Hell yeah it is. It was good playing with you. (My PSN name is MrJellyBean). We only played a job or two before getting a session time out or whatever, but it was good fun. Tonight has been pretty smooth for me, and by the looks of it a few other GAFers, so hopefully everything will be smoothed out soon for those who haven't been able to connect yet.
Good games to everyone else I had a chance to play with. Spazznid, Nighthawk, Quint, Sweeney and a few others. Also, kept missing some mission invites from other crew members, so hopefully I'll get to play with some of you too. Can't wait till everyone has a chance to play, because it's going to be awesome when everything works and we can get full rooms with crew members.
I'll probably be playing for an hour or so tonight yet so shoot me an invite or friend request if you want to. PSN name is MrJellyBean.
I was just in free roam with 5 or 6 IGN tags. Is there a way to target and track them w/o coughing up money to put a bounty on their head? It's tough to identify people in a full room using the map unless it's a member of our crew with the purple outline. It would be awesome if our crew can declare war on them and have their map markers turn to hostile whenever we are in the same free roam room.You guys been targeting any other crews in free roam? I've only seen one IGN crew member but I decided I'm going to target IGN since I know how much GAF loves'em. Only one or two kills of each per session unless provoked though.
Got on earlier tonight and robbed some stores with a couple Gaffers including Rob and was just trying to get used to everything...
Unfortunately my mic settings were all messed up so I could barely hear anything they were saying. I exited the game to adjust my settings and when I tried to log back on my character had disappeared. Hopefully he's not gone forever :/ I'll give it another go in a couple of days.
Hey tstrider, Gray-Fillabuster.
Lol, my favourite part was the cop chases. Sorry I bailed on you. But the car that I got picked up in was only a 2 seater. I had to leave you for dead, haha. How did you make out anyways? Got out alive?
I was just in free roam with 5 or 6 IGN tags. Is there a way to target and track them w/o coughing up money to put a bounty on their head? It's tough to identify people in a full room using the map unless it's a member of our crew with the purple outline. It would be awesome if our crew can declare war on them and have their map markers turn to hostile whenever we are in the same free roam room.
Why does the IGN crew get to have 60,000 members? There are 20+ crews with over 300. Do sites make special requests with Rockstar to uncap the members? Can GAF get uncapped if we ask?
Just like how we have several groups with the same tag, doesn't mean they are in the exact same crew, it just means that they have the same tag.
also GGs to CHRP, we made over 300K doing violent duct misssions.
and GGs to BobtheFork, Quint, Spazznid, Escalation, and everybody else.
Just like how we have several groups with the same tag, doesn't mean they are in the exact same crew, it just means that they have the same tag.
also GGs to CHRP, we made over 300K doing violent duct misssions.
and GGs to BobtheFork, Quint, Spazznid, Escalation, and everybody else.
You guys still can't get online? Really? That is strange.
I was just in free roam with 5 or 6 IGN tags. Is there a way to target and track them w/o coughing up money to put a bounty on their head? It's tough to identify people in a full room using the map unless it's a member of our crew with the purple outline. It would be awesome if our crew can declare war on them and have their map markers turn to hostile whenever we are in the same free roam room.
Where is my cut?![]()
Online better just be F'ed right now. It said cloud servers unavailable and I hit Retry, only to see my characters gone and my bank accounts at 0.
So yeah, better be F'ed.
I'm ranked 4th in the crew in tennis. See me son!!! lol
story or online?
how do you play tennis online?
I just walked up to the tennis racket symbol and got put into a match against a random opponent.
what level are you?
i'm 5 and i don't see any racket symbol on the map
well I'm like level 4 and I just want to take it easy and play some missions with people without all the damn griefing (been ATM popped a few times already).
PSN in profile
Oh god, didn't realize we swapped roles when the car wrecked in the rally driving.
Took Mr. Jellybean down with me because I was just sitting there for several seconds.
what level are you?
i'm 5 and i don't see any racket symbol on the map
Ha, I was hoping you'd check the thread and read that. And yeah, I could hear you fine. I should really get a headset.Lol, that race was great. That's the first time I played one of those. Tricky to know when to tell the person when to turn. I think I was pretty bad at it and I usually told you when you were almost past the turn. I look forward to playing more of those.