Colin is spot on. Why would you not just get a PC?
Colin is spot on. Why would you not just get a PC?
To Colin's point whether or not this may affect us, like having to wait for a game longer or not, we still don't know. This creates this weird disparity that no one asked for. This thing doesn't even run 4K Blu-ray for crying out loud. Games aren't displayed at native 4k resolution. Why not keep the technology in wraps and just come out with a PS5 later?
"That was old Sony"
Exactly what I said in another thread. Props to you Colin. I disagree with you on a lot, but you're spot-on here.
Man, Colin is so annoying. If people want a system that can offer better graphics and 60fps for their games, why not? if people want to stick with their regular ps4 they have that option.
Please point me to the PC that plays Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 or Horizon?
Please point me to the PC that plays Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 or Horizon?
Tim says dumb shit sometimes but people do hate on him too much.
If you believe in paying $400 on top of what you paid for your og PS4 to play two games at a higher fidelity then you're an outlier.
If you believe in paying $400 on top of what you paid for your og PS4 to play two games at a higher fidelity then you're an outlier.
Please point me to the PC that plays Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 or Horizon?
would you get a PC if Sony ported those games?
If you believe in paying $400 on top of what you paid for your og PS4 to play two games at a higher fidelity then you're an outlier.
And $500 if you are in Canada lmfao.If you believe in paying $400 on top of what you paid for your og PS4 to play two games at a higher fidelity then you're an outlier.
Old Sony overpriced their hardware. Colin settled on his anti-Neo stance a long time ago and will say any shit he can think of to try and justify it. But it's not even slightly convincing, and these things are going to fly off the shelf at $399.
Colin was anti-Neo since day 1. If you're one of them, of course you will agree with him.
That quote was mainly directed at the presentation itself. It felt like an event from 2007.
I actually disagree with his overall opinion on the Pro.
"That was old Sony"
Exactly what I said in another thread. Props to you Colin. I disagree with you on a lot, but you're spot-on here.
The PS5 will have been coming out in 2019 regardless, that's about as short a time as they could have gotten it for a generational gap, 6 years.
Please point me to the PC that plays Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 or Horizon?
Its not just two games though, but every game going forward and a growing list of games from the past. That was the point of the NEO, we knew this months and months before it launched.
What argument are you making to the contrary
Those are just examples. There will be hundreds of higher fidelity games.
Man they all say dumb stuff sometimes. People just have this weird sort of grudge that they can't let go with Tim for some reason. He definitely does not deserve the hate for his performance in this video.
Why? Cause you said so?
No reason they couldn't launch in 2018 with something alike or slightly more powerful than Scorpio and called it next gen.
Also to many people got use to last gen calling it a 6 year thing.
If higher fidelity games are something you're interested in investing in then why not go PC?
If higher fidelity games are something you're interested in investing in then why not go PC?
Please point me to the PC that plays Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 or Horizon?
It will be a matter of time before people can stream it on PSNow.
Because its common sense. They were not coming out in 2018 because they wanted an iterative unit like Pro is to pass the time, and want to wait to get a strong numbered unit.
Your putting too much pressure on NEO competing with Scorpio in power, that was never the intent of the device.
It will be a matter of time before people can stream it on PSNow.
It will be a matter of time before people can stream it on PSNow.
It will be a matter of time before people can stream it on PSNow.
If higher fidelity games are something you're interested in investing in then why not go PC?
Then whole idea is there wouldn't BE an iterative unit.
That's the whole fucking point.
NEO was in existence long before Scorpio was thought about. They want to provide options now that their company is leaning more heavily on gaming.
It is not about fighting MS, they generally don't need to at this point. Scorpio won't sell anywhere near enough to change the game, NEO would never have either to begin with, this is why they were more interested in 399 and releasing early.
NEO is just a niche device, and won't sell anywhere near what would be necessary to be a next generation system like your talking about.
The thing is Colin, Tim and Greg were all giving their opinion on the announcement which is what the business and show does. I don't know why people get upset about someone's opinion. I happen to agree with Colin more than disagree, I believe this was an unnecessary upgrade that does little to inspire the industry.
I've personally been pretty bored with the library of games on the PS4, Bloodborne was the only real exclusive I thoroughly enjoyed thus far in the library of games, there are some more down the line like Gravity Rush 2 and Nier but overall the system has kind of been lackluster for me. So I totally understand Colin's sentiment that we need more quality games and less delays rather than a marginal upgrade in hardware.
My thoughts are irrespective of Scorpio.
I think the idea was dumb in and of itself.
Just ride out your huge win. Drop that PS4 Slim. Keep pushing on bundles and price. Then in 2018 drop the PS5.
None of that has to do with MS.
It's worth noting I have a fucking 4K TV too, and I still don't get this move.
There's nothing to get other than consumers will buy a more powerful PS4 at $400.
It's worth noting I have a fucking 4K TV too, and I still don't get this move.
Probably not as many as Sony hope.
Confirmation bias.
Probably not as many as Sony hope.
Just remember that when they sell out at launch, don't read too much into it.
Just remember that when they sell out at launch, don't read too much into it.
Well he was right. You should never use first day success to gauge long term success. With anything. The Wii U was sold out all over for months.
The WiiU didn't sell a million units in its first month in America, or have strong early sales numbers in other parts of the world, so that's a terrible comparison.
Being unable to adjust your initial thinking to the weight of reality is a terrible flaw for an analyst or commentator to have.
Just remember that when they sell out at launch, don't read too much into it.