PantherLotus said:!!! time to bring back the fainting women. :lol
Or the sign of a crappy political system, neither of which either side of the aisle has any motivation to change (or right to bitch about). This is common for all candidates and is a non issue. Nobody in their right mind would accuse their opponent of this, regardless of truth, because they too have to do the same thing. Prevention of hypocrisy, if you will.
Surely you don't want to discuss how much time McCain has spent campaigning for elections, reelections, and presidential runs?
Nah dude it's all goo-PantherLotus said:did i mention i freaking LOVE Hottie McPreggers? Am I weird?
PantherLotus said:I want to tickle that popped out belly button.
lexdysia said:The gray hair line seemed like a stretch and a clear reaction to Palin's appointment though.
NullPointer said:I think if a person collapses at a McCain rally they're staying down.
Tamanon said:The one about him getting gray on the trail? That's been in his stump for months!
RubxQub said:MSNBC deciding that Obama's speech is not good enough to be played![]()
UltimaKilo said:
The economy is on an upswing Obama avoiding recession with 3% growth, which is very healthy. But he will NEVER look into that fact.
does it really 'POP' out?PantherLotus said:did i mention i freaking LOVE Hottie McPreggers? I want to tickle that popped out belly button. Am I weird?
UltimaKilo said:
The economy is on an upswing Obama avoiding recession with 3% growth, which is very healthy. But he will NEVER look into that fact.
Much thanks.UltimaKilo said:CNN man!
Shiggie said:does it really 'POP' out?
UltimaKilo said:
The economy is on an upswing Obama avoiding recession with 3% growth, which is very healthy. But he will NEVER look into that fact.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly summary of job data for July 2008.
Among the most notable items in the report:
Unemployment rose from 5.5% in June to 5.7% in July.
There were 51,000 fewer jobs in July. Total job loss for 2008 so far is 463,000. That is an average of 66,000 jobs lost per month.
The most notable losses were in construction, manufacturing and employment services. The drop for employment services indicates far fewer companies are using temporary help.
The report also mentioned that teenagers and young adults who usually take on part-time jobs during the summer have had challenges in finding a job this year.
UltimaKilo said:Did he just make it seem that Military men and women don't have access to school? Even their families have access to schooling after that bill pushed by Bush. However the other part of that is a great idea: if you serve the government, they will pay for your school.
Jak140 said:I love how UltimaKilo pretends to be some well-informed unbiased moderate by making accusations that consistently turn out to be false or misinformed.
:O!PantherLotus said:I've always heard it compared to a turkey thermometer. That's how you know they're done.
Jason's Ultimatum said:What's sadder is that he's a Dolphin's fan.
Tamanon said:wat? The bill was pushed by Webb and they had to make sure and get a veto-proof majority because Bush had threatened to veto it, because it might hurt retention.
Jason's Ultimatum said:What's sadder is that he's a Dolphin's fan.
UltimaKilo said:You are correct, butthe President did endorse it early on. I mistook it with the President's signing of the Hubbard Act this month.
theviolenthero said:That's not true,sorry.
UltimaKilo said:Well alright, educate me. I couldn't find anything on Bush opposing it only about him talking about it during his state of the union address.
UltimaKilo said:Well alright, educate me. I couldn't find anything on Bush opposing it only about him talking about it during his state of the union address.
He used it during his acceptance speech but I agree, it's one of his most memorable lines to date.Tamanon said:"Pick yourself up by the bootstraps, even if you don't have boots" good line.
Propagandhim said:From Sean Hannity's website:
Decision to pick Gov Sarah Plain:
83% - Brilliant
9% - Not sure yet
3% - Don't like her
6% - I wanted someone else
FixedPropagandhim said:From Sean Hannity's website:
Asses are used for:
83% - Pulling information out of
9% - Not sure yet
3% - Pooping
6% - Republicans rule
theviolenthero said:Basically, Bush put forth his own bill that was cheaper than Webb's.
Some Department of Defense officials and President Bush had argued that the measures would hurt servicemember retention in a time when retention is critical for the military. A Government Accountability Office study that had been cited by opponents states that retention will drop by 16%, while proponents counter that the same study predicts recruitment will be up by 16% due to the new incentives this bill would create. Senator Webb also pointed out that currently, "recent studies show that 70% of all enlisted members get out at or before their initial enlistment."
While President Bush had initially threatened to veto the bill, in early June of 2008 the White House signaled he might be willing to sign it along with the war funding bill. He wanted to see transferability between spouses and dependents added onto the new G.I. Bill, making it more valuable to career military personal that would like to pay for their spouse or child's education.[1] On June 19, 2008 this provision was added to the war funding bill and President Bush indicated he would sign such a bill.
Propagandhim said:6% - I wanted someone else
UltimaKilo said:There.
DeaconKnowledge said:So, Krowley and other Republicans, I would really like your take on Palin personally admitting
That she didn't know what a VP did less than a month ago
Has admitted to no knowledge of the Iraq war
...but shouldn't our world leaders be more informed on the issues than me and you? Isn't that just a basic requisite of the job in question?Krowley said:On the VP thing, if you read it in context, it was clearly the standard stock answer that potential VP's give when they're trying to look uninterested in the job. She's saying "I'm not so interested in a job where I'm not going to be doing anything, I'm perfectly happy up here in Alaska, staying Busy. " she's joking around about the VP slot, whcih historicly is only a stepping stone. Dick Cheyney is obviously a different situation, but McCain is not going to give any VP that kind of influence. The fact that so many in this thread is linking to that quote out of context is pretty misleading, although I'm sure most of them are doing it accidentaly.
The Iraq quote I've seen strikes me more as if she's trying to avoid taking a hard stance, and therefore avoiding specifics. She probably doesn't know a whole lot about the Iraq war, or foreign policy, but I Imagine she probably has at least a laymans understanding. The fact that she's so conversant on energy policy tells me that she's not intellectualy incurious enough to be clueless about the biggest news story of the last 8 years. Based on the cnbc interview I listened to a little while ago, that doesn't seem likley at all. She's not the type to be quite that ignorant.
Krowley said:On the VP thing, if you read it in context, it was clearly the standard stock answer that potential VP's give when they're trying to look uninterested in the job. She's saying "I'm not so interested in a job where I'm not going to be doing anything, I'm perfectly happy up here in Alaska, staying Busy. " she's joking around about the VP slot, whcih historicly is only a stepping stone. Dick Cheyney is obviously a different situation, but McCain is not going to give any VP that kind of influence. The fact that so many in this thread is linking to that quote out of context is pretty misleading, although I'm sure most of them are doing it accidentaly.
The Iraq quote I've seen strikes me more as if she's trying to avoid taking a hard stance, and therefore avoiding specifics. She probably doesn't know a whole lot about the Iraq war, or foreign policy, but I Imagine she probably has at least a laymans understanding. The fact that she's so conversant on energy policy tells me that she's not intellectualy incurious enough to be clueless about the biggest news story of the last 8 years. Based on the cnbc interview I listened to a little while ago, that doesn't seem likley at all. She's not the type to be quite that ignorant.