Okay, so Ms. Palin thought she could dispel the rumors with this press release. It won't work. This answers almost none of the questions about her activity and decisions on April 17th, when she claimed her water broke while attending an "energy forum" in Texas. She is reported to have stayed for the forum, delivered a speech, taken a very long flight back to Alaska, then another hour's drive to Palmer where she gave birth at 6:30 the next morning. So, even if we don't run with the idea that this baby was Bristol's, there are serious questions about these actions. The baby is said to be a baby with Down Syndrome, which she knew, but never, ever mentioned prior to the birth. Did she deliberately handle this birth carelessly because she cared less for this child? Has anyone seen the child? The picture in the Anchorage paper doesn't show a child with any of the characteristic facial features of a baby with Down Syndrome. Is the child Down Syndrome, or did he suffer brain damage during this careless delivery? And what was this "energy forum" that was apparently so important that she put this child, herself, and the passengers and crew of the Alaska Airlines plane at risk?