hence why I said "muddied the waters"
If that's what you believe then sure but with how MS has been flip-flopping with certain info I don't even want to have an opinion until we have concrete info.
hence why I said "muddied the waters"
Confirmed developer complaints on these complications and the reality of certification are surely more than "literally 0% evidence," much less "literally no ground to stand on" (that's a very poor choice of words).
I'm sorry but Colin was super annoying in the lastest episode, I could not even listen to him.
It's probably the disappointment talking, after seeing that atrocious PS meeting.
But saying that we don't need power is BS. Asking to name a game that can't be done on PS3 is also BS.
Gaming is an interactive visual medium. Better graphics and performance make a huge difference. Go play Battlefield 4 or Dragon age inquisition on PS3, then play them on PS4. The difference is night and day in both graphics and performance and these are older crossgen games. . It's like watching the new star wars movie in an SD 4:3 small screen on an airplane. GTFO colin.
hopefully colin comes in here to share his two cents
I swear Colin seems to get louder and 'shoutier' in each cast.
Greg's and Colin's tweets how there is barely a difference (based off a stream) were completely embarrassing.
I swear Colin seems to get louder and 'shoutier' in each cast.
The only thing that annoys me about him is his inability to listen and absorb. He tends to talk at people.
But whatever, I love Greg. Listening to him makes me happy on my walks.
To what end? To defend himself against a mob of people criticizing him? He's come in here many times and made clear that if you don't like it, don't listen.
To what end? To defend himself against a mob of people criticizing him? He's come in here many times and made clear that if you don't like it, don't listen.
The only thing that annoys me about him is his inability to listen and absorb. He tends to talk at people.
yeah that's pretty much it, he's come in here a few times to address certain things. I always appreciate his input, whether I agree with it or not. to me colin is a great personality because he has great insight (whether some of yall want to accept that or not, he's been closer to the industry than many of us ever have) and he is fairly consistent with his views making him a good barometer to line up against my own opinions. I've agreed with him strongly and I've disagreed with him strongly and I think that's fine. great, even.
I like the show and I tend to agree with him, but I do not like the giddiness he gets in his voice when he laughs his way into saying he is right about a topic. It is very difficult to listen to.
Swipe left... delete
Too much negativity (that was already is bias for Colin), and misinformation. Hope the next cast is better.
One other thing, which is a great point, Colin brought up TLOU and how no one ever thought that would be done on a PS3 but they did it because they were forced to.
Where are the games that no one thought would be possible on the PS4? Oh, they possibly gave up on that and introduced new hardware instead of pushing the PS4 to the limit.
Sony needs to convince us that the original PS4 is the focus and they are focused on pushing that console to the limit and not simply using the Pro as a way to coast into the next iteration of the console without giving us better experiences on the original.
One other thing, which is a great point, Colin brought up TLOU and how no one ever thought that would be done on a PS3 but they did it because they were forced to.
Where are the games that no one thought would be possible on the PS4? Oh, they possibly gave up on that and introduced new hardware instead of pushing the PS4 to the limit.
One other thing, which is a great point, Colin brought up TLOU and how no one ever thought that would be done on a PS3 but they did it because they were forced to.
Where are the games that no one thought would be possible on the PS4? Oh, they possibly gave up on that and introduced new hardware instead of pushing the PS4 to the limit.
Sony needs to convince us that the original PS4 is the focus and they are focused on pushing that console to the limit and not simply using the Pro as a way to coast into the next iteration of the console without giving us better experiences on the original.
I completely disagree with Colin on this one - I can't fathom how the Pro merits a reaction that strong - but I actually think he's the opposite to how you describe him.
Except the thing people didnt think was possible with TLOU were the graphics. The gameplay and story isnt something people thought was impossible. But to have that game look like it did was what shocked most people.
Which seems counter-intuitive to his entire point about graphical upgrades.
That's...not a good point lol.
Nah, I agree with you. He does sit and listen for prolonged periods but that doesn't change what you suggested. He still does it regardless.I'm probably projecting.
Right, but that isn't the reason for Pro. Sony said they made Pro to target a particular consumer. Not to make great games that can only be done on Pro.I've had a lot of cough syrup today. I was trying to make a point that I thought he was saying you can make great games on PS4, you don't need the Pro to do it, look what they did with the PS3, they created TLOU.
I don't get the Colin hate in this thread.
The only thing that bugs me about him is that he's a little bit too emotional about the topic, because I assume the upgrade should be easily affordable to him.
Do you have friends that play video games? Where do they play?Finally, before anyone jumps down my throat about X,Y or Z reason that the Playstation Pro is nothing like the Xbox One S, I want to give you a challenge. Pretend that you work retail and I'm your customer. I have a 4K TV that supports HDR and I've heard that the Xbox One S and Playstation 4 Pro support it. Which one would you recommend? Why would you recommend it? How you would show off the differences?
Do you have friends that play video games? Where do they play?
Do you require physical UHD media in your device or are you more a Netflix kinda person?
If you're interested in video games:
Here is Gears of War 3, Halo 5 or 6
Here is Uncharted 4K, Horizon 4K
I wasn't going for an inherently gimped comparison.I re-read my post and knew that I should have ruled out the "friends" idea! My intention was for this example to attempt to highlight the differences that you can show a customer at retail. The only thing I would change is that you mentioned Uncharted and Horizon in 4K, but not Gears and Halo. The Xbox One S upscales all games to 4K automatically, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to demonstrate a difference there.
One other thing, which is a great point, Colin brought up TLOU and how no one ever thought that would be done on a PS3 but they did it because they were forced to.
Where are the games that no one thought would be possible on the PS4? Oh, they possibly gave up on that and introduced new hardware instead of pushing the PS4 to the limit.
I wasn't going for an inherently gimped comparison.
Obviously connect them to two identical TVs that are UHD + 4K compatible at the same color settings etc.
That this isn't necessarily reasonable as it's just a 400 dollar purchase and you might not be worth the time for the little markup is not accounted for in my post.![]()
GO GET MY MANAGERI'll be really curious to see Digital Foundry comparisons between the Xbox One S and Playstation 4 Pro when UHD + 4K are enabled.
As for this being "reasonable", I'm your customer damnit! Try to turn me away for a $400 sale and I'll ask to see your manager.
<3Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
And stay out!!!!Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
- $15 BOM does not mean it costs Sony only $15 to include it
- People aren't using 4K Blu-Ray now, or next year, but want it because the competitor has it? Makes no sense
- A boring conference doesn't mean a bad product
- PSPro and PS4 will likely add longevity to the gen, before Scropio, wasn't that what everyone wanted?
I think kinda funny guys will soften a lot over the coming weeks once they see how much this is a compliment to an incredible system. And how MS is basically telling fans to upgrade.
Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
Hey guys, what'd you think of th...
What typically happens with well know people is that they ignore the valid comments and focus on the ones that come across as shit posting so they dont have to tackle them. Colin might come back and explain his stance at some point on certain things but we shall see if he actually tackles the very valid points made against his 'how does this make games better?' point which many including myself have made good points against.There's a lot of very valid criticism in the last few pages about what you said in the last PSILY and this is your response??
This all seems a bit overblown here. The way I see it is that Colin is genuinely excited for the next step in gaming that radically changes gameplay – VR. He reiterated again yesterday how much he is looking forward to VR, and has stated time and time again that he believes in it for not just games, but for new experiences that haven't even been thought of yet.
I think Greg and Colin especially looked at the Neo leaks as a way for Sony to really push VR... whether that be through new experiences or fidelity increases that are big enough to make a noticeable difference while playing in VR. It's possible the Pro might provide that, but Sony spent no more than, what, 3 minutes talking about VR yesterday? Instead they chose to spend more time on talking about games will look better with "4K" resolutions and HDR, both things that are impossible to demo over a stream. I found this to be a big issues for the way in which they revealed it – they didn't really provide a compelling reason as to why people at home might want to shell out for this upgrade. They offered it as an option, yes, but they didn't really sell it. Even the tone of the whole conference was just unenthusiastic and drab compared to the way the PS4 or even XBO was announced, as if the attitude was "Well, we ended up making this thing... anybody want it?"
Now, part of this just has to do with the fact that these iterative consoles are a new approach in the console hardware space and have to be marketed differently as a result. At the same time, a new product launch like this should come with a bit of excitement, or something to point to as a "that's why I want a Pro!" moment. That moment wasn't there yesterday, and I sympathize with Colin's general consensus of "why?" after it was all said and done.
One last point about Scorpio – it so far exists in a slightly different realm from Neo because it is going to offer one of those big, dramatic selling points – VR. The XBO is not VR compatible, and the Scorpio will surely be able to deliver high quality VR experiences. In that sense, MS has an opportunity to clearly differentiate their products and give people a big reason as to why they might want a Scorpio. (in addition to prettier graphics) I see that as being more consequential in terms of how an iterative console like this is perceived, and another reason as to why Colin may feel more neutral/open towards the idea of the Scorpio. (a dramatic power increase/new system abilities (VR) when compared to the existing XBO)
Sorry for the ramble. Hopefully Colin sticks around, I would love to hear him discuss this a bit more on a forum/long-form FB post.
One they get one in their hands I think they will see how big the differences really are (without fracturing the userbase of course). You will not be able to see the difference on a stream (HDR on ect)