Nintendo is impacted less by piracy
What do you mean by that? Piracy was incredibly rampant on the DS and Wii.
Nintendo is impacted less by piracy
so I saw this
I know..I's most probably an error..but good god..if this is true and if this game comes to vita...the vita can discontinue the day after for all I care
What do you mean by that? Piracy was incredibly rampant on the DS and Wii.
so I saw this
I know..I's most probably an error..but good god..if this is true and if this game comes to vita...the vita can discontinue the day after for all I care
their target, especially with the handheld has been the broke teenager who can and will pirate
Seems counterintuitive to target the broke teenager and then fleece them with overpriced, mandatory memory cards.
Maybe that's why no one is buying Vitas -- they've alienated their own target demographic!
What do you mean by that? Piracy was incredibly rampant on the DS and Wii.
Definitely, but for two reasons... Sony doesn't have as wide a target audience, their target, especially with the handheld has been the broke teenager who can and will pirate whereas nintendo successfully appeal to a broader group who still buy games.
Second reason they aren't as impacted is because Nintendo still publishes the best games for the system and will do that regardless of piracy...whereas Sony of course depends more on third-parties to ensure continued interest in their products..
I know the R4 did damage, but Nintendo could still profit with it..and third parties just see the userbase and want a piece. Not the same for Sony...imo of course.
It's definitely not digital.But yeah, great post! I can see where you're coming from. IIRC, the copy of ACIII included with the bundle is a digital one, but I'm not completely sure.
Going from another perspective, Nintendo (currently) have less to lose with getting hacked than Sony does. At least, until they get off their asses and implement the damn account system everyone wants. :|
I do agree that they're currently overpriced, but I don't mind proprietary storage if it means keeping my account info safe.
I'd rather the account info be saved on the system and not the memory card (proprietary or otherwise), and not be tied to anything, but I guess we can't always have nice things, can we, Sony?
I don't think the account system is saved at all at the moment, nor the settings - just the games...does the vita not have any storage of its own?
I'd rather the account info be saved on the system and not the memory card (proprietary or otherwise), and not be tied to anything, but I guess we can't always have nice things, can we, Sony?
I just mean like your PSN ID/password. But never mind that is on the system. So I don't understand what having proprietary memory has to do with secure accounts then :<
Oooh, okay.Oh I'm not talking about the info being saved on the card, I'm talking about using any security defects from any third-party SD cards to hack the system wide-open.
Edit, ah nvm! thanks for clarifying, good point. Although still the price seems a bit shady to me. Especially when they've made their own cards before..were they that overpriced then too?
Edit, ah nvm! thanks for clarifying, good point. Although still the price seems a bit shady to me.
Oooh, okay.
Well that seems a bit farfetched anyway. Like someone would have to get a hold of your system and then hack it via the memory card, right? I don't know why anyone would do that, and if you lose your system you could just change your password and deactivate it.
Oooh, okay.
Well that seems a bit farfetched anyway. Like someone would have to get a hold of your system and then hack it via the memory card, right? I don't know why anyone would do that, and if you lose your system you could just change your password and deactivate it.
Yeah, like I said, even I'm not happy with the prices. I understand why they do it, since Sony have way more to lose from the Vita getting hacked (I imagine it'd be PSN 2011 all over again) than Nintendo, the former of which sells tons whenever they put out a game no matter how pirated the game is (or the quality of the game in general, but that's another story). But would it kill them to be easier on my pocket?
I agree...way too pricey in general. Especially digital games. Vita has been ok so far in the EU tbh though. Hopefully we'll see some cuts next year..
TBQH, I'm not too bitchy about digital prices as much as others, mostly because I just see it as indicative as to how the current retail mold is utterly broken. Though I do agree with most that they should be more aggresive about the digital pricing and set an example, more so their own titles, but having a game release for it's full price on day one and having it drop by half in a month or two really shouldn't be the norm, imo. It might as well have been lower from the start.
That's true, but some games really do need a price-drop..modnation deserved it, not sure why everybody's golf got slashed so much but I'm glad it did. I'm not against digital sales either..![]()
but having a game release for it's full price on day one and having it drop by half in a month or two really shouldn't be the norm, imo. It might as well have been lower from the start.
I'm a bit undecided about the Silent Hill Demo. Haven't had the time to play it through, just the first level and some of the second. So far I think the game is mostly ok.
I really like the music and it's nice to create your own character.
Combat is ok, mostly just pressing the same button until the monster is defeated without much tactic. Maybe it becomes interesting later on. The first level plays more like a tutorial level anyway. And I like that they kept the weapons durability from downpour, that you need to find new ones after they break.
Overall it could be a fun game, leveling up your character and finding better items. Not sure if you really need multiplayer to have fun as well.
The worst thing about the demo for me was the voice acting.
Not that it was particularly bad, but my female character has this typical tough teenage girl acting which destroyed a lot of atmosphere for me. Shouldn't she be at least a bit scared with all those monsters? :/ And yeah the "they look like monsters to you?" comment from the Downpour-postman/BoM-shopkeeper was a bit lame as well.
The ridiculously long loading times really needs to be fixed. I don't know when was the last time I had a game loading that long. And it's especially bad if you die and the game first shows a slow animation of the book closing until the retry button appears and then loads the complete level again with the same long loading times the first time.
The demo isn't hard but if the later levels will be more difficult and dying more common this could really ruin the game.
I will play the demo again and will probably buy the full game as well, just not sure about whether to buy it now or later with a price drop.
Oh, I know they do. I've been waiting for Parappa PSP to get a price drop since... well, a long time now. ;_;
Pretty awesome that the price of last year's fifa is still $40 even with the "new" one releasing this week.
so I saw this
I know..I's most probably an error..but good god..if this is true and if this game comes to vita...the vita can discontinue the day after for all I care
No only EU for now.Demo is up for NA?
sigh, Sony is so paranoid in avoiding piracy and other thing, that they just keep implementing a lot of annoying stuff hoping their fanbase just endure it for them. it's 2012, I was surprised to how much of a hassle I find that I need to use data cable to transfer files to Vita from ps3. I got used with wireless transfer like Kies Air on my Smartphone and technology wise, I don't think it's outside of Vita's capabilities to just connect to ps3 via local wifi and transfer file that way.
as well as the whole one account per vita thing, I wish all account info, vita setting etc are stored on mem card, and I don't need to format vita when I switch mem card, would be so nice if I just put put JP account memcard and my Vita instantly changed to my Jp region vita, complete with my wallpaper/bubble placement/wifi setting and everything.
If you get one, I will personally welcome to the Vitabros by typing a sentence or two. Just for you.
But yeah, great post! I can see where you're coming from. IIRC, the copy of ACIII included with the bundle is a digital one, but I'm not completely sure.
Thanks Omega, I was afraid I was getting TL;DR there. -_-;
Although hearing that Liberations will be a digital version is news to me. I mean I'm used to there not being a full blown retail case in Sony's system bundles, cheap cardboard inserts usually take their place, but I'd be shocked! Is this a recent thing Sony's doing?!
AU is like $100 iirc.
If you are talking Fifa 13 specifically it's $90 for console $60 for vita. In general most New Vita games are between $50 and $70 mostly sony stuff for 50 everyone else 60+
specifically it's $60 for vita.
so I saw this
I know..I's most probably an error..but good god..if this is true and if this game comes to vita...the vita can discontinue the day after for all I care
Sorry, last question about Uncharted Golden Abyss: how long is the game. Gametrailers review claimed 10 hours, but i heard it can be longer.
I think when I played it, it was about 8-10 hours, maybe 12 at most.
Guys, is there a "PSVita, what does this thing have?" thread yet? I know there's one for NDS and 3DS. I was thinking of putting one together. Would it be a good idea?
Guys, is there a "PSVita, what does this thing have?" thread yet? I know there's one for NDS and 3DS. I was thinking of putting one together. Would it be a good idea?