Is this a thing? I guess I'll just join the braggery
Semi-spoilers in your screencaps, yo.
Heh, it's not like this part of the story made much sense anyway
Is this a thing? I guess I'll just join the braggery
Anyone else had a hard time beating Shao Kahn in story mode? It took me over an hour just to beat him. He is so cheesy and half the time I was fighting against the Vita's directional pad.
Guess I won't platinum this game, F companies that force you to play online for trophies.
Anyone else had a hard time beating Shao Kahn in story mode? It took me over an hour just to beat him. He is so cheesy and half the time I was fighting against the Vita's directional pad.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. How do you get the e-mail then?? All I have is this lame DVD that I have no idea what to do with lol.
PSY・S;40055878 said:Semi-spoilers in your screencaps, yo.Heh, it's not like this part of the story made much sense anyway
Any good action-Rpg psp games that someone can recommend?
I already have Dissidia, MHFU, GE and all the Ys. I am in need of something new and good.
They are so out of context and don't show anything concrete so I guessed it wasn't a problem.
It's not an action RPG but I loved Gurumin. It has the classic structure of a PSX game (like Tail Concerto, MM Legends, etc)
I was just sent an email with the voucher. All I had to do was attach a PSN account to the Go, and they sent an email to the email account I put for PSN. I did however buy a Go without the "Free games!" branding on it. Did you redeem the games previously?
Nope, bought my PSP Go from EB in January or February before I really knew about the Vita. Cost me like $20 after trade-ins. Haven't used the DVD either CBF. I haven't attached a PSN account to my PSP Go though, maybe I'll try that. Here's another question. I have CFW on my PSP Go currently because I wanted to try out KHBBS. I'm like 20 hours in. If I attach a PSN account to my Go will that affect my CFW/save data?
Anyone else had a hard time beating Shao Kahn in story mode? It took me over an hour just to beat him. He is so cheesy and half the time I was fighting against the Vita's directional pad.
Guess I won't platinum this game, F companies that force you to play online for trophies.
I dunno. Is your PSP on the newest firmware? I think tying your account to PSN may force you to go legit, but I'm not certain. You're better off asking that question in the PSP CFW thread on GAF.
They are so out of context and don't show anything concrete so I guessed it wasn't a problem.
It's not an action RPG but I loved Gurumin. It has the classic structure of a PSX game (like Tail Concerto, MM Legends, etc)
OmegaTreeFish or OutUndertheStars, recommended Gurumin a few pages (more than a few lol) back - I went to buy it from Vita' PSN shop...didn't work out, SCEA doesn't have it there, I don't have a PS3 :/
Oh well.
Kinda weird how some of the compatible games aren't thrown in with the Vita store. Would be nice if Sony got that. Isn't there supposed to be a way you can buy stuff from the store through PC?
EDIT: Like this?
MediaGo is not compatible with Vita. They made the Vita copy and install system stricter.
Kinda weird how some of the compatible games aren't thrown in with the Vita store. Would be nice if Sony got that. Isn't there supposed to be a way you can buy stuff from the store through PC?
EDIT: Like this?
Lame. I guess I didn't know about that. =/
Well...umm...should get a PS3, it's a great system. =D
This. Shao Kahn isn't hard once you learn Raiden's very easy 30+% combos.Well, for one, Shao Kahn ranks among one of the easier fighting game bosses out there. He can be comboed, most of his attacks are either blockable or easily telegraphed, and he randomly taunts you to leave himself open.
Sure, the first battle against him is usually the hardest, but once you learn the properties of each attack, he's cake.
Secondly, the Vita has an amazing d-pad.
Ah. Yeah I guess I can see that. I didn't get a PS3 until 2008 so that wasn't really a problem for me. They've done some stupid stuff though, like taking out PS2 b/c. But they've also done some things right, like offering a lot of what makes 360's Gold supposedly worth paying for free.
I don't think I could play exclusively on handhelds. I love them now, but there are some games that just have to be on a big screen.
Thanks can't wait to hear your impressions. I seen that they also upload a new video too
which has something to do with valkyria chronicles?
Really only looking forward to Resident Evil 6, Tomb Raider, Aliens Colonial Marines and Bioshock Infinite
The upcoming 3DS/Vita lineup appeals more, I guess, as they remind me of the variation of GCN/PS2 gen = varied experiences, with new and experimental IP's and variety for multiple genre's...
The console games are seemingly more shooters in grey/brown colors, with overly serious tendency. That and console games are all starting to feel samey/look samey, blend together. Burnt out on the look and feel. Really :/
Whoa! What the hell is up with that youtube vid? Is Valkyria Chronicles 1, 2, & 3 coming to the Vita? We need a translator ASAP!
Whoa! What the hell is up with that youtube vid? Is Valkyria Chronicles 1, 2, & 3 coming to the Vita? We need a translator ASAP!
Eh ? What ?
I'm playing VC2 (PSP version) on my Vita now. If they release a Vita version, I'll take VC3 !
It's just cross promotion stuff for the new browser game. SEGA did the same thing with Phantasy Star Portable 2
Please go to Q-Games Facebook page and vote for the Pixel Junk game you most want on the Vita, please guys.
Yeah, good stuff! Try A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks and Who's That Flying too!
Oh, I had no idea that, Who's that flying, was a shall be bought. Thank you for the heads up!
Ok, now I'm officially one of you -- bought one of the $163 AWD units. Hopefully it comes and is in good condition... then I'll have to consider buying mutant space blobs to appease carl.
I -assume- everyone has ZOMG GAME OF THE VITA!!!! (cough/andPS3/PsP/cough) Velocity .... right?
Look... it's simple
You own Velocity... or you look like a prat. Okay?
Incredible game is incredible
Cheap incredible game is incredible
Cheap amazing incredible game and YOU don't own it makes you NOT CREDIBLE!
Do it
for you
for your family
for your country
for your soul
It's mandatory gaming. names will be taken of those who do not step into line.
Just saying....
I don't have velocity
i have hands like leather shovels and right now i'm swinging them towards your arse!
Do it!!!!
DO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt!!!!
Finally broke down and got Virtua Tennis 4. Wow this game looks so damn gorgeous on the OLED screen. It's also very fun so far though it was pretty tough at first.
This is the first tennis game I've played it's crazy fun. It's the type of game that I tell myself that I'm only going to play one match and then end up playing an entire season. Thanks to all of those on this thread who suggested it.Game is friggin' amazing. I remember when I first played this on Dreamcast, fell in love immediately. I had been wanting to get back into the series. Figured now was as good a time as any. =)
Heh heh, Mutant Blobs is the "Angry Bird" of PS Vita. ^_^
looking forward to foosball honestly.