My collection:
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Gravity Rush
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Lumines: Electronic Symphony (my partner's)
Touch My Katamari (my partner's)
Pure Chess
PSP on my Vita
Persona 3 Portable
Dissidia 012 + Prologus
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Final Fantasy Tactics
The 3rd Birthday
Kenka Bancho
Knights in the Nightmare
Yggdra Union
Need to get
Escape Plan
Virtua Tennis 4 (thanks to this thread

Sumioni: Demon Arts
(What's the general consensus on Escape Plan and Sumioni? I liked both demos but $15 and $20 seemed a bit steep)
Definitely getting
Persona 4 The Golden
Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (My partner's gonna get a white Vita for this. I've never played anything in the series, but this looks cool so I just bought the first game to start bringing myself up to speed)
Might get
Sound Shapes
Little King's Story
(Sorry Carl, 'nother junior with no Mutant Blobs. Not big on platformers, really. I downloaded the video though, and it kind of gave off a Soul Bubbles vibe. Confirm or deny that they're similar?)
Any good action-Rpg psp games that someone can recommend?
I already have Dissidia, MHFU, GE and all the Ys. I am in need of something new and good.
Crisis Core and BB-oh wait. :-( But seriously, as has been mentioned: Gurumin Gurumin Gurumin. Unique, adorable, tons of fun. Some of the boss battles are kind of annoying, but otherwise it's pretty fantastic.