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Politico: Trump surprised that government can’t be run like his business, aides say

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Guys.. please. Obviously the staff looks exhausted because Donny is keeping his promises and they are just tired of winning. It just makes sense.


Eisenhower knew how to compromise and work with government officials though. He had to not only please the US government, but the government and soldiers from other countries.
Then again I'm in the group that thinks Truman was a complete baffoon and completely unqualified to be president

Yep, hence for Eisenhower it was an adjustment, but not a completely different worldview.

(As for Truman, FDR had some, err, interesting VPs.)

Is Trump seriously surprised that he can't just force in any law he wants?! Did this cretin know nothing about what the position might entail before he started his campaign?!

The entire campaign, hell even before it, it was pretty clear to me he figured other presidents had simply been terrible at their jobs because they didn't have the "guts" to tell people "what needed to be done." IE, no he had no idea that the position doesn't rule by decree.


Is Trump seriously surprised that he can't just force in any law he wants?! Did this cretin know nothing about what the position might entail before he started his campaign?!

He honestly thought Bill, Obama, and Hillary were unilaterally in control of government in the debates. He described the times that presidents were in power as "reigns". This should not be surprising.


Is Trump seriously surprised that he can't just force in any law he wants?! Did this cretin know nothing about what the position might entail before he started his campaign?!

Actually makes a lot of sense. A lot of his supporters think the same way, I.E. the president has unlimited power and he can make things happen with a snap of his fingers. Which is also why they think Obama was a bad president because he couldn't get anything done
and because he is black


The worse thing is you can easily imagine Trump hoping for something bad to happen to help push through his agenda.


One thing to keep in mind is that a business is a totalitarian power structure. The owner runs it as a dictator. You must do what the owner, or their agents, instructs at all times and you can be removed from the business totally at the whim of the owner. The last thing you actually want is a country run like a business.

That's why its fucked. He's going to figure out how to run the country like a business and he's going to run it into the ground.


There are guys who go in thinking they will shape the job, but this particular job will definitely shape them instead.


One thing to keep in mind is that a business is a totalitarian power structure. The owner runs it as a dictator. You must do what the owner, or their agents, instructs at all times and you can be removed from the business totally at the whim of the owner. The last thing you actually want is a country run like a business.
Privately held businesses like trump's are, at least. A CEO of a publicly traded company would at least be used to some form of governance.


Jeepers, what a shock that an entire country can't be run Iike a business. Who would have thought that a know-nothing egomaniacal slapfuck would struggle so pathetically in a political role that demands knowledge and competence? Truly, this is a profound revelation.

It's almost like expertise is a whole different thing than limpdick braggadocio.


Spicer showing up with a squirt gun would have been pretty funny actually

Yeah, that would have defused the atmosphere, but Trump wants to have that totalitarian aura, no matter the cost. I mean, I feel pity for him and sometimes I just think that he really has something like a good heart of good intentions. But then Bannon takes over and basically tries to complete his far-right coup.

Dictators around the world use the good cop / bad cop approach. They don't think that it's quite weird to punch their populace and then smile at the cameras. That's how fear works and I will interpret the situation at the WH as being part of some plan. Even though most of it is sheer incompetence.
I am pretty sure that Trump's health is gonna take a nosedive due to the stress of office. As bad as it is to say this, I hope he suffers for his bullshit. The man is not only grossly incompetent, he seems to be outright evil.

It is good to imagine how he fumes at every little slight that is sent his way though.


Aww, poor baby. I hope he chokes on checks and balances for the next four years, leaving office with a tarnished name and a sad legacy.

If he lives that long. Considering his diet, sleep schedule (just look at when he tweets) and stress level are taking their toll already, he'll probably blow his heart out straining on the shitter, Elvis-style, rage-tweeting about Saturday Night Live in all caps.


Anyone spouting this "gotta run guvment like a BUSINESS" shit was a fucking moron. Corporate and government structure are nothing alike. You don't get slapped on the wrist for fucking up majorly, you go to fucking prison.

You also can't steal taxpayer money from the government to fund your business when the business is the government.


I am pretty sure that Trump's health is gonna take a nosedive due to the stress of office. As bad as it is to say this, I hope he suffers for his bullshit. The man is not only grossly incompetent, he seems to be outright evil.

It is good to imagine how he fumes at every little slight that is sent his way though.
There's still a chance that his component molecules will rebel on general principle and make him collapse into a hideous flesh blob on live TV.
I am pretty sure that Trump's health is gonna take a nosedive due to the stress of office. As bad as it is to say this, I hope he suffers for his bullshit. The man is not only grossly incompetent, he seems to be outright evil.

It is good to imagine how he fumes at every little slight that is sent his way though.

People will say it's disgusting or wrong to think this way but I feel the exact same. This man has ruined families, he's ruined the health and well being of other people and he will with enough time strip people of basic rights. If he does get sick, I hope it's slow and painful. Hope the same for Bannon and Mitch McConnell.
I hope this confounds him at every moment enough to admit that government cannot be run like a business and libertarians will stop clutching to that concept.


Running government like a business has been a conservative cornerstone for decades. People still fall for it. For those that don't really understand how government works and don't follow politics, I can understand why they'd fall prey to that line of thinks.

Too many people think government and business are interchangeable concepts. So, if a guy can run a successful business, why can't he do the same for government?
I hope this confounds him at every moment enough to admit that government cannot be run like a business and libertarians will stop clutching to that concept.

Like Bannon, they'll never admit to it and rather than run it competently they'll still support idiots like Trump for the expressed purpose of having him topple and destroy the democratic government. Rather than admit a fault with their ideals, they'd have it all crash and burn taking millions with it.
Well, if he run government like one of his businesses; then maybe he would be prepared for meetings and phone calls, he would have read and reflect the important stuff, and he would know exactly what's going on in "his" company.

Instead, I get the feeling that he's fully overchallenged and unfit for this position. He doesn't even know (nor understand) the very basics of "government", and with this lack of basic knowledge he already embarrassed himself several times.

This story won't end well, neither for him, nor for the US.


He reminds of my mother.

If he actually listened to people when they talk to him he would have avoided himself this frustration and greif.

So infuriating.
They're exhausted and haven't even faced a problem they didn't make for themselves yet.
It's gotten to the point now that I'm not longer worried about Trump and his cronies exploiting the next terrorist attack to grab more power. They've already proven themselves to be too incompetent to manipulate public opinion like the Bush administration did. Trump will personally too busy spinning victory laps over the corpses to play the sympathetic goof role that Bush played so well for example.


Can someone his age really last 8 years of this? I bet we will start hearing about medical issues in the next 4 months
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