicans' vice-presidential pick is "even more" inexperienced than the Democrats' presidential one.
Third, real people don't define "experience" as appearing on unwatched Sunday-morning talk shows every week for 35 years and having been around long enough to have got both the War on Terror and the Cold War wrong. (On the first point, at the Gun Owners of New Hampshire dinner in the 2000 campaign, I remember Orrin Hatch telling me sadly that he was stunned to discover how few Granite State voters knew who he was.) Sarah Palin and Barack Obama are more or less the same age, but Governor Palin has run a state and a town and a commercial fishing operation, whereas (to reprise a famous line on the Rev Jackson) Senator Obama ain't run nothin' but his mouth. She's done the stuff he's merely a poseur about. Post-partisan? She took on her own party's corrupt political culture directly while Obama was sucking up to Wright and Ayers and being just another get-along Chicago machine pol (see his campaign's thuggish attempt to throttle Stanley Kurtz and Milt Rosenberg on WGN the other night).
Fourth, Governor Palin has what the British Labour Party politician Denis Healy likes to call a "hinterland" - a life beyond politics. Whenever Senator Obama attempts anything non-political (such as bowling), he comes over like a visiting dignitary to a foreign country getting shanghaied into some impenetrable local folk ritual. Sarah Palin isn't just on the right side of the issues intellectually. She won't need the usual stage-managed "hunting" trip to reassure gun owners: she's lived the Second Amendment all her life. Likewise, on abortion, we're often told it's easy to be against it in principle but what if you were a woman facing a difficult birth or a handicapped child? Been there, done that.
Fifth, she complicates all the laziest Democrat pieties. Energy? Unlike Biden and Obama, she's been to ANWR and, like most Alaskans, supports drilling there.
Sixth (see Kathleen's link to Craig Ferguson below), I kinda like the whole naughty librarian vibe.
Why would he put a small-town mayor a heartbeat away from the presidency?
This is a real laugher. By the same logic, why would the Democrats make a state legislator the actual president? The answer is that Obama is a US Senator of three years experience, and Palin is a governor of 20 months experience. Only Barack Obama has spent two of those three years not in the Senate doing his job but running for President. Before starting his bid, he had a grand total of less than 150 days in session in the Senate. Palin, on the other hand, has run her state for more than triple that time.
And lets remember that Obama is running for the top job, while Palins running for VP.
McCain cant talk about experience any more hes shot himself in the foot!
Unfortunately for the critics, this argument doesnt hold water, either. All four principals are running for the highest executive position in the federal government indeed, the position in charge of the entire executive branch. How much executive experience does Obama have? None; hes worked in corporate law, community organizing, and has eleven years as a legislator at various levels. Biden? Hes been a lawyer for three years and a Senator for 35 years, and has no executive experience at any level of government.
McCain at least has executive experience as a squadron commander in the US Navy, but Palin has the actual executive track record that the others lack. She has governed Alaska for 20 months, negotiated a pipeline deal with Canada (which gives her more formal diplomatic experience than either Obama or Biden), was commander-in-chief of Alaskas National Guard, and so on. Even her more local-level experience is more applicable than Obamas: she served two terms as mayor, an executive position, cutting taxes and running a small city. Obama served in the state legislature, with no executive responsibilities at all.
frankthurk said:In general... 'flip-flopping' is not the horrible thing people have made it out to be. Much worse is what the current admin does of making a decision and then sticking to it regardless of new information. So can we stop bitching about 'flip-flopping' please?
Kolgar said:At any rate, you can't deny that the Palin pick has energized conservatives and set the stage for a powerful RNC next week.
Wait, his pick of a hardcore conservative shows that he's still independent-minded behind the scenes?Krowley said:This VP pick just demonstrates that he's still that kind of guy behind the scenes.
Yeah, but how many of them are still supporting it now? Everyone makes mistakes, but refusing to even acknowledge them is a sign of immaturity and a complete lack of judgment.Krowley said:I like McCain on a personal level. I voted for him in primary against bush. He was wrong about the war, but so was almost everybody else.
soul creator said:well, if McCain "flip flopped" as a result of a thorough reinvestigation of the facts, then sure, flip flopping is great.
If you "flip-flop" because you started slipping in the polls and needed to shore up your base, and take a position as purely a political move, then yeah, it's a problem.
Of course, flip-flop is an annoying phrase in general.
mj1108 said:The 41m number comes from the fact that CSPAN and I believe PBS don't track in the Neilsens. Plus you have everyone who watched it online.
140.85 said:Ah, I love the smell of insecurity in the morning.
140.85 said:I love you Mark Steyn![]()
Some more good reading for those who might want an alternative to the *snicker* "discussion" going on in this thread.
Palin Makes Good First Impression: Is Viewed More Favorably than Biden
Palin Fought for Reform in Alaska
Desperation from Democrats
The Baby is her Daughters Palin Smear
Was Sarah Palin a Buchananite?
The framing of the shrew
The Washington Post on the Palin "Scandal"
Sarah Palin and Creationism
Ah, I love the smell of insecurity in the morning.
I'm a pretty die hard independent who just happens to have actually listened to Obama and found him to be a revolutionary figure.Kolgar said:This thread to me, is like the "Blu-ray takeover watch" thread all over again: It's all one side crowing about how bad of shape HD DVD (McCain/Palin) is in.
Well, hehehe, maybe it's true. Or maybe we're all in for a surprise.
At any rate, you can't deny that the Palin pick has energized conservatives and set the stage for a powerful RNC next week.
And all the Palin bashing? I detect a whiff of fear.![]()
140.85 said:Some more good reading for those who might want an alternative to the *snicker* "discussion" going on in this thread.
Palin Makes Good First Impression: Is Viewed More Favorably than Biden
Palin Fought for Reform in Alaska
Desperation from Democrats
The Baby is her Daughters Palin Smear
Was Sarah Palin a Buchananite?
The framing of the shrew
The Washington Post on the Palin "Scandal"
Sarah Palin and Creationism
Ah, I love the smell of insecurity in the morning.
TDG said:Wait, his pick of a hardcore conservative shows that he's still independent-minded behind the scenes?
Translation: People aren't parroting the same talking points as me. They must be stupid or something!Some more good reading for those who might want an alternative to the *snicker* "discussion" going on in this thread.
Slurpy said:Some good reading? Are you fucking serious? Do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously with those pathetic jokes of links?
Hotair? Rightwingnuthouse? Weeklystandard? Protein Wisdom? Littlegreenfootballs? (a cesspool of bigotry and discrimination)?
We already know where you get all your shitty talking points. Try looking beyond right wing blogs for objective information.
I see your point. By "independent-minded" I was thinking you meant independent in a politocal views sense, which would be completely untrue. My bad.Krowley said:His party and even his advisers clearly wanted him to pick someone safe. Pawlenty or Romney.