But as Colin said, games aren't really changing despite the extra power so why does Scorpio get a pass and not PS4Pro?
exactly. how will the power of the scorpio make games better other than resolution and fps?
But as Colin said, games aren't really changing despite the extra power so why does Scorpio get a pass and not PS4Pro?
But as Colin said, games aren't really changing despite the extra power so why does Scorpio get a pass and not PS4Pro?
exactly. how will the power of the scorpio make games better other than resolution and fps?
Scorpio is practically a new console platform. PS4 Pro is a marginal update. It's a notable difference.
I think there's a big difference between a new console and an in-between like the PS4 Pro and that's what he means
but what do I know, ask him
Scorpio is practically a new console platform. PS4 Pro is a marginal update. It's a notable difference.
Wait so the scropio is going to replace the existing xbox one? no more xbox one games?
But it's not Scorpio pretty much going to be Pro+? If Sony is hitting resolutions higher than 1080p and using software tricks to get close to native 4K. What is MS going to do with another 30% increase in GPU power? Even with a better CPU I'd say at best they are gonna get some higher resolution games with better effects or higher frame rates. It's not going to be an N64 game compared to a PS2 one. Might not even be Xbox vs. PS2 if devs continually focus on resolution so much.Scorpio is practically a new console platform. PS4 Pro is a marginal update. It's a notable difference.
Colin and Greg had an angry outburst between each other on their Colin and Greg Live Twitch show lol (it was resolved very quick, but nonetheless pretty amusing).
Go to 01:01:48 time mark (near the end of the video).
Please don't post pornography on GAF.
um what????
um what????
Did you even watch it?
I tuned in near the end and saw the argument they had and then Greg and Colin touched bellies together. I guess if that offends people, my bad.
I tuned in near the end and saw the argument they had and then Greg and Colin touched bellies together. I guess if that offends people, my bad. I closed the stream afterwards, but seems like there was some other shenanigans going on.
He was kidding. Also, why ignore his comment saying it was a joke just to go out of your way and post this?
Colin and Greg had an angry outburst between each other on their Colin and Greg Live Twitch show lol (it was resolved very quick, but nonetheless pretty amusing).
Go to 01:01:48 time mark (near the end of the video).
Yup he was kidding, hard to tell if someone is joking around these days on the web. It's all good though. I watched the video and I get why he said that. I didn't watch the entire video so I thought I must have missed something, but he was just joking, relax people!
I'm pretty sure they weren't actually angry lol![]()
I'm pretty sure they weren't actually angry lol![]()
I don't want to discuss this any further due to semantics. If a "next-gen game" can run on a last gen machine, then I'll just call it for what it is; a game with unique gameplay.Of course, because I haven't played an action-RPG large scale battle game before M&B? Have you? Moussou games don't count, because they have non existing AI. Not saying that M&B's AI is great, but it's doing much more than any other battle simulating game I've ever played.
Did I mention that Bannerlord is developed by a rather small team?
I'm still amazed how many ideas and concepts the team was able to put in the first game.
If you haven't played the first Mount & Blade game, I advise you to check it out if you're into Medieval, RPG, Action, Sim games or wait for Bannerlord.
Colin HAS a point, we're mostly getting formulaic games today. Don't even dare to say that Witcher 3 couldn't be done on last gen machines. Why is Witcher 3 next-gen? Because it's large and there's plenty of foliage? Well, Xenoblade C runs on hardware similar to last gen machines and is large, too.
Please, name one true next-gen console game, maybe I've missed something.
Last gen got away with not reinventing the wheel, because the jump from SD to HD was a really huge leap.
Unless MS dumps the Xbox One and lets the Scorpio have exclusives it's not a new console platform.
This is what's going to happen, whether MS says so now or not. Just my prediction.
No third party is going to support them on this. Not a single one.
Colin got ya'll emotional. What he said must have gotten under a bunch of ya'll skin. If he was completely wrong ya'll would have brushed it off. Gamers are a sensitive bunch.
I dunno man, I'm trying to ponder whether it would be genius or idiocy for MS to come out next year and be like, "Even if the competition isn't here yet, the next generation starts right now"
Not only would they undermine their image in the eyes of their quite significant by then user base, which would be left in the dust, but they would probably be shunned by many developers who would rather exploit the engine and tools that they had been perfecting for the last 4 or 5 years. Also, how could said developers ignore the 50 to 60 million PS4s and PS4 Pros in the wild? That plan will backfire for sure...
This is insanity. They would be asking slim users to upgrade after one year and asking third parties to leave their mature tools without having utilized them. Third parties are not going to leave the market leader when Xbox has no chance in lot of the markets simply because it's called Xbox. You are insane if you think this is even a remote possibility, specially after Phill has said Xbone will be the base. He already has to do some dodging because VR games won't work on Xbone. You have gone of the deep end, and if what you say does happen then it would be MS who would have gone of the deep end.I could see this scenario occurring. I could also see them generating tons of hype with a significant power difference if the first party games are good. Boom, PS4/XBO owners are ready to move on if given proper incentive, and the Pro means nothing in comparison to the new Xbox.
It's a long shot but I wouldn't think they're stupid for doing it. It would be an easy rhetoric to spin about being "for the gamers", "ahead of the competition", and whatnot.
Of course Sony would just come in 2018 with the PS5 and then you'd have to wonder if they'd take that extra year and make the PS5 more powerful than the Scorpio. And now this is back to the reason why this whole half-step console upgrade idea is kinda weird and unfulfilling.
Personally I wish the Pro and Scorpio didn't exist and we just had the next gen coming out next year or 2018.
Colin got ya'll emotional. What he said must have gotten under a bunch of ya'll skin. If he was completely wrong ya'll would have brushed it off. Gamers are a sensitive bunch.
Yea, I shut it off too soon, but they made up almost instantly afterwards, but I genuinely think they were angry at each other in the moment. They seemed pretty ticked off this week from the PS news. Seems like they got it out of their systems lol.
Like, how is the Pro "half-assed" and the Scorpio isn't? Both are "restricted" by having to be compatible by the OG systems/infrastructure. Obviously it's likely the Scorpio is more powerful, but they're both operating in the same arena.
Both are OPTIONAL upgrades. If you are a person who cares about the likely upgrades the more powerful systems will have, then buy it. If not, stay completely happy with the OG systems. The levels for disdain for an optional system just don't make sense when it will not effect him one bit.
I think he said he was ok with Scorpio since it is going to be 4 years since XB1, they're losing, and its a "monumental leap" over the last console.
But it's actually NOT a monumental leap over the last console. It's only a 50% increase in RAM and a 3x jump from the PS4 as far as total Teraflop console power is concerned.
But it's actually NOT a monumental leap over the last console. It's only a 50% increase in RAM and a 3x jump from the PS4 as far as total Teraflop console power is concerned.
So, is there anyone who planned on getting a PSVR, but canceled those plans to get PS4 Pro instead? Prior to the rumors of PS4 Pro, nothing could change my mind on getting a PSVR. Once the specs of PS4 Pro were leaked, I still was settled on PSVR, but figured I'd make up my mind once and for all when the PS4 Pro was officially unveiled. After the unveiling, I'm still planning on getting PSVR. I figure a PS5 will be announced/launched in 3-4 years. Hopefully by then, I'll have a 4K display, which I don't currently down own. Also PSVR will give me something unique. I feel like, as someone who already owns a PS4 and does not own a 4KTV, choosing PS4 Pro over PSVR would be foolish (for me).
So, is there anyone who planned on getting a PSVR, but canceled those plans to get PS4 Pro instead? Prior to the rumors of PS4 Pro, nothing could change my mind on getting a PSVR. Once the specs of PS4 Pro were leaked, I still was settled on PSVR, but figured I'd make up my mind once and for all when the PS4 Pro was officially unveiled. After the unveiling, I'm still planning on getting PSVR. I figure a PS5 will be announced/launched in 3-4 years. Hopefully by then, I'll have a 4K display, which I don't currently down own. Also PSVR will give me something unique. I feel like, as someone who already owns a PS4 and does not own a 4KTV, choosing PS4 Pro over PSVR would be foolish (for me).
Can't even compare the outrageous shit Trump does and says to Colin's opinions on the PlayStation Pro. Not even comparable situations in the slightest.Wow, that's so deep bro. Ya most people criticize Trump because they think there's truth bombs in what he is saying. What a sensitive bunch.
So, is there anyone who planned on getting a PSVR, but canceled those plans to get PS4 Pro instead? Prior to the rumors of PS4 Pro, nothing could change my mind on getting a PSVR. Once the specs of PS4 Pro were leaked, I still was settled on PSVR, but figured I'd make up my mind once and for all when the PS4 Pro was officially unveiled. After the unveiling, I'm still planning on getting PSVR. I figure a PS5 will be announced/launched in 3-4 years. Hopefully by then, I'll have a 4K display, which I don't currently down own. Also PSVR will give me something unique. I feel like, as someone who already owns a PS4 and does not own a 4KTV, choosing PS4 Pro over PSVR would be foolish (for me).
Scorpio is practically a new console platform. PS4 Pro is a marginal update. It's a notable difference.
Why are most here moaning so much about Colin's opinion? Acting as if he killed someone the way some of you lot go on, jeez.
What does that add?Colin spouts so much misinformation and double standards you'd think he was a republican..oh wait.
I love it when people take jabs at other people's politic views in an argument that has absolutely nothing to do wotherwise that.Colin spouts so much misinformation and double standards you'd think he was a republican..oh wait.
I'd love to raise awareness to the fact that both Tim and Greg, as mentioned, both agreed with Colin and yet everyone still continues taking personal shots at only him. I just don't understand lol.