Any recommendations on screen protectors?
Despite taking excruciatingly good care of mine, there are several super fine scratches appearing. Granted, you can only see them in the perfect light, but they will bug me. I'd like to prevent any future ones....
Ah, brilliant! Maybe I'll do that as well. What crystal case is that? Do you have an Amazon link for it?
EDIT: Looks like the Cosmos one ( ).
fernoca, does the Vita in the crystal case actually fit OK in the Sony carry case? I'm looking at my naked Vita in it right now, and it doesn't seem like it would fit with a plastic case on as well. Does it insert normally, close normally etc?
The official Vita screen protector should do the trick.
And you've now made me paranoid about my own screen.
This thread just depressed me so much regarding the future of the Vita...
I know there are games on the horizon, I don't know what it feels like we are missing, an RPG I know Persona 4 and I am dying for AC3 L, but man I just get an aching feeling that there isn't much else announced.
Is this an actual legit fear, or onset from visiting the above thread?
The lore in this new one is easily one of the greatest things I have ever experienced.
I don't have a 3DS so I had to read it on the internet and not experience it first hand, though. ):
I honestly haven't even played it yet.
I just admitted to myself that I'm probably not going to get around to it for months so I might as well trade it for LBP (which I actually want to play now), and re-buy it down the road. (EDIT: Also I totally can get double club nintendo coins this way, wahahaa)
This whole flowmotion thing is pretty fun, though!
This thread just depressed me so much regarding the future of the Vita...
I know there are games on the horizon, I don't know what it feels like we are missing, an RPG I know Persona 4 and I am dying for AC3 L, but man I just get an aching feeling that there isn't much else announced.
Is this an actual legit fear, or onset from visiting the above thread?
I know, but dear lord this thing is more frustrating than when I purchased the original psp, I love being able to play some of my PSP games, but I need something new.
I realize this sounds crazy, especially after getting Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and LBP v, but damn I am craving a racer or something I can't pinpoint it...
Buy Hot Shots Golf or Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus.I know, but dear lord this thing is more frustrating than when I purchased the original psp, I love being able to play some of my PSP games, but I need something new.
I realize this sounds crazy, especially after getting Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and LBP v, but damn I am craving a racer or something I can't pinpoint it...
This thread just depressed me so much regarding the future of the Vita...
I know there are games on the horizon, I don't know what it feels like we are missing, an RPG I know Persona 4 and I am dying for AC3 L, but man I just get an aching feeling that there isn't much else announced.
Is this an actual legit fear, or onset from visiting the above thread?
I can't wait to hear what you think of this masterpiece, damn it. It's something everyone needs in their life.I dig what story I've seen, but story usual takes second place to gameplay for me. And the gameplay, between having to raise the dang Dream Eaters up individually to earn new abilities (something I feel both BBS and Re:Coded did better) and having made areas incredibly huge to fit in Flowmotion but still keeping them barren, I actually dread every time I start up the game and feel like I should be playing something else instead.
I know, but dear lord this thing is more frustrating than when I purchased the original psp, I love being able to play some of my PSP games, but I need something new.
I realize this sounds crazy, especially after getting Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and LBP v, but damn I am craving a racer or something I can't pinpoint it...
I can't wait to hear what you think of this masterpiece, damn it. It's something everyone needs in their life.
I'm being as sarcastic as I can be here, by the way. The story is really dumb and convoluted.
I know, but dear lord this thing is more frustrating than when I purchased the original psp, I love being able to play some of my PSP games, but I need something new.
I realize this sounds crazy, especially after getting Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and LBP v, but damn I am craving a racer or something I can't pinpoint it...
Take your pick!
I know, but dear lord this thing is more frustrating than when I purchased the original psp, I love being able to play some of my PSP games, but I need something new.
I realize this sounds crazy, especially after getting Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and LBP v, but damn I am craving a racer or something I can't pinpoint it...
What, no Asphalt? =P
But this is, like, way worse. My god is it way worse.But that's how I like my Kingdom Hearts.![]()
I only listed the game's I've actually heard of, whether good or bad. ;D
No biggie. Having a great time with it.This thread just depressed me so much regarding the future of the Vita...
I know there are games on the horizon, I don't know what it feels like we are missing, an RPG I know Persona 4 and I am dying for AC3 L, but man I just get an aching feeling that there isn't much else announced.
Is this an actual legit fear, or onset from visiting the above thread?
Everyone talking about racing and cars and whatnot: Vita's killer app, Spy Hunter, should be out in about 2 weeks or so!
But this is, like, way worse. My god is it way worse.
Hey, I managed to survive the series revealing it's dumbest (and most groan-worthily named) plot device.
I can stomach anything.
It's been nothing but doom and gloom and crying and whining and pissing and moaning since the day the Vita released.
And it will continue until the day it dies, whenever that might be.
All you can do is enjoy the system for what it is, not what it might be, and let the sales monkeys and amateur analysts squabble and argue and make their forecasts. Or you can sell it and not have to worry about anything at all. =P
Hell the PSP didn't have a fantastic start and it went on to have the best library of any handheld this generation, especially if you're an RPG fan.
Its not exactly manual aim, you put the reticle over them and then push and hold the button and then it goes into auto aim mode and the regular ac long distance aiming takes over. Press again to fire off the shot.
If you're bored and looking for a challenge, get Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus.
Gobs of content and fun if you like action games and can stomach the old-school design decisions.
AW MY GAHHHHHHD. The LittleBigPlanet demo includes the Wack-a-mole game that Donkey Show did.
If you're bored and looking for a challenge, get Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus.
Gobs of content and fun if you like action games and can stomach the old-school design decisions.
WARNING: OmegaZero is not held responsible for any damage your Vita may sustain.
Is it still throw your controller difficult? Because in this case my controller would be a $300 handheld. I'd rather not render it airborne.
I pulled out my 3DS to play some Super Mario 3D Land and realized the Vita's OLED has spoiled me for good. Any ideas how much GameStop will offer for a Cosmo Black 3DS?
EDIT: I just tried to buy Lunar on PSN and realized the PSN store is down. Maybe I'll keep the 3DS! >:-(
I pulled out my 3DS to play some Super Mario 3D Land and realized the Vita's OLED has spoiled me for good. Any ideas how much GameStop will offer for a Cosmo Black 3DS?
EDIT: I just tried to buy Lunar on PSN and realized the PSN store is down. Maybe I'll keep the 3DS! >:-(
I've been meaning to get that game out and play it again soon, but man, I haven't turned my 3DS on in months.
Hey VitaGAF pals, we just wrapped up Fantastic Arcade in Austin tonight and PS Vita was in full force. Nick Suttner from Sony was on hand reppin' Vita and indie games pretty hard. Super nice guy.
Annnny way, There were 1-month ps+ membership promo cards lying around and I ended up with one that I don't need so here's a code for whomever wants it:
Oh. Would like something new but if its something from a current IP i'm really hoping for something from Red Dead Redemption and not GTA. Probably in the minority on that one.
7 June 2011?
Hey quick question guys!
What's the status on downloadable PSP games on the Vita? Will all of them work if you transfer them from a PS3? Are there really only a select few available directly on the Vita store? Buying a Vita next month and want to play through P1 and P2 before P4G comes out
Thanks for your help!
Not sure, but if they are on the same PSN account, it could be that they don't like connecting for that reason.
LittleBigPlanet arrived yesterday, so I'm loving playing through that at the momentBorderlands 2 should arrive tomorrow, and my iPhone next week though so probably won't be playing handheld much until I go away for a few days at the end of the week.
Why do you have 2 vitas?Psn account problem or sonething?
I updated the 'Vita Lineup' thread that no one knows it exists.
Feel free to ... Nevermind:
Can't go wrong with either of those options really