It's not exactly surprising that Kark took back his infected claim, after it backfired on him as it did. Is he telling the truth this time, though? My only theory for a town Kark to do the claim as he did was hoping that the Araxoids wouldn't care about infecting him after claiming as he had done, which would secure the director to be kept in town's side, if he got that power. There could be more to it, though.
At any case, it is hard to give him any credibility at this point. If you were town Kark, what other reception were you expecting to your claim? People are not going to trust a claimed scum, and people aren't going to trust you now. Day 2 lynch on you is going to be pretty likely, and if you are town, that means you wasted town's time for the first two day phases, while letting scum lay low and do as your please. I'm also not a fan of how you just took back your claim, and then faded away into nothingness again.
It seems that Natiko is getting traction as the main director candidate. He wouldn't be awful choice to be the director, but I feel little unsure. He has been fairly analytical and thoughtful during this day phase, but I also haven't read any of his previous games, so I don't have any point of reference of how trusting I'm willing to give him as powerful voting power as Director is. Some of the votes on him also feel very... bandwagonyly safe to be honest. Fat4all and Fran seem like prime examples of this.
Still, the nature of the game makes this kind of wondering more difficult. If Kark's original claim was true, then there is only one scum, so voting analysis like this would be meaningless. But if Kark is actually town/is lying about some aspects, there could be more at play. Still, Natiko wouldn't be awful candidate to be a director.
VOTE: Burbeting
Burbeting was helping further discussion early on and was asking good questions and sharing thoughts. He then volunteered for Director but outside of that post never mentioned it again. I'm not sure that I'll leave my vote here but was hoping to get his attention since he has become more quiet recently.
Burb - why did you volunteer for Director? Was there specific reasoning behind it? What are your current thoughts?
I volunteered because I thought that the Director mechanic was interesting, and I wouldn't mind holding the power: it could make things more interesting for myself. It would also push myself further in trying to figure out who scum are, since my vote would carry more weight. In a sense, it would be a stopgap forcing me to not to become intellectually lazy while re-reading thread and posts during later days.
And well, since I seem to have had tendency to die in N2, at least it would mean the end of uncertainty of the role, if nothing else

I still wouldn't mind becoming the director. My reasonings are little selfish though, so make that as you will.
I wouldn't want to make either CCS or acohrs as the director at this point. The director has to be someone, who if not turned into infected, is not easy to control by the infected influence.
Kark is out of the question. Ouro doesn't feel viable option either, mostly due to him going with Kark's pretty insane request. Ouro also has that aura of manipulation in his posts, which could become problematic if he is turned into an infected.
Natiko is not a bad choice, but like I said, I don't have a point of reference about him, so I don't feel confident enough in voting for him.
Reading through the thread again, I think that I'll go for Swamped, at least for now. Her posts have been short, but good. She asks questions from people, and has been generally contributive. I also trust her on being good asset for town later, based on her previous performance. Obviously it would be a problem if she was turned into infected, she isn't called mafia queen for no reason. But that's a problem we will face no matter who we choose as a director (outside Kark, I guess)
VOTE: Swamped