If thom yorke farted some radiohead fans would probably consider it a masterpiece.
Actually, I think King Of Limbs is their worst album.
There we're right for leaving that song out. If thom yorke farted some radiohead fans would probably consider it a masterpiece.
There we're right for leaving that song out. If thom yorke farted some radiohead fans would probably consider it a masterpiece.
We can test this hypothesis with the number of Radiohead fans who like Twist.
I like parts of this song lol
There we're right for leaving that song out. If thom yorke farted some radiohead fans would probably consider it a masterpiece.
In Rainbows is boring. It's nowhere near as interesting as A/Amnesiac nor as varied as Hail. It's an album a bunch of teenagers listened to because it was free and now we have a generation acting like it was a great Radiohead album when it's not even top 5. There's at least a few good songs, unlike on TKOL, but it's certainly nothing soecial. I couldn't care less about critics. Bands like Radiohead get all praise multiplied based on their status.
and if Thom somehow made the best music in history you'd still be sitting there in your greasy t-shirt unimpressed and ready to rattle off 30 unknown bands that you think are better.
The kind of opinion that doesn't pretend everything Radiohead makes is great just because they hype it up.
Radiohead haven't released a good album since Hail. They're skating by on their name.
We can test this hypothesis with the number of Radiohead fans who like Twist.
I like parts of this song lol
and if Thom somehow made the best music in history you'd still be sitting there in your greasy t-shirt unimpressed and ready to rattle off 30 unknown bands that you think are better.
So does this mean we're getting a studio version of man of war? Is there a studio version I didn't know of?!
Better than anything on Moon Shaped Pool but not better than anything on Ok Computer.
Thanks for jumping on the latest tiny news piece about a band you don't care about to make sure everybody knows you think they suck. That adds a lot to the discussion!
That is Kent Brockman levels of hyperbole.Wouldn't be one of the good songs on OK Computer. But on the plus side, it is a million times better than anything else they have put out in the past 20 years, so overall it has to be considered pretty great.
I completely disagree...The kind of opinion that doesn't pretend everything Radiohead makes is great just because they hype it up.
Radiohead haven't released a good album since Hail. They're skating by on their name.
So does this mean we're getting a studio version of man of war? Is there a studio version I didn't know of?!
I completely disagree...
Plenty do. To me Radiohead stopped being exciting after Amnesiac. Hail was like a greatest hits of a bunch of different styles & I like it for that even if it's a bit bloated and inconsistent. The three albums since aren't exciting. Moon is better than Limbs but they have no energy. Nothing is thrilling.
Weren't you in the Beatles thread shitting all over Penny Lane too?
"The only good thing we got is bass and guitar," says Thom. Diss on Jonny, Ed, and Phil, all of whom played cool parts, near as I can tell. But mixed together it does a bit "90s Beta Band groove." The discordant guitar part that it shows Thom recording is very cool, but so are the pretty bits that Jonny and Ed were doing. A more minimalist drum approach would've been what I suggested; the cut to the drum machine + Thom @ 0:32 sounds rad as fuck.
I never really cared for penny lane either tbh
too sentimental for my tastes
fuck I thought I clicked on the Beatles thread my bad
this song is ok.. I like loose acoustic guitar vibe but I'm a bit weary of Yorke's falsetto
You mixed the two albums up, mate.Better than anything on Moon Shaped Pool but not better than anything on Ok Computer.
I said I didn't like Penny Lane, yeah.
Part of being a big fan of a band is having a lot of opinions on them. I could list a dozen Beatles & Radiohead songs I like if that'll help you not try and diminish my opinion?
The reason I post in Radiohead and Beatles threads is because both bands would be in my top 10 most listened to. Not to "shit" on them but because I care about them.
Actually, I think King Of Limbs is their worst album.