DEO3 said:I just found out my Mom is no longer voting for McCain because of Palin.
Holy shit.
To add to the anecdotal evidence...
Some background: my mom is a single mom who came to the US in the 70's and 80's to study. She's well educated with a masters in sociology and a masters in math (I know, doesn't make sense to me either).
She was a die hard Hillary supporter and voted for her in the primaries. She was also very upset that Obama didn't pick Hillary; in her view, it was "insulting" not to pick her and she thought it was a very stupid mistake. Even up to the DNC, when I forced her to watch Obama's speech, she wasn't convinced. Prior to that, she was leaning McCain. She still would have preferred an Obama/Clinton ticket.
Fast forward: last night, my mom came over for dinner. It was the first chance that I had to talk to her about her feelings on the Palin pick. Wow. She went nuts. She was off the wall with fury. She was furious over the pick. Full out ranting and yelling like only a crazy Asian lady could (my wife could barely understand her :lol it would have made a hit Youtube video, but I didn't have a camera ready :lol). She was ranting about everything from her perception of arrogance on Palin's part to the fact that Hillary had to work for it, but Palin ended up stealing her spotlight. She was also upset that McCain was clearly simply trying to steal the female vote by picking her.
In conclusion: I think with a certain demographic of women (well educated, upper-middle class, working women like my mom), they can see through this and it's going to totally backfire on him.