Not the best QOTSA album but still a damn fun one. I'm just glad to have more QOTSA to listen to, I like a lot of music but Josh Homme's various projects are pretty much the one thing I get really excited for. I enjoy all the songs but I think Head Like a Haunted House is a bit weaker, I like the fast paced energy of it but something about the opening doesn't work for me. Still an enjoyable song but it doesn't quite click, I guess. And I'll just add myself to the pile of people who love Feet Don't Fail Me, its opening is ridiculously good. If I have one complaint about Villains, I wish it had one or two more songs on it - album feels pretty brief. But hey, it brought me Feet Don't Fail Me and Villains of Circumstance so it was well worth the wait.
Seemingly unpopular opinion though, I really like The Way You Used To Do and think it's a pretty good single. At first I didn't care for it but it has grown on me quite a bit. On a similar note, I actually wasn't a huge fan of My God is the Sun, solid song but probably my least favorite Queens single and the only song on Like Clockwork that I don't love.