It goes without saying that COD:BLOPS

will suck and garner 6.5-7's across the board.
With this truth in mind, there's no good result.
A) It sucks (a given) and sells well: Vita loses all goodwill among those who purchased the game and possibly the system just to play it. Any potential sequel, regardless of quality, earns the expected reception.
B) It sucks (a given) and flops sales-wise: Vita will never see a high-profile Western IP again because the idiots who seem to be in charge of gaming's largest publishers would immediately blame Vita for the low sales rather than the game's low quality.
C) It sucks (a given) and sells decently but merely (and this is optimistic) in line with the DS or Wii entries: Vita can't sustain high-budget games, so let's just port the iOS entry in the future. The series fails to find an audience on the system due to lack of effort.
At least AssCreed carries the possibility of being decent. Of course, by launching the same day as the much better hyped console version,
that game's also been sabotaged, albeit in an entirely different way.