Quick look is up. It unlocks on Steam in 4 hours, can't wait.
Most cartoonish/family-friendly games in the industry feel like they were done by one of those CGI animation houses that piggybacks on the latest Disney movie with a shameless direct-to-video clone.Still eager to try it out, but stuff like that critter.. thing and all that sort of humor feels like its gonna get tiresome fast.
It's as if DreamWorks animation made a Portal game
Every Day I'm Shovelin. Fuck the fuck off, Quantum Conundrum.
Did people not buy tiny and big?Bought and waiting for unlock.
Hopefully more people play this than Tiny & Big!
What surprised me in terms of the games Portalosity is just how closely it apes the structure and tone as well as the concept. The unseen, quipping narrator whos built an indoor maze of traps and puzzles (this time within an architecturally-implausible mansion), the way each challenge room is bookended by a short monologue from this character, the anthropomorphic machines, the only regular sighting of other people coming in the form of paintings, the narrator and silent protagonists somewhat ambivalent relationship, the way the player can conveniently survive huge drops unscathed (no leg braces here, though), the use of a hand-mounted doo-hickey for spatial manipulation Perhaps some similarities were unavoidable, perhaps some were unconscious and perhaps some are purely because Im seeing the game through the prism of my familiarity with and fondness for the Portals. Its just, well If youre going to so overtly take after a game thats been so widely hailed as a modern classic, youd best do it damned well.
Minute to minute over the last couple of days, my opinion towards Quantum Conundrum has changed dramatically. Moments after thinking yes, this is smart and charming Id be wishing the most awful suffering upon its creators.
Perhaps Quantum Conundrum's greatest quality is this: While playing through the eight or nine hours it took me to finish, I was at times frustrated, annoyed, and even a little infuriated. But I never stopped smiling.
Quantum Conundrum's inventive puzzles put your brain to satisfying work. Everything surrounding the challenges feels a little empty and could use some of the rest of the games ingenuity. But a disappointing ending and lack of visual detail shouldn't keep you from the thrill of inter-dimensional puzzle solving. The foundation has been laid, and I hope to be cracking many more Quantum Conundrums in the future.
The puns and general humor in the Quick Look were absolutely horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a thinly veiled cake joke.
Disappointed, Kim Swift.
Is it true that the resolution can't go higher than 720p?
Some may complain that its not as funny or as clever as Valves hit series, but Quantum Conundrum is a unique experience that deserves attention nonetheless.
This is true.
Edit: It can go 1280 x 768 if you want. That's the only one higher than 1280 x 720.
Have you looked for a config file to edit?
I'm using 1920x1080 just fine. I tried lowering it and 1680x1050 seemed to work just as well.
How? I don't see it in the settings?
Huh? Kim Swift didn't write Portal, it's Erik Wolpaw.The puns and general humor in the Quick Look were absolutely horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a thinly veiled cake joke.
Disappointed, Kim Swift.
I had 1920x1080 as the default setting in the settings and could go lower and back to 1920x1080 (which is my monitor limit).
Probably some bug/feature with how different monitors report available resolutions or something.
Is it true that the resolution can't go higher than 720p?
This is true.
Edit: It can go 1280 x 768 if you want. That's the only one higher than 1280 x 720.
2nd Edit: It looks like this might be depending on what your monitor reports. Possible bug.
Isn't this game supposed to have voice acting? Because for some reason my game doesn't. Redownloaded it twice now too...
Got up to the 2nd type of dimension before stopping for the football. Fun game so far.
1920x1080 was available for me by default.
For fucks sake, this is a PC release first. What the hell.I'm playing 1080p and the framerate annoyingly bounces down to 30fps from 60fps at times but that might just be loading. I have no 720p option or any other graphics tweaks.
Why would he have a 720p option if it's a 1080p monitor? Unless he wants a windowed option.For fucks sake, this is a PC release first. What the hell.