I think we'll have more to go on about Infected once we get through a night phase. So that's all for now, I guess.
Let's talk about the Director role.

I think we'll have more to go on about Infected once we get through a night phase. So that's all for now, I guess.
Let's talk about the Director role.
Lynch you. I thought we were clear on that.
In response to your observation on my interactions with Kark, had 2 posts about him. One where I really question why we would even consider him for director and two where I try and digest the information that he gave us and decide what could possibly be true and what could be false. What I did when scum and provided some kind of read list or info was to have some truth amongst the lies, I assumed Kark would do the same. It's now confirmed that all his info was lies so that throws my earlier observation out the window.
For Kark's info to be useful, it needs to be confirmed 100% what alignment he is. So, either a cop needs to clear and confirm theyre town, which is a bad move as the cop would then have to claim and scum would off him N2, or Kark is lynched and we get his role PM.
If I had to make a pick of who I think is infected kawl and fat4all are top of my list. Those are the quiet and under the radar moves.
You must have seen this coming from the moment your gambit startedIt's a very lazy argument that benefits scum
I see Melon got back to me ( thank you! ) and that both Kark and Burb never really responded at all. Kark ignores the questions Verelios and I threw at him but he seems pretty okay with answering any and all questions on this page. Burb, well, I never technically asked him a question but he has essentially outright ignored what I commented on. Very textbook Scum!Burb.
Yes but it was the way your structured your comments that bothers me.
You made 2 comments about Kark yet none of them were direct questions towards him regarding his powers, win condition, intention for claiming, etc. and were instead passive comments surrounding the situation. Whereas when CCS claims you bombard him with multiple direct questions such as why he claimed, his powers, what he intends to do with them, and why he felt it was a good idea to claim on Day 1.
There's a huge difference in the way you handled each situation and I find it very suspicious that you dance around the Scum claim but eagerly jumped on the Town claim.
Why Fat4all? If anything I would consider Fat4all the opposite of quiet, he's posted quite a bit throughout the entire Day Phase.
Why Fat4all? If anything I would consider Fat4all the opposite of quiet, he's posted quite a bit throughout the entire Day Phase.
You must have seen this coming from the moment your gambit started
Of course, but that doesn't change that it's a lazy argument, especially when I've put in a fair amount of work and am obviously not Infected. Town should not let players default to an easy lynch or some dumb retribution lynch.
Maybe the araxometer count of "1" is Cabot, and dead count for Infected (if they were ever infected)
There is no way you can pretend that real scum would do what I've done, and no, there is no wine allowed in the lab
I don't know that. If anyone can vouch for you then good for them, but to say your eventual lynch would be easy or lazy is disingenuous at best.Of course, but that doesn't change that it's a lazy argument, especially when I've put in a fair amount of work and am obviously not Infected. Town should not let players default to an easy lynch or some dumb retribution lynch.
Of course, but that doesn't change that it's a lazy argument, especially when I've put in a fair amount of work and am obviously not Infected. Town should not let players default to an easy lynch or some dumb retribution lynch.
I don't have to pretend. I trust you to be smart enough to do things that are both normal and abnormal given a particular situation. "Obviously" is not the correct word here. "Likely" is better, but even then you are nowhere near cleared.
This has basically no value, given that this is a game where town can become scum.
VOTE: Faddy
This is more symbolic than anything, but I think Faddy has done a good job of coming in and engaging. It would have been easy for a new (to this community I think at least) player to get lost in the crowd but he has not done so and I appreciate that. CCS is the theoretical best pick outside of myself but I just don't feel comfortable giving him extra voting power. I feel fine with Saw having extra voting power but my concern is we will then have to lose her early due to fear of infection.
You're right I did comment on the two differently, Kark's initial claim came while I was asleep. When I got back I saw a lot of questions had been asked of Kark and answered, and so, I did not feel it necessary to prod Kark that much as the questions I wanted to ask had been answered. From 11:20pm on the 22nd when Kark says that we should make him director to 09:38 am on the 23rd when I make first response to his claim, I'm out of action.
With CCS, I was active in the game when he made his PR claim, so I started asking him the questions that I wanted answering.
That's the only difference in my eyes between the two
Hubris to think that my play worked. Even though Swamped was the first one to follow me he did it without explanation and has since flipped to CCS. Not keeping his vote quiet.
Fat4all and kawl followed in to Natiko with just enough explanation to make it look like a reasonable vote.
The only risk to the infected on day one is getting their vote down without raising suspicion. They can post pretty freely since they are on their own and we don't have a lynch. Better to get involved on day 1 when there are no consequences.
Wait what? There's numerous posts. Like many, many where I directly say I believe I'm the best choice. I'm not trying to dump it on you as I doubt we are going to see a bunch of votes shift to you. Even in my post saying I was accepting that it was unlikely I would be picked out of this crowd I reiterated that I truly believe I am the best choice.Totally symbolic. Don't try and dump your death anchor onto me after I unmasked your coy plan to become director.
You wanted to be director and be able to say it was against your will.
VOTE: Faddy
This is more symbolic than anything, but I think Faddy has done a good job of coming in and engaging. It would have been easy for a new (to this community I think at least) player to get lost in the crowd but he has not done so and I appreciate that. CCS is the theoretical best pick outside of myself but I just don't feel comfortable giving him extra voting power. I feel fine with Saw having extra voting power but my concern is we will then have to lose her early due to fear of infection.
You've done this to yourselfUNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!
Unlimited power?
No unlimited power![]()
Wait what? There's numerous posts. Like many, many where I directly say I believe I'm the best choice. I'm not trying to dump it on you as I doubt we are going to see a bunch of votes shift to you. Even in my post saying I was accepting that it was unlikely I would be picked out of this crowd I reiterated that I truly believe I am the best choice.
Because my feeling was that while I had laid the foundation for why I should be chosen, most people didn't really seem to be following my reasoning. I felt I had stated enough for people to decide if I should be the choice or not. Why should I spend time each page reiterating the same points about my stance? It would just be a waste of our time. I standby my statements, I am the best choice. Everyone can make their decision without me pulling an Ouro.If you always thought you were the best choice why make the post pulling out of the running?
No one else did that, I thought it was a clear bluff because you saw a hard push for the role was not the way to win. I walked into your move to see who would follow.
I'm still keeping my vote on you because it was a good play.
Because my feeling was that while I had laid the foundation for why I should be chosen, most people didn't really seem to be following my reasoning. I felt I had stated enough for people to decide if I should be the choice or not. Why should I spend time each page reiterating the same points about my stance? It would just be a waste of our time. I standby my statements, I am the best choice. Everyone can make their decision without me pulling an Ouro.
I think there's merit there. If we ignore Kark for a moment my thoughts on scum for day one actions would likely be that they would want to put their name out for Director, but they would be scared to say much reasoning as to why we should pick them. They would want to blend in without sticking out much. The people that put their name forward for Director and then never gave reasoning stick out to me more than just who people ultimately voted for. Now a cross reference of those people could lead to a narrowed list of people to consider. That's something I will be taking a look at but currently on mobile it would be tough to get that done and posted prior to day end.Right, whether you wanted it or not. It looks like you are squarely in the running.
What do you think of my rationale for identifying where the scum vote has went?
Kark claimed here at 244
You don't respond until 430, which is almost 12 hours after Kark's initial claim - commenting that you think it's crazy we are discussing giving Director to Kark
It's then 431 - You meantion Director is probably a 'poisoned chalice' and that you no longer want it, vote for CCS instead
444 - Still don't give Kark Dictator ( without explaining why )
448 - Give Director to CCS
You then go from 454 to 473 with CCS and you're weird accented rugby discussion and ending it with a vote on me. You only meantion Kark once in that time at 459 - essentially asking CCS if he thinks Kark is a huge liar.
Then there's a couple gif/photo responses, finally at 490 you agree with Natiko on Kark and ask if he would vote for me.
494 you respond to Exo and describe that Kark has claimed, calling it confusing. Yet you never have directly interacted with Kark up to this point so if you were confused why didn't you try and get answers?
516 - You meantion that Kark is lying, but probably not lying about the Infection being random at Night? Out of everything Kark has said how do you come to the conclusion that part of his tale is true?
And now, CCS claims at 520
527 - with a photo response
532 - "Why claim? Why do you want Director? Are you alone? "
540 - Assumes CCS is Neutral and asks for his Win Con
545 - Mentions how this is roughly CCS 3rd time claiming early and how he was being honest each time ( almost ) but he would not get your vote
I can see that Kark's claim was around the time when you were asleep and that's why you didn't bombard him with questions like you did with CCS, but it still seemed like you were confused with Kark's claim or at least didn't believe parts of it. But even despite that you seemed totally fine with not looking for answers or prodding him for any clarification, in fact you never really directly talk to him at all whereas you're completely fine with asking CCS about anything and everything. It feels like you were totally fine with not getting answers from Kark and staying in the dark while with CCS it was something new and you wanted to know more.
Your gif/photo replies are on point though.
And that last part does remind me, I would like everyone to please explain why they are voting for the person they have picked for Director. A vote is a vote even if we aren't lynching today, so please explain why you feel your choice is the right one for Director.
I asked exmachina to give me some insights and he said that he would went Dusk answered some questions but never did.
Kark is right about one thing: lynching him on D2 would be the easy play. But it's also totally valid.
I feel, though, that we won't be talking about Kark on D2 because we'll have a night full of actions to look at.
So why don't we talk about why the director election is in a virtual dead heat?
Wasn't in the dark though, had 2 pages worth of posts to read through when I woke up. After reading them, didn't have any other questions left based on what I read. I
I'm mostly surprised that Sawneeks has come this far for Director without explicitly wanting it
Just for the record I will be voting Natiko again later.
Why later and not now?
People clearly need to reread my posts.
Wait what? There's numerous posts. Like many, many where I directly say I believe I'm the best choice. I'm not trying to dump it on you as I doubt we are going to see a bunch of votes shift to you. Even in my post saying I was accepting that it was unlikely I would be picked out of this crowd I reiterated that I truly believe I am the best choice.
Because my feeling was that while I had laid the foundation for why I should be chosen, most people didn't really seem to be following my reasoning. I felt I had stated enough for people to decide if I should be the choice or not. Why should I spend time each page reiterating the same points about my stance? It would just be a waste of our time. I standby my statements, I am the best choice. Everyone can make their decision without me pulling an Ouro.
There what is? I was referring to my posts earlier on in this game. I would hope you hadn't forgot the posts made most recently.There it is, I guess.
There what is? I was referring to my posts earlier on in this game. I would hope you hadn't forgot the posts made most recently.
Vote: Natiko
think fast
Thread was moving slowly'think fast'
'about an hour and a half left for the day phase'
think you're a little early there Ouro