There is, in my opinion a difference between a real Japanese accent and the immediate stereotypes someone who doesnt speak the language run to.Dude I think he's just trying to be cute, but comes across as a dumbass. He's not even saying Japanese words apparently. He's saying English words that he's fully capable of pronouncing correctly, and doing it in a Japanese accent for whatever reason.
Like if you walked into a Curry place and some Michael Cera looking motherfucker was randomly going Apu on your ass, you wouldn't think he was full of shit lol?
The article only has his saying delicious with a Japanese accent. For all I know its like people who insist on pronouncing manga names correctly even when they are speaking in english.
Delicious may be english, but its used in Japan like a thousand other words. I just hope he said 'deliciousu'.
Er, this is the exact opposite of saying 'ching chong' I knew someone would try that.