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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

I think the overwhelming cynicism and defacto negativity of online forums and discussion is turning me off. I mean to the point where I find myself doing it more and more.

I don't think we should blindly be positive or embrace hype culture, but... there is a trend of growing amount of threads of "is X the worst!" or "what is the worst..." etc. Eh... I am leaning now towards from small and personal online communities where I know people offline. It just seems like there is more discussion and it raises my excitement for things.
I don't think that's necessarily controversial. People understand why there has been an increasing wave of negativity, it's a backlash to the unmitigated hype culture from the early-mid part of last gen. The press in particular was very complicit in that.
I don't think that's necessarily controversial. People understand why there has been an increasing wave of negativity, it's a backlash to the unmitigated hype culture from the early-mid part of last gen. The press in particular was very complicit in that.

I can completely understand it being a response to manufactured hype culture and it's good to combat it by preemptive doubt.

I think I have more of an issue with postmortem negativity (games that's been out years) more than launch skepticism.


However, for the life of me I cannot bring myself to like Majora's Mask, a game that I see many fans of Legend of Zelda herald as the best in the series. I personally thought the Ocarina of Time was and still is the more superior version, and Skyward Sword is a vastly, vastly superior game compared to it.

Its game structure is unique, I'll give it that, but for the life of me I just cannot bring myself to enjoy it. Generally speaking I just don't like to be rushed when playing my video game: I like playing games that let me complete it at my own pace (which is why I like most RPGs, I suppose)
No, you have every right to feel that way. I do too! Plus, why would they make a Legend of Zelda... with no Zelda?
I tried.. twice, but it just ended up irritating me and took any enjoyment out of any world immersion.

Also Chrono Trigger. I'm on my 4th or 5th attempt now (now on the DS version) But I ...just can't force myself through it. I love most everything about it, but it just... doesn't click... Same with Chrono Cross.
Both easily have a spot in the top ten VG OST's of all time, but it's hard for me to care for the characters... I dunno.

What I DO know though, is that I will get thrashed here for it. lol Sorry guys.... I really did try.


Overwatch while a great game this year hardly deserves many game awards other than maybe best multiplayer. I say this cause while it's a fun game it does have its flaws and overtime due to patches and buffs they seem to have a not very good concept of balance. Especially when some characters the best counter is that character.

I also say this because in terms of games this year has been amazing and to even think that overwatch has any chance of getting game of the year is absurd and If it does that the players will be the downfall of the gaming industry.

Thank you! Glad someone else feels it too. =P


Mindless positivity isn't a great thing either. But when the mind does come in it often comes in as a negative force, tearing down the bad rather than establishing the good. Perhaps my discipline makes me over estimate this trend: there is a shit ton of negative philosophy and it often is more convincing than when someone asserts something positive and goes out on a philosophical limb. Positive critique is that sort of thing, imo. It leaves you open to being torn down and being found wanting as to discernment.

It doesn't help that negative critiques often over fit their target, which makes bringing up positive counterpoints difficult, lest critical dishonesty be discovered. People often come on forums to grind their axes and vent. I know I do.

I remain an optimist. I believe there are good games and bad games and that there are ways we can discover which are which and discuss their virtues and vices. That sort of honest discussion just isn't what you tend to find on forums so much. GAF is better than others I've been on or lurked in this regard, imo.

It's funny you used that gif because Trump is often wrong just like you are.

Video game stories are nearly always complete garbage. I'm eternally grateful there are still some dev's out there that take a minimalist approach to them as there's less of a chance of them completely fucking it up that way.
GAF is better than others I've been on or lurked in this regard, imo.

Agreed. Leagues and strides better than other places in which there is hyper ventilating hyperbole to the Nth degree. I sometimes wonder why posters on other forums still remain in a hobby in which all things are so bleak and underwhelming.

But, yeah... let me clarify. I am alright with being critical and agree with many points of your post. A few people (not the majority or even sizable amount) just lose me when it's a congo line of negativity. I sometime want to pop out of lurking and ask, "Okay... what is a good game then?".


Agreed. Leagues and strides better than other places in which there is hyper ventilating hyperbole to the Nth degree. I sometimes wonder why posters on other forums still remain in a hobby in which all things are so bleak and underwhelming.

But, yeah... let me clarify. I am alright with being critical and agree with many points of your post. A few people (not the majority or even sizable amount) just lose me when it's a congo line of negativity. I sometime want to pop out of lurking and ask, "Okay... what is a good game then?".

Oh, I agree. I meant to intone I like positive critique. Negative critique is essential and is probably the starting place, but it should lead into positive critique in my mind. Going back to philosophy, that's why I like, say, Plato who starts from Socratic doubts and tries to build something from that, even if what he builds is difficult to maintain or accept. Same with, say, Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason. He builds positive philosophy from Humean doubts.

I was just laying out why I take it to be that the propensity is towards negative critique. Heck, critical is often taken to mean being negative about something. I think this is a bias people tend to have.


Moreover, often times when I'm being negative, I ask myself just that question: "Okay... what is a good game then?" I just don't ask it aloud and don't tend to get called on it either :p. I try to be honest when I can manage it, even if that weakens my point, but I'm certainly not always, nor perhaps even mostly always, honest.
CS:GO is a stale game that's not very fun to play, and the only reason it's popular is because skins, and at this point it is just as much of a gambling game than a first person shooter.
They just added fucking gloves to the game too! Come on now. It will be like Team Fortress 2 soon.


I suppose this is another one of those meta complaints but there seems to be a growing trend of leaving comments like...

"*thing is going to happen*, isn't it?"

Who are you asking? Is it obvious if you have to ask it? It's becoming more and more frequent due to the way some Gaffers adopt phrases and repeat them ad infinitum.

Well, there it is.

I would say fun as fuck by a very non memorable story.

Same for me but I don't think I've seen anyone bigging up the story? BT and the bosses were the only decent thing about it, narratively.


I don't get why some gamers treat companies like football teams, as in hero-worshipping some while constantly antagonising others over silly little things just because they're a certain company. See: Konami and EA. They're businesses, and so of course they will do whatever they want to do because it's in their interest to make as much money as they can. They don't need to worry about some gamers getting ridiculously angry over their business decisions. It's not healthy to 'hate' games companies, and '#FucKonami' is beyond childish.


Better to buy new consoles and sell the old ones, thus resetting your gaming log.

Thus with nothing to compare, all games will look like masterpieces and you can rest easily.

Better than playing classic games on PC or older consoles, where newer games dont stand a chance and leave a sour taste.


PS4 - just got a notification that a friend signed on so I checked to see what he's playing, and it says Watch_Dogs2 - no biggie, but it dawned on me after seeing the spelling of the title with an underscore how stupid that title is to me - Watch, Dogs?... forget the underscore; The main characters are Watch Dogs...I could picture that title for a Disney movie.

I don't know - considering the premise of the game - cutting edge technology/hacking/cracking, Watch Dogs seems, wrong... trying to think of an alternate title is futile I guess, but there it is.
I don't get why some gamers treat companies like football teams, as in hero-worshipping some while constantly antagonising others over silly little things just because they're a certain company. See: Konami and EA. They're businesses, and so of course they will do whatever they want to do because it's in their interest to make as much money as they can. They don't need to worry about some gamers getting ridiculously angry over their business decisions. It's not healthy to 'hate' games companies, and '#FucKonami' is beyond childish.

These are the same people that love to make comments like "X is just a money-grab" or "(company) is just fucking greedy"

Video games, by in large, are products to be sold created by businesses. The point of a business is to make money.
PS4 - just got a notification that a friend signed on so I checked to see what he's playing, and it says Watch_Dogs2 - no biggie, but it dawned on me after seeing the spelling of the title with an underscore how stupid that title is to me - Watch, Dogs?... forget the underscore; The main characters are Watch Dogs...I could picture that title for a Disney movie.

I don't know - considering the premise of the game - cutting edge technology/hacking/cracking, Watch Dogs seems, wrong... trying to think of an alternate title is futile I guess, but there it is.

Watch dog groups are private citizens that take it upon themselves to monitor government and corporate activities... They can also tend to be conspiracy theorists...

Watch_Dogs is a proper title for this type of game.
It's funny you used that gif because Trump is often wrong just like you are.

Video game stories are nearly always complete garbage. I'm eternally grateful there are still some dev's out there that take a minimalist approach to them as there's less of a chance of them completely fucking it up that way.


People who play video games solely for story must be gluttons for punishment. They ought to try reading books or watching movies.


Luigi is a turd and I wish he didn't exist.

He's like the little brother no one wants, just a little turd living in Mario's shadow. You'll never get with Peach Luigi, you'll have to settle for a Goomba and put a bag on its head. Turd.
The PS Pro release has been a cluster, and MS are looking at all this as a way to not handle Scorpio next year.

Not seeing the controversy here.

I was able to get a PS4 Pro for $50 after trade-ins, and I'm still using a 1080p screen, so the wild inconsistencies doesn't bother me as much. It's still a total mess, though, and throws cold water on the whole "low performance impact" PR spin from Cerny.


Naughty Dog games are merely average, I've played and finished Uncharted 1, 2 and TLOU. Skipped out on Uncharted 3 and 4 because I just didn't think they were great. Much prefer Tomb Raider and RotTR.
I wish games would go for translation instead of localization more often.
I can completely understand it being a response to manufactured hype culture and it's good to combat it by preemptive doubt.

I think I have more of an issue with postmortem negativity (games that's been out years) more than launch skepticism.
I think this is natural though.

A game or movie or TV show is judged one way at release. It's only natural to revisit it and often come to a new conclusion about it.



People who play video games solely for story must be gluttons for punishment. They ought to try reading books or watching movies.

I enjoy a story I can interact with. I'm not a big fan of movies or fictional books.

I'm usually on my phone within 15 minutes of a movie. Books don't hook me. Games actually keep my attention.


Half-Life seems like it would be shit to play (haven't played it, doesn't seem to have aged well).

Here's the big one though: Skyrim is a pretty shit game only saved by the vast open world and the ability to mod to the point where people see fixing what the devs couldn't as a pro.

i feel like I'm gonna get banned for saying those two points
Half-Life seems like it would be shit to play (haven't played it, doesn't seem to have aged well).

Here's the big one though: Skyrim is a pretty shit game only saved by the vast open world and the ability to mod to the point where people see fixing what the devs couldn't as a pro.

i feel like I'm gonna get banned for saying those two points

that skyrim one is more common than the inverse on GAF lol


Half-Life seems like it would be shit to play (haven't played it, doesn't seem to have aged well).

Here's the big one though: Skyrim is a pretty shit game only saved by the vast open world and the ability to mod to the point where people see fixing what the devs couldn't as a pro.

i feel like I'm gonna get banned for saying those two points

This thread is for unpopular opinions. Your ideas about Skyrim is the majority view, in as much as I can tell, at least on GAF.


Half-Life seems like it would be shit to play (haven't played it, doesn't seem to have aged well).

Here's the big one though: Skyrim is a pretty shit game only saved by the vast open world and the ability to mod to the point where people see fixing what the devs couldn't as a pro.

i feel like I'm gonna get banned for saying those two points

Don't worry, I agree with the former. Half-Life 1 has aged horribly and I have never forced myself to sit down and finish it, even though I have it on two platforms (Steam and PS2).
I've never played Skyrim so I can't comment on that.
Don't worry, I agree with the former. Half-Life 1 has aged horribly and I have never forced myself to sit down and finish it, even though I have it on two platforms (Steam and PS2).
I've never played Skyrim so I can't comment on that.

Why do you think that? In terms of level and encounter design and scenario variety it still easily stands up to today's FPSes.


I feel like people have lowered their standards for what a complete final fanatsy experience (love or hate) should be. I hope FFXV is just a bump in the road and not the future of Final Fantasy.
I didn't really like Shadow of the Colossus.

I thought the controls were absolute trash. Half the time, I'd jump instead of getting on the damn horse. Camera was a pain, moving around was a pain, framerate still bogged down at times (PS3 version) the whole thing was just a chore to play and not very enjoyable.

That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the art design, the concept of the game, and the idea of figuring out how to take down each colossus. That was cool, but actually playing it - it was dreadful. I can see why people like it conceptually - but the controls, AND THAT DAMN HORSE, just killed it for me.

Super hyped for The Last Guardian though. Very few games feel like a labor of love, like some heart and passion went into them - The Last Guardian appears to be one of these games. No doubt the SotC was too, but damn. I enjoyed Ico, for what its worth.
I struggle to get any enjoyment out of 2D Mario games. I wouldn't say they're bad, I just find them very dull. 3D Mario games are wonderful however.


Why do you think that? In terms of level and encounter design and scenario variety it still easily stands up to today's FPSes.

The level design and stuff is fine, it's just that the graphics don't sit well with me, which is weird considering I am by no means a 'graphics make the game' person. I love Super Mario 64. Also, I get motion sickness when playing most FPS games, so that might also have something to do with it. I don't know what it is about it, but HL1 sets it off really badly for me.


Castlevania Symphony of The Night Is the most overrated game ever. I also hate that here is the game that started the cringe called "Metroidvania" Kind of ironic because the game misses the most improtant point of a Metroid game. By adding the most tacked on and needless RPG system that i have ever seen in any game ever that also completely clashes with the games level design. It also becomes a complete cake walk because of it a far cry from basically any Castlevania game that came before it.

I guess i can see why people like it if it was their first Metroid like game but to call it the best Metroidvania game is crazy.
I tried for the millionth time to play Final Fantasy, the 15 this time. But, yeah, safe to say that I don't like and really don't understand why people do so.


I guess i can see why people like it if it was their first Metroid like game but to call it the best Metroidvania game is crazy.

I don't think its so much 'the best' metroidvania, as it was the game that pivoted what a castlevania game fundamentally is, from a linear action platformer into a more exploration focussed game with light RPG elements (and as castlevania 2 arguably began this concept, its not like it was completely out of left field).

Personally, I think the metroidvania style castlevanias are the apex of the series, and vastly prefer them to the earlier linear action-platformers (which are very much "NES design" and somewhat dated) or the later poor mans God Of Wars.
I also think they're probably the best games series in that genre - Metroid might have got there first, but Castlevania did it better.


The collective circle-jerk of the Souls series is something I will never understand.

Games look like ass and the combat is clunky.

I enjoy that Bloodborne used the formula and made an actual mechanically tight game out of it, and Nioh seems to improve it even further.
The collective circle-jerk of the Souls series is something I will never understand.

Games look like ass and the combat is clunky.

I enjoy that Bloodborne used the formula and made an actual mechanically tight game out of it, and Nioh seems to improve it even further.

This. Got similar thoughts with regards to The last of Us and Uncharted. Enjoyable games and visually amazing, but nowhere near the timeless masterpieces some people think.

I enjoyed Starfox Zero a lot, the controls were great except for some sections whicj were overly complicated for one person.


This. Got similar thoughts with regards to The last of Us and Uncharted. Enjoyable games and visually amazing, but nowhere near the timeless masterpieces some people think.

So, I couldn't have been enjoying my three playthroughs of The Last of Us and Bloodborne as much as I did, and putting both of them among my personal all-time top 3 (with Silent Hill 2) was wrong?
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