If you go outside you see so many guys below 6' with cute girlfriends.
a hot dude with a fat woman? super rare.
fat women got it way worse think. sure they could change it, but studies show it's very hard and next to impossible. you could argue it's their own mistake, though. but I am in the camp that says you should not discriminate against either. but sexual preference is not discrimination.
I'm 6'2" and it's pretty neat. Except when people at the grocery store ask me to get things for them on the top shelf.
Also hotel shower heads are placed way too low. I have to crouch down to rinse.
As someone considered tall(I guess), its very weird how its now clamored for. While I wouldn't say I was a reject by any means, growing up I still would get jokes about being long and lanky and having bigger feet. Now women basically have height requirements on their dating profiles. Not complaining but people are very strange.
Being very tall is just as much a target of ridicule though.
Being short or average sucks if you're on dating websites, I'm sorry short/average men. But, otherwise, the world is made for you.
I'm not even very tall (6'4"), but here are the things that get progressively worse the taller you get:
- Cars
- Flying
- Trains
- Movie theatres
- Theatres / Concert halls (these are actually the worst, I don't go to theatres because most were built a century ago and are extremely physically uncomfortable... I was in physical pain at the end of 'Fiddler on the Roof,' legitimately almost walked out during the brutally long second act because the chairs in the old, historic theatre were horrible for anybody 6ft +)
- Booths at restaurants
- Desks
- Pants
- Shirts
- Shoes, boots
- Doorways
- Beds
- Old buildings
- Ceiling fans
- Boats
- Bed sheets
- Blankets
- Hotels
- Roller coasters
- Most rides at theme parks
- ...
So, average-sized guys, you've got your casual discrimination when dating... people discriminate against you because dating is a discriminatory thing by design... You're looking for someone you like and discriminating from people you don't like. Very tall people (6'6" +) have real structural and systematic discrimination when living their regular life, every day.
Oh shit, happy birthday.Mine's December 28th so I'm kind of used to being by myself during those days since people are usually spending the holidays with family, but I get how it can feel crappy. I'll raise a glass of wine in your name. If you want to co-op a game or whatever just let me know. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday yo.
Well there are positive sides to being short. For example if you work out you look more buff more easily. Also you won't get as much back pain when older.
But some women definitely care about height. Many of my woman friends basically have a rule that a guy has to be over ~180cm. "It would look weird if I were taller than him when wearing heels" etc are stuff that I have heard them say.
I don't think I know a single lady who would be willing to date a shorter man, much less someone their same height.
I have had lesbians tell me that they wanted somebody shorter than them for a partner. I'm 5'9" and while it is a pretty normal height than I'm happy with, it kinda sucks when they tell you that. Despite getting asked to grab stuff from top shelves on clothing stores. And I quite like when girls are taller than me.
I had to stop wearing heels to date because of being a head taller with those :/
Apart from that, my main First World problem related to height is that bigger sizes of women's clothing only get wider, but not longer. So all pants are capris unless I buy in shops for "tall women". Which happen to be from 6" upwards and they end needing tailoring too. And that the kitchen in my home was made for somebody shorter than me and I keep hitting myself with the extractor fan.
If your a short man, just solve the issue by dating shorter women.
Looks matter to people. If you're ugly, short, etc., then you need to work extra hard to make sure you find value in society. It's just something people need to get over, because it's not going to change.
Deal with it. This preference for height is so deeply ingrained in the DNA it is never ever gonna change. Why worry about something you can't change? Focus on what you can change, or continue to blame the world because you have not hit the genetic lottery on every department. Your choice.
Is it "in the DNA" though?
Many women don't seem to care, and those who care often have very shallow reasoning like "it looks weird when I'm next to him".
Sounds mich more like nurture than nature, I think.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188691530060XAlthough it has been known that women prefer tall men in mating for evolutionary reasons, no study has investigated whether a taller husband makes his wife happier. We analyzed two datasets (N = 7850) that are, together, representative of the Indonesian population to determine whether this is true. A greater height difference in a couple was positively related to the wife's happiness. This relationship gradually weakened over time and entirely dissipated by 18 years of marital duration. The husband's resourcefulness was a minor mediator in the relationship. We thus argue that the husband's height and its correlates made his wife initially happy, but their influence waned over time. Nevertheless, the long period of the dissipation indicates a powerful impact of male height on women's psychology, probably prepared by evolution.
There are always outliers. There are also men who like overweight woman. BUT: Genes hold culture on a very very tight leash. But even if it would be nurture. This is not gonna change anything for the individual person affected. It it not changing in his lifetime.
Like I elaborated in my edit, it's not that I find preferences unacceptable, it's the way it is handled.
Just as tasteless as "no fat chicks". There are ways to do this without putting people down.
Honestly, I know only one guy I consider short, he has a pretty good looking GF though while I sit here, 6' tall, forever alone
Being short in the dating space can be tough from what I've heard from a few female friends. Nothing as vulgar as you can read in some of the Tweet collections you can read on the subject, but a lot of them outright stated that short guys just don't do it for them.
Then again, someone I talked with once said that she always thought she'd never date someone shorter than her until she met her current BF and now she really doesn't give a fuck, so I guess often it's just women saying the things society expects them to think and say.
Oh absolutely.Of course. I am always just so sad that going from the threads in the off topic forum a lot of people on neogaf seem to live very distracted lives and concern themselves with so much unecessary shit. "GAF I lose my hair, what should I do?" "GAF I am short, I hate being short" "Gaf, I am 28, why do I age" " Gaf its so hard being overweight" "Gaf its so hard being skinny" ....
I was wondering, do people with your looks get openly rejected for exactly that?It sucks but what can you do. I have red hair and freckles and I've gotten shit for it my whole life. Society has its ideals of beauty that no one here is going to be able to change.
Just accept that genetic cards you were dealt and work on what you can control. Worrying about height is an extreme waste of mental energy. Their will always be people with more attractive genetic gifts.
It sucks but what can you do. I have red hair and freckles and I've gotten shit for it my whole life. Society has its ideals of beauty that no one here is going to be able to change that.
Again, this is like saying 'hey, just cheer up!' to a person suffering from a depression. Profoundly stupid and lacking in empathy.
It's not remotely how it works. People aren't 100% rational beings and it's asinine to assume that people preoccupied with their short stature will just one day be able to get over it.
Again, this is like saying 'hey, just cheer up!' to a person suffering from a depression. Profoundly stupid and lacking in empathy.
It's not remotely how it works. People aren't 100% rational beings and it's asinine to assume that people preoccupied with their short stature will just one day be able to get over it.
If you do suffer from emotional issues, sure take care of that. But eventually, you do have to make a conscious decision to accept what you cannot control. Life has tons to offer beyond looking at height. And no, I'm not talking about serious emotional issues caused because height.
If my boyfriend wasn't tall I'd never be able to buy stuff from the top shelf at the grocery store.The funny thing is even really short women seem to want tall men. It's a little bit baffling tbh
If my boyfriend wasn't tall I'd never be able to buy stuff from the top shelf at the grocery store.
(I have nothing against short dudes, though.)
Guess I drew the long straw:
Mom: 5'0"
Father: 5'7"
Uncle: 5'0"
Me: 6"2
No I'm not adopted lol. Extended family isn't tall either though somewhere back I think I had a great uncle that was 6+ foot. Guess the genes skip some generations.
You underestimate short couples.
Did everyone else not get enough nutrition or something? Serious question, since that's obviously a factor.
Guess I drew the long straw:
Mom: 5'0"
Father: 5'7"
Uncle: 5'0"
Me: 6"2
No I'm not adopted lol. Extended family isn't tall either though somewhere back I think I had a great uncle that was 6+ foot. Guess the genes skip some generations.