Shock horror, you can't run a country like a businessman, where you fire who you want when you want, don't have to consider peoples lives outside of work, can pack your bags and not do business with people you don't like etc etc etc
you have to be diplomatic to be....a diplomat
There is a genuine prospect Trump will destroy America's international presence and alienate all other countries, and his inconsistent statements on china are particularly bad as they could easily take up the 'slack' on the international stage left by the wake of America
He just comes across like a grumpy old man shouting at everyone and it will not end well for him or the country! Sure trump voters think his aims are just and his ideals are laudable but surely SURELY they have to realise that he doesn't have the ability to deliver!
I mean I love classic cars, they have all the looks I want, unfortunately the reality is they are occasionally good and unable to be used daily as they don't have any reliability or consistency, Trump (in my awful metaphor) is surely like that to Trump voters? great idea with absolutely awful inconsistent execution