Aerial Threat (Bronze)
Against the Odds (Bronze)
All My Own Work (Bronze)
Around the World (Silver)
Back of the Net (Bronze)
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FIFA for Life (Gold)
Folklore (Silver)
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Good Week! (Bronze)
Great Month (Bronze)
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Hundred and Counting (Gold)
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In the game (Bronze)
It's in the Blood (Silver)
Mastermind (Bronze)
Nimble Fingers (Bronze)
Once in a Lifetime (Silver)
Pass Master (Silver)
Perfect Keeping (Bronze)
Pinpoint Accuracy (Bronze)
Playmaker (Bronze)
Poacher (Bronze)
Pressure is On (Bronze)
Rising Talent (Silver)
Safe Hands (Bronze)
Sharp Shooter (Silver)
Soccer Legend (Platinum)
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Training Time (Bronze)
Virtual Legend (Gold)
Warming the Gloves (Bronze)
Woodwork and In! (Bronze)
You Pointing at Me? (Bronze)
A Man Down (Bronze)
Against the Odds (Bronze)
All My Own Work (Bronze)
Back to Back (Gold)
Challenging Schedule (Silver)
Classy (Bronze)
Control the Open Space (Bronze)
Cup Upset (Silver)
Custom Sixty Four Winner (Silver)
Defiance (Bronze)
Don't Blink (Bronze)
Festive (Silver)
FIFA Fair Play (Bronze)
Folklore (Silver)
Football Legend (Platinum)
Fortress (Gold)
Good Form (Silver)
Good Week! (Bronze)
Great Month! (Bronze)
Hundred and Counting (Gold)
In the Game (Bronze)
Massive Signing (Bronze)
Nimble Fingers (Bronze)
No Draw for You! (Bronze)
Off the Top of my Hat (Silver)
One Goal a Season (Bronze)
Pass Master (Silver)
Pinpoint Accuracy (Bronze)
Pressure is On (Bronze)
Ruud boy (Bronze)
Sharp Shooter (Silver)
Sparkly Clean (Silver)
Thread the Needle (Bronze)
Tiki Taka (Silver)
Top of the League? (Bronze)
Tour Bus (Bronze)
Trait-or (Bronze)
Woodwork and In! (Bronze)
You Pointing at Me? (Bronze)
Suikoden sequel won't make money, and it'd just be another DS/PSP style Suikoden anyways.
And the only answer I can give you is that Sony just doesn't care anymore...What did Nintendo do when 3DS was trending way below their expectations? They cut the price, and 3DS sales improved almost immediately.
What does Sony do? Absolutely nothing.
Now I understand that they might not want to sell their unit at a massive loss (which they might, if they cut the price), but they need to sacrifice short term gain for the long term for the Vita, if they want it viable platform for a while.
This year's E3, Gamescom, and TGS have shown that Sony is having a hard enough time getting developers on board the VITA, and if the Vita continue to sell as it is, next year, the conferences will be even more sparse. WE'll see if Vita is even well supported by the end of next year.
I think that this will do.
*hit control F for Disgaea III*
hey WTF? WTF is going on in here... I think you forgot sumtin'!
This is weird,sony not having any big announcements at tgs is quite telling.At this rate we'll see if it has ANY support at the end of next year. Besides first party that is.
At this rate we'll see if it has ANY support at the end of next year. Besides first party that is.
Honestly, this continues to boggle my mind. Why isn't Sony doing more to help it along? Is it arrogance? Are they that far behind in R&D money? They should have dropped it $50 and really put on a good marketign campaign for the holidays. And the software, where is it all, why can't they get SE on board? Where is our RE portable? How can they keep lettign these half a$$es sports ports onto the sytem and not push full retain titles? Dammit Sony, moneyhat some kind of decent franchise for VITA will ya! $hit, throw money at Konami for a Suikoden sequal, something... They are just makign it seam they do not care at times....
To take this in the PSN direction: why aren't we seeing more of the PSN titles getting Vita versions? Should this be something that SONY is pushing/encouraging/funding?
For instance, "Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit" is a recent PSN release that I won't buy b/c I'll never prioritize it in my PS3 backlog, but it would be a day-one purchase on the Vita. Same goes for games like "Shoot Many Robots", "Retro/Grade", etc. I'm pretty sure that all these titles saw terrible sales on the consoles, so why doesn't SONY give them a second life on the Vita?
It's all really frustrating, especially since the situation feels so similar to the PSP's early days, yet with a vastly superior device.
Even first party is iffy, if Tgs is anything to go by
Even first party is iffy, if Tgs is anything to go by
There were "three" new first party titles announced/rumored at TGS. Over My Dead Body 2, Open Me Box (it counts!), and maybe Gravity Rush 2.
Gravity rush 2 was 'announced' via twitter.There were "three" new first party titles announced/rumored at TGS. Over My Dead Body 2, Open Me Box (it counts!), and maybe Gravity Rush 2.
DCharlie: Hero of the Vita. He have almost all games, even the more obscure ones like Asphal Injection and Ciel no Surge! :bow:
DCharlie is the hero of every system![]()
There is already a Vita entry either released or announced for nearly all of Sony's major IPs, along with a few new ones. I'm content with waiting a bit for more first party announcements.
Wouldn't mind a God of War for Vita myself though, more so if it got the same attention as the PSP ones did.
God of War and Gran Turismo which are 2 biggest franchises sony has.
God of War ain't happening because Ready At Dawn is interested incommitting suicide witha next gen new IP and Sony Santa Monica is doing GoW: Ascension. GT is well ... GT.
I like how FFX is on the spreadsheet. Staying positive, eh guys!
God of War and Gran Turismo which are 2 biggest franchises sony has.
SSM didn't touch the psp i doubt they'll make a gow for vita and as for gt,it should have been announced a long time ago.Ready at dawn will do well with a new next gen ip if it hits early.God of War ain't happening because Ready At Dawn is interested incommitting suicide witha next gen new IP and Sony Santa Monica is doing GoW: Ascension. GT is well ... GT.
God of War Vita could be Sony Bend's new title .. could be (is the key two words)
We won't hear about a GT for the Vita until they announce GT6. Polyphony take their sweet ass time with doing anything.
Nah, the director of Ascension said a Vita GoW isn't even in preproduction yet and I doubt Bend could do a GoW game justice. Angry QTEs isn't their thing.
God of War Vita could be Sony Bend's new title .. could be (is the key two words)
I wish Nihilistic do the GOW port.
I wish Nihilistic do the GOW port.
I wish Nihilistic do the GOW port.
i'm good just a bit melancholy today how about youHow is everyone today?
I want Nihilistic to do every Vita game.I wish Nihilistic do the GOW port.
I want gameloft to then port that to ios.I wish Nihilistic do the GOW port.
At least that quality studio still loves the vita.i'm good just a bit melancholy today how about you):
I want Nihilistic to do every Vita game.
I want gameloft to then port that to ios.
God of war:greek fruit ninja.Oh god can you imagine?
God of war: kratos goes eh. Kinda doesn't care.
QTE's that make you angry is their thing though
It'll be a first person shooter.
zeno Clash clone.
Good news, more confirmation that NFS is not delayed.
UPDATE: EA UK has told that there is "no delay" to the Vita version of Need For Speed: Most Wanted, and reconfirmed that the game will launch on November 2 alongside other formats.
ORIGINAL STORY: The PlayStation Vita version of Need For Speed: Most Wanted has been delayed until spring 2013, EA's Polish website has suggested.
Thx.God bless you guys and the eternal optimism. This thread makes me all nostalgic for the old Dreamcast thread right before Sega pulled the plug.
There is already a Vita entry either released or announced for nearly all of Sony's major IPs, along with a few new ones. I'm content with waiting a bit for more first party announcements.
Wouldn't mind a God of War for Vita myself though, more so if it got the same attention as the PSP ones did.
There were "three" new first party titles announced/rumored at TGS. Over My Dead Body 2, Open Me Box (it counts!), and maybe Gravity Rush 2.
God bless you guys and the eternal optimism. This thread makes me all nostalgic for the old Dreamcast thread right before Sega pulled the plug.