Yeah, after listening to the show, some of the reactions here are pretty over the top. And I say that as someone who largely disagrees with Colin on the Pro. Most of what I'm hearing on the podcast is opinion-based...which is frankly why I listen to the show anyway. I hold Greg and Colin's options in very high regard.
Personally, the one aspect of the discussion I would prefer them to seek more clarity on is the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro comparisons.
This may be helpful:
PS4 Pro
CPU: x86-64 AMD 'Jaguar', 8 cores single-chip custom processor (upclock is assumed 2.1GHz)
GPU: 4.20 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon based graphics engine
Xbox One S
CPU: 1.75GHz AMD 8-core APU
GPU: 914 MHz AMD Radeon GCN
Just for comparison, here's the standard PS4.
CPU: 1.6 GHz AMD 8-core APU
GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon based graphics engine
I think they need to invite someone like Leadbetter to the show.
This is a good idea. I suggested someone from Sony, as they listen to the show. Leadbetter would be great as well. Both Greg and Colin admit this as area where they aren't the strongest. They've never claimed to be experts on graphics or the technical side of gaming. For 99% of the discussion and content they put out, they don't need to be. They're incredibly knowledgeable of the industry, its trends, gameplay elements, devs/dev cycles, etc. They're also fantastic hosts who have an unrivaled rapport with one another.
In my opinion, discussing a product like the Pro is that 1%. It's that moment when you do need someone with a bit more technical knowledge to come in and dissect the minutiae of the PS4, Xbox, Xbox One S, PS4 Pro, & Scorpio. I mean...the tech itself literally
is the discussion here. It's helpful to talk in terms of pure, raw specs, and then break it down into simpler terms for how it would affect the more casual audience who isn't as dialed-in to graphics and performance. What benefits will they be able to see and feel? A tech guy from Sony and/or Leadbetter could probably have a fantastic discussion with Colin and Greg, which would result in a great show.
While I may not personally agree with some of their opinions on the Pro/Scorpio, I have no problem with them voicing them. I just wish they came from a little bit more of an informed place on the tech side, in the case of the PS4 Pro.
The personal/political attacks have no place here.