I'm definitely bitter about the way ranged damage is handled more than anything. We shouldn't be hitting for 1 just because we're trying to play our class the way it's meant to be played, haha.
Out of all the kinds of games I've played like this one, I think Ragnarok Odyssey does hunters/archers the best. The closest comparison I can think of is Tsuruhime from Sengoku Basara.
90% of playing a hunter in Ragnarok Online is basically luring things into Ankle Snare then Double Strafing, lol. Or Blitz Beating, I guess. The other traps are more for PVP, especially once you get 190+ ASPD. I'm glad they are totally different in this game. (Actually, if anyone's played Priston Tale, archers in Ragnarok Odyssey compare more favorably to the ones in that game instead of those in Ragnarok Online.)
They can easymode their way through a lot of stuff, particularly bosses that don't spawn minions, but I severely feel the limitations once I'm forced to solo mobs. The High Orc/Orc Chiefs mobs are hell on earth because they have 3x the range I do, and have super armor for their attacks. The wolf mob I posted earlier? Killed me twice before I could take them out, because they wouldn't let me down a single pot.
I can never have enough potions.
Yeahhh, I actually think this is where the game's battle system shines the most. Assassins are quick and powerful, but that's offset by their need to constantly thrust themselves into danger.
I've been having tons of fun playing more or less exclusively with mage (go figure, my favorite class in RO is Sage/Professor...battlesage, to be more specific), but, like other classes, it can be pretty tricky to solo mobs if you don't abuse your strengths.
There is so much to keep track of in this game as a mage, and I love that. You have to pay close attention to your surroundings, facing direction, and even the damage you do (for staggers). You need to know how fast your different animations are both in air and on the ground when it comes to tackling different kinds of monsters. Launching or knocking weaker enemies back into groups and walls is also something that must always be in the back of your mind. The whole risk/reward charging up thing (and all the jump canceling) reminds me a lot of how it feels to play a mage in Dragon's Dogma, actually.
The talisman also gives you damage and crit bonuses for doing well in battle, so playing smartly is rewarded. In other games like this, you can plow through everything like a barbarian, but there's a lot less incentive to have finesse. In Ragnarok Odyssey, sometimes your survival depends on style. And that doesn't even include your last ditch effort, DS mode, which is another great risk/reward mechanic. If it didn't sacrifice your HP and talisman bonuses like it does, it'd be broken. It's very much the equivalent of a bomb in shmups, a "get out of jail free" card that nukes your score and must also still be used with caution.
I don't really even want to get online. It's too much fun finding the best ways to solo mobs.