Will make sure I'm on later, I'll help you with the boss if you haven't finished him by then.
Still not done him
Does anyone know why my trophies are in Japanese/Chinese? I've got a US xseed copy.
Will make sure I'm on later, I'll help you with the boss if you haven't finished him by then.
I'm going to guess that you probably don't have language set to American English.Still not done himbut will be on tonight from 9pm (gmt) if you still fancy heping me out.
Does anyone know why my trophies are in Japanese/Chinese? I've got a US xseed copy.
It should be waiting for me tonight when I get back from work (furiously f5ing the UPS tracking page right now), will update with impressions in a cple of days.okay vitaGAF, worth importing for someone who likes MoHu?
Do people still play this? It seems hard to find people to play with........
As an owner of the Japanese version I am shocked that there is no DLC... but since the option does exist in this game ( the pouring on the bed ) I hope some DLC will come in the future.
Do people still play this? It seems hard to find people to play with........
As an owner of the Japanese version I am shocked that there is no DLC... but since the option does exist in this game ( the pouring on the bed ) I hope some DLC will come in the future.
Is anyone even still playing this?
when i try to play online, my vita tells my i dont have an internet connection, but my vita is connected?!
Just started playing and have a question or two:
1) Is it worth it upgrading any of these early bows I'm getting? I'm a Hunter and I keep seeing the same type of bow. When do I find better ones? Different chapters etc?
2) Same goes for headgear and outfits. Are they unlocked by story progress? Is headgear just cosmetic?
Thanks. Time to switch to glasses then.Most if not all equipment progression is unlocked by advancing through the story. I wouldn't bother upgrading the early weapons unless you really find yourself struggling: later weapons not only have more attack power but can also have better and higher-leveled abilities. Headgear is just for looks, no stats attached.
My Vita downloaded a patch for this today. Anyone know what changed, if anything?
Edit: Boooo, they fixed the engrish trophy names/descriptions!
My Vita downloaded a patch for this today. Anyone know what changed, if anything?
Edit: Boooo, they fixed the engrish trophy names/descriptions!
The Ragnarok Odyssey demo is available later today, and the full version will be released on the PlayStation Store in Europe, Australia and New Zealand on 20th February 2013 for 29.99.
Oh god chapter 8 is a nightmare. This game really feels like it's way longer than it needs to be. They've run out of enemies to throw at the player and now they just start stacking boss battles on top of each other. UUUUghhhhhh.
I would really, really love some help getting through the rest of this if anyone hops online in the near future.I can't solo this stuff without extreme frustration. I feel like my vita is going to end up lodged in my wall shortly...
It's hard finding a match online, if only due to all the freaking connection errors ;_;
I see on the card list linked above that there isn't really an indication of which have multiple pictures - unless it's only the guardian, loki and domovoi cards that that applies to. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of regular enemies with two pictures though - is there a way to tell this?
The two Guardians (laser/no laser) and the two Lokis (sitting/floating) are the only instances where you need to worry about multiple pictures for an enemy. Everything else is one and done. You also don't need to worry about getting the cards for the enemies in the DLC content, as they don't count toward the trophy.
I know this thread is kind of dead, but might as well ask. Anyone willing to near me some endgame boss cards? Here are the ones I'm looking for.
Utgarda Loki (Sitting)
Utgarda Loki (Floating)
Bronzed Grendel
My PSN ID is PapasitoPenguin.
I can solo every other boss whose card I don't have, but not these ones. And no one stays in the room for more than one crack at the boss most of the time. It's frustrating.
XSEED Games ‏@XSEEDGames 13h
[Ragnarok Odyssey] Limited Time DLC Reminder! 4/2/13 they're gone! Grab the TaeKwon Kid, Gunslinger or Ninja outfits NOW or else! *_* Hurry!
@shelfcompact 7h
@XSEEDGames They're going away or just not free anymore?
@shelfcompact They're going away. Get 'em while you can! (I don't think the store has updated just yet, so they should still be there.)
There was a patch the other day for the game, does anyone know what it was for?
It balanced multiplayer and fixed the trophies or something to that effect.
Thanks I wish they would have just put the notes on the patch screen, I couldn't find any news about the update any where.
Any GAFfers want to help me finish the Extra Quests?