Why do they care? If they're such Microsoft fanboys they should be happy it's coming to another Microsoft platform.
Did Vita fans cry when tearaway was announced for PS4?
Why do they care? If they're such Microsoft fanboys they should be happy it's coming to another Microsoft platform.
Did Vita fans cry when tearaway was announced for PS4?
Why do they care? If they're such Microsoft fanboys they should be happy it's coming to another Microsoft platform.
Did Vita fans cry when tearaway was announced for PS4?
Why do they care? If they're such Microsoft fanboys they should be happy it's coming to another Microsoft platform.
Did Vita fans cry when tearaway was announced for PS4?
Did Vita fans cry when tearaway was announced for PS4?
Hmm, not worth switching from Win 7 to 10, but awesome news.
Don't know if you guys saw that they updated the specs to be more reasonable:
They switched the recommended to ULTRA and added in the specs for recommended.Is that not the same just with an extra Ultra category?
They switched the recommended to ULTRA and added in the specs for recommended.
Doesn't show any expectation of resolution or framerate so this list is still useless lol
Doesn't show any expectation of resolution or framerate so this list is still useless lol
When system requirements do show such things? I guess there is reason why I often hear them being referred to as "vague guidelines with little meaning".
Don't know if you guys saw that they updated the specs to be more reasonable:
I find it amazing they didn't use their PC gamer announcement earlier last year to say these games are I dunno...
Coming to PC?
What a bunch of idiots at Microsoft really.
aarongreenberg said:We fairly recently were able to make the Win 10 version come day & date with #XboxOne with shared saves & this lets more fans play the game.
Is this available on PC in a retail package or is it only available through the Windows Store?
So if they're using redemption codes, I'm assuming tons of xbone owners will be looking to sell their PC codes for cheap-ish?Windows 10 Store.
Windows 10 Store.
so far it looks like its only Win10 store , but no idea if it hist other PC platforms tooIs this available on PC in a retail package or is it only available through the Windows Store?
Guys should research the Rise of Tomb Raider Windows 10 version and what a Windows 10 store version includes.
Things like tablet mode, locked v-sync, cannot use third party apps like Afterburner and such, can't stream Windows 10 versions of these games too.
I'm sure this goes for Gears Ultimate, Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, and any other Win 10 version of an AAA game.
So its almost like you basically just get a 'console' version of the game but on PC.
Oh, some graphical options too.
It comes with the Windows 10 version of the game. It does not come with an OS upgrade.A friend of mine told me that pre ordering the game comes with a free Windows 10 upgrade
is it true?
A friend of mine told me that pre ordering the game comes with a free Windows 10 upgrade
is it true?
What? I remember a lot of disappointment when exclusive Vita titles migrated across to PS3/PS4 and it received ports in return.
Why did this happen? Because it signified that the platform holder was not willing to invest in those who had bought the hardware.
What has happened? The Vita is on its way out, despite being a glorious piece of hardware. Yes, your IPs have migrated but you're not going to see handheld Sony hardware again.
What does this mean for Xbox? That Microsoft have given up (you could argue from late 360 gen) on investing in unique content for its purchasers. It means they are looking at going into a software/storefront vendor role (which means going into competition against Valve). Why bother buying any hardware from the only vendor who does not support their platform? Buy a Sony, buy a Nintendo.
What? I remember a lot of disappointment when exclusive Vita titles migrated across to PS3/PS4 and it received ports in return.
Why did this happen? Because it signified that the platform holder was not willing to invest in those who had bought the hardware.
What has happened? The Vita is on its way out, despite being a glorious piece of hardware. Yes, your IPs have migrated but you're not going to see handheld Sony hardware again.
What does this mean for Xbox? That Microsoft have given up (you could argue from late 360 gen) on investing in unique content for its purchasers. It means they are looking at going into a software/storefront vendor role (which means going into competition against Valve). Why bother buying any hardware from the only vendor who does not support their platform? Buy a Sony, buy a Nintendo.
What? I remember a lot of disappointment when exclusive Vita titles migrated across to PS3/PS4 and it received ports in return.
Why did this happen? Because it signified that the platform holder was not willing to invest in those who had bought the hardware.
What has happened? The Vita is on its way out, despite being a glorious piece of hardware. Yes, your IPs have migrated but you're not going to see handheld Sony hardware again.
What does this mean for Xbox? That Microsoft have given up (you could argue from late 360 gen) on investing in unique content for its purchasers. It means they are looking at going into a software/storefront vendor role (which means going into competition against Valve). Why bother buying any hardware from the only vendor who does not support their platform? Buy a Sony, buy a Nintendo.
While I didn't care for tearaway coming to the ps4, I know I was very please when Gravity Rush was annouced for the system, knowing that the ip would get another chance to shine and to introduce a slew of new players to the game, I just don't understand why some people are mad at quantum break being in pc, more people are going to be able to play the game, that's a good thing jackasses, ugh console fanboy are weird.
Same here. Played Perfekt Dark on the XOne and ditched it after. I always had the feeling they were to release it on PC, too. I mean... with Alan Wake, Enslaved, Dragon's Dogma, Final Fantasy etc. we had a lot of games coming to PC nevertheless. I'm very happy about it. The only Xbox exclusive that had my interest.Now, I don't know what to expect. If Ge4rs gets a pc release, I don't see any reason to get an Xbone.