I live in Vancouver.
My favorite teams are Boston and Chicago.
This is so wrong...
I live in Vancouver.
My favorite teams are Boston and Chicago.
Are these the same developers that told him about not being happy to develop for PS4 pro?
No Clip's Danny O'Dwyer fills in for Colin to chat with Greg about the power "small" communities have in the current video game climate. Plus, man, there are some BAD PSN game descriptions out there.
I guess we were due for a self-congratulatory episode.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm so bored with the Tales of Patreon that get re-hashed every other month. Are the business plans for these sites that interesting to fans? I gave both O'Dwyer and PS I Love You money, but I have no interest in hearing the naval-gazing about it.Care to elaborate? I haven't listened to it yet
Didn't Danny and Colin have a falling out on twitter over Trump winning? First thing I thought when I noticed Colin wasn't here for this lol.
Didn't Danny and Colin have a falling out on twitter over Trump winning? First thing I thought when I noticed Colin wasn't here for this lol.
I mean PSX is the place you announce something like the name changes. Which I'm guessing will work like Steam where system end your PSN_ID will remain the same but you can change your display name. Which seems like an okay compromise.
Didn't Danny and Colin have a falling out on twitter over Trump winning? First thing I thought when I noticed Colin wasn't here for this lol.
I believe it was with Max
Colin has been saying some stuff that has been rubbing a lot of his peers and friends the wrong way lately.
Danny and him had words too. Some other people subtweeted him. I counted at least 5-10 friends/former colleagues who had a big problem with how he handled that discussion
He went home (East Coast) for Thanksgiving
Danny and him had words too. Some other people subtweeted him. I counted at least 5-10 friends/former colleagues who had a big problem with how he handled that discussion
Ahh ok that makes sense.
Colin has been saying some stuff that has been rubbing a lot of his peers and friends the wrong way lately.
But...but...what about all those secret conservative industry peeps?!
This thread makes it seems that 90% of Kinda Funny fans wished they weren't fans. Like it's some sort of self punishment and misery. That you're also paying them on patreon for...Again, at least if this thread is anything to go by.
Latest gog Colin talks a bit at the end about how he didn't like the way he was treated on twitter on election night, how he re-read his tweets looking for what he said wrong (sound familiar gaf? lol), and how people were being crybabies and just upset that they lost.
At least he called out the bullshit Tim has had to endure whenever they talk about politics and Tim chimes in with his thoughts
colin: "i bow to no man"
Pretty much sums it up. Regardless of the topic...that type of mentality is just going to rub some people the wrong way.
I think the truth is if it were a bad show people wouldn't care it all.
That is fucked up. That's something i can get behind. People do give Tim way too much shit when he speaks up during a serious topic. Just because the guy is a fun loving goofball doesn't mean he can't have opinions or at the very least try to speak up and bounce ideas and questions off others to try to educate himself.
Everyone needs to lay off Tim. He's a good dude. The colin bit there is still eyeroll worthy. How DARE everyone treat Colin poorly or disagree with him! Fuck sake Colin get over yourself.
That is fucked up. That's something i can get behind. People do give Tim way too much shit when he speaks up during a serious topic. Just because the guy is a fun loving goofball doesn't mean he can't have opinions or at the very least try to speak up and bounce ideas and questions off others to try to educate himself.
Everyone needs to lay off Tim. He's a good dude. The colin bit there is still eyeroll worthy. How DARE everyone treat Colin poorly or disagree with him! Fuck sake Colin get over yourself.
It is. Very much so. Tim has only ever said one thing that sort of rubbed me the wrong way and it was not because Tim said it, but it was because I feel like it's something the newer generation feels in general. It was early in Kinda Funny. Tim thought the advancement that companies like Apple were making in phones and whatnot were more important than the work NASA does (especially the attempt to explore the universe). I just feel too many people, especially younger people, are too focused on the now and not the future. They take the short view and not the long view. And if we don't get started, humanity may die off on this planet. If Hawking is right, we don't have all that long, cosmically speaking. None of us alive will be affected by that, but it would be awfully selfish to use that as a reason to ignore the future, even if we won't see the benefits.
It is. Very much so. Tim has only ever said one thing that sort of rubbed me the wrong way and it was not because Tim said it, but it was because I feel like it's something the newer generation feels in general. It was early in Kinda Funny. Tim thought the advancement that companies like Apple were making in phones and whatnot were more important than the work NASA does (especially the attempt to explore the universe). I just feel too many people, especially younger people, are too focused on the now and not the future. They take the short view and not the long view. And if we don't get started, humanity may die off on this planet. If Hawking is right, we don't have all that long, cosmically speaking. None of us alive will be affected by that, but it would be awfully selfish to use that as a reason to ignore the future, even if we won't see the benefits.
This thread makes it seems that 90% of Kinda Funny fans wished they weren't fans. Like it's some sort of self punishment and misery. That you're also paying them on patreon for...Again, at least if this thread is anything to go by. All that negativity.
Eh, come on. You know deep down no one wants that. I've loved Beyond/KF with Colin for years. I think he's had a bad couple months, but I would never want him to leave the site.More like 90% of fans wish Colin wasn't part of Kinda Funny.
More like 90% of fans wish Colin wasn't part of Kinda Funny.
The most recent Gamescast intro was on point.
"Colin, what have you been up to?"
"Oh nothing, I haven't played anything so I have nothing to add"
The most recent Gamescast intro was on point.
"Colin, what have you been up to?"
"Oh nothing, I haven't played anything so I have nothing to add"
He just doesn't seem very interested.
More like 90% of fans wish Colin wasn't part of Kinda Funny.
He needs to find another hobby or start writing articles (freelance, maybe ) like he use to at Ign. That was his strength. In depth looks at various Sony first party studios is the best work he has done.It was when they were building the studio that he basically admitted he doesn't really do anything. I mean, besides C&G live and the podcasts, what else does he do?
He needs to find another hobby or start writing articles (freelance, maybe ) like he use to at Ign. That was his strength. In depth looks at various Sony first party studios is the best work he has done.
The most recent Gamescast intro was on point.
"Colin, what have you been up to?"
"Oh nothing, I haven't played anything so I have nothing to add"
He's right about there being more to life than video games, but there isn't more to his job at PSILY and Gamescast. I like listening to Colin and I'm not going to get on the ridiculous hate train that this thread has become, but if he needs time to check out and stick to the GoG show for now, I'd be happy for him to do that.Yeah, I was an extremely long-time listener but in the past year Colin's attitude towards current video games is what made me stop listening. I like Colin, and I understand his "there's more to life than video games" sentiment and that he's feeling a-bit jaded. However, when it's a hobby you are passionate about hearing that every week just got tiring. It felt like the thing I loved was getting pooped on every week, so I just stopped listening and feel I'm happier for it. Maybe I will listen to xoxo again when he's more on board again.
This is ridiculous.
That may be hyperbole, but his popularity has certainly tanked.
Has it? I mean if it had surely patreon numbers would drop but this month it's only increased despite the vocal few who said they stopped after Collins political rants.Kinda Funny Social media numbers and Collins own hasn't seemed to take a hit so really it's just a minority at this point that isn't effecting them.That may be hyperbole, but his popularity has certainly tanked.
This is so frustrating, Your job is to be knowledgable and be able to speak about games, so is it really that hard to find a minuscule amount of time in your week to play one game?The most recent Gamescast intro was on point.
"Colin, what have you been up to?"
"Oh nothing, I haven't played anything so I have nothing to add"
He doesn't just do it on the Gamescast, he does it on GameOverGreggy too. Most of the topics result in the other guys talking for the entire video, then Greg realises Colin hasn't even said a single word so he asks him for his opinion. Colin then speaks for a minute or so and that's the end. Having Kevin on the show would be better value at this point.I think this is one of the problems with Colin. I used to like him before during his IGN, sure he said outlandish stupid stuff sometimes, but he could back it up with his knowledge about games. Now he doesn't even got that, so now you just got a bitter man trying to be controversial. Like on a Kinda Funny Gamescast video he just sits silent and doesn't say anything, or he hasn't played anything. He just doesn't seem very interested.
He used to do the Social Media, but that has dropped off hard so I can't see that taking up much of his time. Honestly, outside of the 6 or so hours it takes to record the three podcasts and the hour and a half each morning for Colin & Greg Live, what the heck does he do with his time? Seems like he'd just be bumming around for most of the day.It was when they were building the studio that he basically admitted he doesn't really do anything. I mean, besides C&G live and the podcasts, what else does he do?
That may be hyperbole, but his popularity has certainly tanked.
More like 90% of fans wish Colin wasn't part of Kinda Funny.
This is so frustrating, Your job is to be knowledgable and be able to speak about games, so is it really that hard to find a minuscule amount of time in your week to play one game?
He doesn't just do it on the Gamescast, he does it on GameOverGreggy too. Most of the topics result in the other guys talking for the entire video, then Greg realises Colin hasn't even said a single word so he asks him for his opinion. Colin then speaks for a minute or so and that's the end. Having Kevin on the show would be better value at this point.
He used to do the Social Media, but that has dropped off hard so I can't see that taking up much of his time. Honestly, outside of the 6 or so hours it takes to record the three podcasts and the hour and a half each morning for Colin & Greg Live, what the heck does he do with his time? Seems like he'd just be bumming around for most of the day.