I recc 9 or 10 first
9 is actually a pretty good entry point (and my second favorite FF) so I also recommend that. Though you should play 7 to, its a good game and everyone has played it so you want to be like everyone right?
I recc 9 or 10 first
You almost sound like you haven't worked in an organization before. There are thousands of games, and different people are in charge of different things cut him some slack.And thats the problem at Sony. Why does he have to ask, shouldn't he know? Nobody on the PSN team knows anything.
9 is actually a pretty good entry point (and my second favorite FF) so I also recommend that. Though you should play 7 to, its a good game and everyone has played it so you want to be like everyone right?
You almost sound like you haven't worked in an organization before. There are thousands of games, and different people are in charge of different things cut him some slack.
You could wait for FF7 REmake.Why'd you have to say that. Now I have to skip 7.
9 will ruin you for most of the other Final Fantasy titles so I too recommend starting with 7. (Although don't go in expecting good graphics.)Why'd you have to say that. Now I have to skip 7.
I took a break from the game for about a month after hitting a wall on Death Mode and then managed to push through the 8 or so levels that had me stumped over a 2-3 hour stretch last weekend. Don't lose heart on achieving Platinum here!
(Now I've got to see if the same tactic will work on Motorstorm. Will be revisiting that wall once I clear through Lumines in the next day or two.)
So do you guys think we're still getting Sine Mora?
I've been saving my PSN money waiting for that and JSR, and am hoping it's still in the pipeline.
Hey vita bros, I need some help with my last trophy in Motorstorm RC, Wall Brawl. Stupidly I waited on this one and now I have only really hard challenges to do. So please send me some challenges and help a vita bro out! PSN ID is unsung0
What's wrong with P3P? It's like.. my favorite PSP game =[
in short, it's a complete shit port
of an already bad game,
the game got completely butchered,exploring maps/3D world of the original game gone and turned into point and click soulless adventure,cutscenes removed,even the new opening sucks, the female protagonist's persona sucks, you get less of Persona experience, less of RPG experience and less of everything, it's really the ultimate ripoff and the worst port of all time.
9 will ruin you for most of the other Final Fantasy titles so I too recommend starting with 7. (Although don't go in expecting good graphics.)
in short, it's a complete shit port of an already bad game,the game got completely butchered,exploring maps/3D world of the original game gone and turned into point and click soulless adventure,cutscenes removed,even the new opening sucks,the female protagonist's persona sucks,you get less of Persona experience, less of RPG experience and less of everything, it's really the ultimate ripoff and the worst port of all time.
You know I care, at least!At least you do. That's good enough.
Yes, you got it! I'm glad someone didn't eat my dreams and got the joke.No, their nobodies areand Xenukroxas
I have a JPN account, but I probably won't switch over until Tuesday or so...Anyone have a Japanese account and try Picotto Knights?
:O I thought Future Shop was sticking to the original street date (that's what it said in the flyer), but apparently not -- I guess LBP WILL BE MINE TOMORROW HUZZAH
Yes, you got it! I'm glad someone didn't eat my dreams and got the joke.
Finished the campaign of Sound Shapes. Beck levels were EASILY the best of the entire set. I gave Death Mode a try and I'm not sure I like it...
Yes, you got it! I'm glad someone didn't eat my dreams and got the joke.
*snip P3P rant*
I'd say Technika Tune would kill you, but it has safety limiters (aka your arms getting tired).I played Hatsune Miku for fucking 5.5 hours today. Rhythm games are addicting.
:O I thought Future Shop was sticking to the original street date (that's what it said in the flyer), but apparently not -- I guess LBP WILL BE MINE TOMORROW HUZZAH
Are the memory cards still locked to one account after the 1.81 update. I want to try the picotto knights thing
My hit list for the rest of the year...
October 16
Ragnarok Odyssey
October 30
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
I'm not expecting COD: Black Ops Declassified or SH: Book of Memories to be any good. JSR HD doesn't seem to be reviewing well.
Any other notable digital-only releases I should be keying in on? Clearly Retro City Rampage is a go if it gets a 2012 release date.
You won't regret it, it's very well made and great fun.
learn more about that awesome lore thenI figured you were referencing something, but I don't know enough about KH to have discerned what ;_;
I... I'm all out...No worries, people aren't completely heartless. Want some sea salt ice cream to make you feel better?
It really is great!I played Hatsune Miku for fucking 5.5 hours today. Rhythm games are addicting.
It looked pretty bad the first few times we saw it, but you say it's getting better? Let's hope that's true...Book of Memories has been getting a lot of positive preview buzz so long as you aren't still mad over the fact that it's a Silent Hill Dungeon Crawler.
At worst, it's unmemorable but suitable, at best, it makes the game feel like an incredible adventure. Most of the music falls into the latter camp.How's LBPV's soundtrack, by the way? Hope it's as good as 2's.
How's LBPV's soundtrack, by the way? Hope it's as good as 2's.
Awesome, man. Glad to hear it seems good. Very happy to hear no discernible slowdown. I'm pretty excited for that game. Did it look native res? Or at least sharp?
does the screen shot function work? if so take a pic and send it to someone
Definitely picking this one up then. Assassin's Creed 2 is one of my favorite games this gen.
What's wrong with P3P? It's like.. my favorite PSP game =[
I'd like to know about the gameplay changes if you can test them. I'm pretty sure in an older thread about the game they said there would be a dedicated jump button instead of the traditional and terrible auto jump/platforming. They also said you couldn't counter-kill your way through combat anymore. If you could find out if those are true I'd greatly appreciate it. That would make this game the best in the series from a gameplay standpoint.
Hey vita bros, I need some help with my last trophy in Motorstorm RC, Wall Brawl. Stupidly I waited on this one and now I have only really hard challenges to do. So please send me some challenges and help a vita bro out! PSN ID is unsung0
Actually happy that you don't need to tap X since I like being able to jump around and have control over the camera at the same time.The x is dedicated jump...but you can hold R and autoplatform so - yeah. You can't just counterkill easy through since you don't actually block? Like she's in the position of ready but when they attack if you don't move or counter, you get hit. At least that's the way it worked for me using the hatchet and hidden blades.
Loved this ar game concept. The sad part is that i would need a second vita friend near me which i don't have for now.
LittleBigPlanet is a game I knew that would translate well into handhelds. Cinematic games like Uncharted and God of War are nice to have on Vita, but many people dismiss those types of games as they prefer them on the big screen. However with LittleBigPlanet the handheld versions benefits, it's a quick pick up and play game, and the extra controls add to the game.
Sumo needs to work on every Vita game. I'm so excited to see what they pull off in Sonic Racing after playing LBP. Beautiful.
Is ragnorok oddessy worth importing to europe??
Sumo needs to work on every Vita game. I'm so excited to see what they pull off in Sonic Racing after playing LBP. Beautiful.
Yeah, they did Virtua Tennis. And I have absolutely no idea how they helped out, but I'm attributing to them a magic touch.I saw their name in the game, but what did they do for LBP exactly? It was odd to see them in a LBP game. Aren't those guys with Sega? The same that did Virtua Tennis 4, right?