any news on the resistance burning skies patch? whats it add.
please fix Frame rate and net code in multiplayer as well as tone down shotgun..... game would be fun if they do that.
found this
so 2 of the 3 problems possibly addressed (although connection issues might not also include your connection in game, just joining.). Might give it a go then when it goes live. Not convinced the frame rate drops wont do my head in but it might be barable if its now worth while using the other weapons and not just destroying everyone with the mule.
How come we don't hear a lot about RemotePlay? Apart from it only working for 2 games right now (which might be the cause of people not talking about it), this could be an absolutely incredible feature should Sony support it more.
Been playing Shadow of the Colossus this way, works perfectly. Tons of fun.
No news about Project Diva or DJMax Technika Tune coming to europe?
I want a new Vita game but I don't like assassins creed.Might get NFS instead.
I love the phrase Vitabros
Also I bit the bullet on tactics ogre due to suggestions on here. Anything I should know before I take the plunge later on?
No news about Project Diva or DJMax Technika Tune coming to europe?
I want a new Vita game but I don't like assassins creed.Might get NFS instead.
so who else is excited about seeing KZ, Uncharted, LBP, God of War screenshots on the site?
Also I bit the bullet on tactics ogre due to suggestions on here. Anything I should know before I take the plunge later on?
Question, is there any way to do cross-save without a wifi connection on my Vita?
How come we don't hear a lot about RemotePlay? Apart from it only working for 2 games right now (which might be the cause of people not talking about it), this could be an absolutely incredible feature should Sony support it more.
Been playing Shadow of the Colossus this way, works perfectly. Tons of fun.
To be honest I'm just waiting for TJ in regards to remote play. I want that game wherever I am dammit!
will i be shunned if i talk about birth by sleep here
will i be shunned if i talk about birth by sleep here
will i be shunned if i talk about birth by sleep here
will i be shunned if i talk about birth by sleep here
My god.
kill cams as DLC
I finally checked out the demo for gravity rush..
I did not like it. Am I doing vita wrong lol?
Demo didn't seem very polished and didnt really tell me anything about what you do in the game. Other than float around lol.
If it helps, I'm only using a side memory card and only for Birth by sleep. Maybe if I feel like ripping Crisis Core I'll shove it on, too. *shrug*Vitabro, your Vita is no longer pure. You've lost the way.
If you want DJMAX, just import it. There's not much japanese text, the menus and most of the important stuff is in English.
And definitely get NFS![]()
I finally checked out the demo for gravity rush..
I did not like it. Am I doing vita wrong lol?
Demo didn't seem very polished and didnt really tell me anything about what you do in the game. Other than float around lol.
did you guys know that Trophies are coming to PS mobile games.?
If it helps, I'm only using a side memory card and only for Birth by sleep. Maybe if I feel like ripping Crisis Core I'll shove it on, too. *shrug*
Didn't know SunFlowers was on iOS as well. However, it's not nearly as fun as it is playing it on Vita. The Vita's more comfortable and the huge saturated screen makes it more fun to play.
plus you can use the rear touch so you can see the flowers in all their glory
Didn't know SunFlowers was on iOS as well. However, it's not nearly as fun as it is playing it on Vita. The Vita's more comfortable and the huge saturated screen makes it more fun to play.
(those lines on the Vita's screen are the camera's fault btw; doesn't look like that on Vita)
plus you can use the rear touch so you can see the flowers in all their glory
So no ones doing a Book of Memories OT?![]()
Just noticed the Call of Duty Vita Killcam being DLC. I think such a thing would be free. Would be crazy to charge for such a feature at least.
I finally checked out the demo for gravity rush..
I did not like it. Am I doing vita wrong lol?
Demo didn't seem very polished and didnt really tell me anything about what you do in the game. Other than float around lol.
Actually there is zero japanese/korean text lol, the game has full english text if you change the language in the options, there is even a prompt the first time you run the game with that option IIRC
Do it up! I'll be online Tuesday evening!
damn..IGN gave a 58/100 for NLKS! 0_o
I wouldn't know where to start on making a OT. :/
I need this game on my Android phone stat!
I didn't realize on the Vita you can control the sun with the rear touchpad. Using it along with the left trigger is now my favorite way to play.
Free SunFlowers soundtrack: