I thought this didn't come out until like may or June in 97?
The fuck?! That's one of Radiohead's best songs.Paranoid Android, probably
Let Down is honestly one of my favorite songs ever.
From Software's King's Field 4
Paranoid Android by Radiohead
The artist, Tsukasa Saitoh, went on to contribute to Bloodborne's soundtrack with Fromsoft (Laurence, Cleric Beast, the final boss).
OK Computer has a long reach.
Anywhere you turn
I'll be there
Open up your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the waaaalllsss
Still a album of all time.
Karma Police is Donald Trump
One of the greatest albums ever made. A masterpiece.
I love this album. Probably the most important one I heard in the 90's. So many tears shed over Let Down.
Ah yes. OK Computer. Radiohead's best album, and their second- and third-best, also probably their fourth. And then there's Kid A, and then the rest.
amnesiac > kid a
My favourite too.
Still waiting for another good album. Come on Thom, for old times sake.
I thought this didn't come out until like may or June in 97?
I take it that you didn't like A Moon Shaped Pool then? A pitty, because it's up there with their very best.My favourite too.
Still waiting for another good album. Come on Thom, for old times sake.
I take it that you didn't like A Moon Shaped Pool then? A pitty, because it's up there with their very best.
Theres a huge amount of love for this performance of Paranoid Android, from Radioheads 1997 album OK Computer. Its six minutes are almost a cinematic experience the lighting and camerawork perfectly complement the faultless rendition of the song itself. Does it get any better than this?
I understand for some people this is the greatest, deepest album, but I always thought it was incredibly overrated and not even the best Radiohead album. Such a worthless, subjective accolade, but like lots of men of a certain age think citing this album makes them sophisticated musos. There's people on this forum frequently quote lyrics as if RH lyrics aren't vague sixth form nonsense.
"We've taken guitar music as far is it can go"
Sure, Thomas.
The Bends, Amnesiac, In Rainbows and Moon Shaped Poo are all better RH albums.
When the album was still fresh, they appeared on Later With Jools Holland and opened the show with a live version of Paranoid Android, which was just mind blowing.
amnesiac > kid a
Never understood why people shit on King of Limbs, that album is gorgeous.
Amnesiac, while excellent, has the worse version of "Morning Bell", so it can't be the best.
it took a long time (as in "years") to click with me, but when it did... damn. It's definitely an album of two distinct halves: the first, tightly rhythmic; the second, much more atmospheric.
EDIT: I do think, however, that "Staircase" should've been there. Man I love that song.
Yes it is.Subterranean Homesick Alien is secretly the best song on this album.
Amnesiac, while excellent, has the worse version of "Morning Bell", so it can't be the best.
The best album changes with the seasons.Ah yes. OK Computer. Radiohead's best album, and their second- and third-best, also probably their fourth. And then there's Kid A, and then the rest.
Yep I'm on Neogaf alright
Hyperbolic alright. I you want people to take you with a modicum of respect, treat them not as dupes and maybe just say you don't like them. What are your top ten albums, just so I can get a taste for your music profile, because I'm intrigued why you hold their recent putput to such low esteem.While I agree it's a hyperbolic statement, there's nothing wrong with dissenting opinions.
I think It's a good album - I'd probably put it in my top maybe....100 of all time. Paranoid Android is IMO, a terrific song that has always reminded me of That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore. There are some hits & misses for me on the LP.
That having been said, I think everything they've done since is total trash and the following they have is beyond me. I'm sure if I listed my favorite LPs lots of people would think that they are garbage though, so it's all subjective.
What a shame that Lift never made the cut.