Wouldn't mind seeing Kevin leave as he is awful on camera. I find him massively irksome.Give it couple of months I could see Colin leaving Kinda Funny or someone like Kevin or Tim leave.
Wouldn't mind seeing Kevin leave as he is awful on camera. I find him massively irksome.Give it couple of months I could see Colin leaving Kinda Funny or someone like Kevin or Tim leave.
So are they on a Plane to PAX East? hence the no tweets from any of them.
Or they will just ignore it.
Give it couple of months I could see Colin leaving Kinda Funny or someone like Kevin or Tim leave.
Edit: I feel really weird commenting on Colin's girlfriend's tweets
The parade of people looking for pats on the back because they unfollowed Colin is just as worthy of eyerolls as the shitty joke he made IMO.
Anyway, I am way too invested in this BS twitter drama, I'm out for now haha.
You see people looking for pats on the back, I see people vocalizing that they do not appreciate his shitty behavior.
Wondered what thread I was in for a moment. None of this has anything to do with show.
I think some people here need a good dose of English banter to lighten themselves up.
You don't have to pick one side over another. You can think the article is misinformed and that Colin lacks empathy and the ability to see past his privilege.Yeah I listened to it already. I thought the article was bullshit also. Sorry
Wondered what thread I was in for a moment. None of this has anything to do with show.
I think some people here need a good dose of English banter to lighten themselves up.
Accusing somebody of sexism for making that joke is an affront to people actually affected by sexism.
I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.
I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.
I get the impression from past KF content that Tim and Colin fundamentally do not get on with one another, is there history of this? There's never really any content with just those two, not even the morning show.
The stream of former friends and colleagues Colin has consistently pushed away and burned bridges with is actually really impressive. I'm sure he'll pull the usual 'this is who I am' card and that he doesn't regret anything, but I just find it really sad. I was listening to an old episode of Beyond on my way home for nostalgia sake and at times it's hard to believe it's the same person.
Whether it be age, experience, or the transition from working for someone to working for himself, he has changed. I hope one day he's able to see the effect his words and attitude have had on people who used to really care about him.
And this portion is absolutely on topic because the topic itself is people being 'offended' and he actively seeks to do so. I cancelled my pledges a while back despite defending him on here and Twitter many times but I question if I can listen to another episode like this week's. I actually had to turn it off and it was so off putting I have no real desire to consume any content he provides
Colin is more successful than ever I wouldn't really expect him to see any error in his ways.
He's doing what he wants to do saying what he wants to say and he has a following and is successful.. you can't really knock that.
What do you expect them to say? They have to work with him on a near daily basis so it's probably not a good idea to get involved. Plus they will fall in the "it's just a harmless joke" camp.
I noticed Colin deleted the tweet about him going to PAX East.
Not saying it means anything but it's definitely gone.
I've said my piece so I'm done with that. Cool to see both him and Greg really dig into a game like Horizon, feel like it's been a while since a game grabbed them both this way.
The stream of former friends and colleagues Colin has consistently pushed away and burned bridges with is actually really impressive. I'm sure he'll pull the usual 'this is who I am' card and that he doesn't regret anything, but I just find it really sad. I was listening to an old episode of Beyond on my way home for nostalgia sake and at times it's hard to believe it's the same person.
Whether it be age, experience, or the transition from working for someone to working for himself, he has changed. I hope one day he's able to see the effect his words and attitude have had on people who used to really care about him.
And this portion is absolutely on topic because the topic itself is people being 'offended' and he actively seeks to do so. I cancelled my pledges a while back despite defending him on here and Twitter many times but I question if I can listen to another episode like this week's. I actually had to turn it off and it was so off putting I have no real desire to consume any content he provides
good response
Greg says "Was Colin's Tweet a joke? Sure, but that doesn't make it OK" and half the replies are "it was just a joke." Come on, trolls, try harder.
good reply from kf, but it's strange that it's not coming from colin himself.
He wanted the controversy though, that was the whole point.Great reply Greg!I wasn't personally offended by the joke itself, but could see why people would be, and definitely didn't think it would be worth tweeting considering the controversy that it would stir. It wasn't worth it.