Duane Cunningham
No one knows who the fuck he is outside of NYC so he doesn't really matter. His sushi probably sucks.
Yeah, this. My takeaway from the article is that he just sounds like some dumb out of touch asshole who's probably too old to get that the world is finally pushing back on shitty racial stereotype "humor". But I don't get why he's important enough that I'm supposed to care who he is.
Last week I was paying for my lunch at the grocery store, and it was sushi from the sushi bar section of the deli there. There's a bagger who works there who is just the biggest creep, he's visually creepy, his awkward small talk is creepy as fucking hell.
Anyway, I paid for my sushi and he looked up, squinted his eyes, stuck out his front teeth and bleated out "AH SOOSHI, DANIEL-SUN??". He was so loud. It didn't even sound like Pat Morita, either, more like a cross between Kahn from King of the Hill and the waiters from Christmas Story, but high pitched like Starscream/Cobra Commander.
I'm not Asian, but I was still kind of frozen in my tracks for a second, like I couldn't believe it. The rest of the day I kept thinking of clever things I could have responded with, but unfortunately at the moment I just shuffled out gape jawed.
Anyway... he doesn't deserve an article either.
EDIT: this is a good point though:
Yes from an outlet called eater who specializes in food news this totally should be an article. There's tons of great sushi in NYC so people should know what this guy stands for and make a conscious decision on whether or not to visit his restaurant based on that. Just like the quality of the fish the actions of a sushi chef could ruin an otherwise perfectly good meal.