Apparently beating one of the biggest political machines of all time over the course of a harsh primary campaign, being elected Harvard Law Review president (an accomplishment far more distinguished and difficult to accomplish than anything Palin has done by a magnitude of fifty billion), being a community organizer in the south side of Chicago, being a State Senator of a RELEVANT state for over 3 years, being in the state legislature for six years is beaten by...
...being on the city council of a FUCKING WASILLA ALASKA, a population of 6000 people. Then she became mayor of this same bumfuck city in the middle of nowhere. She has a degree in journalism, where she wasn't even a distinguished student. She was involved in a middling whistleblowing campaign against some Republican leaders on the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission over a year, and has served as governor for... 20 months.
So the majority of her "political" life was spent being the mayor of a irrelevant town in the middle of a nothing state while eating moose burgers and mothering 23 children and an alien.
Let's be sincere. I don't want to be a hypocrite. There is no experience on Earth that can prepare anyone to be president. The problem everyone has is that the experience attack was always bogus for Obama, and now suddenly it's off the table by this pick who is even less experienced. If you think McCain genuinely believes that Palin is in the best position to run this country if he isn't, you're a fucking liar and nobody will ever believe a single word you say for the rest of this thread.
Just like Biden was a transparent attempt to prop up Obama's foreign experience, Palin was a cynical hail mary to grab bitter Hillarytards and attach some form of relevant "history making" to his ticket. The fact that the symbolism of her selection is in abject opposition to the idea of feminism, the fact that she is not actually being chosen for her qualifications in the first place is besides the point.
So we've always known experience was off the table. That's why we've voted for Obama, because we think he has the judgment and pertinent positions that applies to what it means to be PRESIDENT. And he had to prove that shit, as he did over six months of brilliant political jockeying and triangulation. And he did that by his amazing grasp of the facts, being as ridiculously intelligent as he is. And of course if you believe in many of the things he believes in, that is the final reason many support him.
So we don't care who has more experience, because that has always been a retarded argument. And McCain agrees since he picked what is likely one of the top five least experienced vice presidential candidates in U.S. history.
But even factoring in the lack of experience, there are already far more horrific alarms:
1. The fact that McCain has
only talked to Palin once, and met her once. What judgment is this shit? It's called a "rush to action."
2. The fact that Palin
doesn't even know what exactly the VP does, which is the absolute biggest sign that this candidate is a horrible choice.
3. The fact that Palin
doesn't even know what her parties platform on foreign policy is as late as a few weeks ago. How she outright admits that she knows not one thing about foreign policy, despite the fact that her son is going to Iraq. This is a lady who will have to fucking negotiate with the most dangerous countries in the world, if "worst case."
4. The fact that Palin
legitimately believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in school, which is an egregious violation of anyone with intelligence.
5. The fact that Palin - who is trying to make a grab for these Hillarytards - believed only a few weeks ago that
Hillary Clinton was a whiner. And she laughs as a radio host calls her colleague - who has a cancer, something McCain should be familiar with -
a "bitch" and a "cancer." So she doesn't even have the dignity to act as a good surrogate for her ridiculous example of tokenism.