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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Just because a game gets 10s doesn't mean the game is that perfect or that good, it simply depends on someone who can see though the fog of "perfection" (though it doesn't mean the game is bad)

Sonic Mania/Classic Sonic will lose their novelty (extremely controversial)

Classic Sonic Fans, who hate everything about Sonic since Sonic Adventure, are no different than other insufferable parts of the Sonic Fanbase, their just Genwunners under a accepted vocal minority that's just as annoying (It doesn't mean i'm pretending the series hasn't had it's mistakes though) (and again, this is extremely controversial)

Bioshock, was sub-standard in terms of gunplay

Legacy of Kain, is filled with plotholes, and has a over-complicated story that no one can understand

Kirby, aside from the character's design, is nothing special as a series, and i'm shocked it has overbearing defenders that maul at you if you say anything against the series.

Dark Cloud 1 > Dark Cloud 2
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The nicest person on this forum
Just because a game gets 10s doesn't mean the game is that perfect or that good, it simply depends on someone who can see though the fog of "perfection" (though it doesn't mean the game is bad)
A game is getting 10 doesn’t mean it perfect. It means the reviewer enjoy game enough that to them it deserves 10. To me NieR Automata is deserves 10 but does it mean it perfect? No, it just means that to me the game is memorable and I enjoy it so much that it deserves getting 10 but that doesn’t mean it going true for other people.


A game is getting 10 doesn’t mean it perfect. It means the reviewer enjoy game enough that to them it deserves 10. To me NieR Automata is deserves 10 but does it mean it perfect? No, it just means that to me the game is memorable and I enjoy it so much that it deserves getting 10 but that doesn’t mean it going true for other people.

The problem is that most rating system are trash. If it was uniform across the board it would make sense but putting numbers on subjective opinions are useless.

To make sense of each note, you need to know what each reviewer scale system is. Which defeat the purpose of aggregating score like metacritic and rotten tomatoes does.

There will be people like you who say 10 if worthwhile but not perfect, and others who will say 10 means there can't be anything wrong with the game.

Putting numbers on subjective experience is harming game literacy, it disengage players to read what is in the actual reviews and anchor them to a meaning less value that has no tie to their own scale system.


The problem is that most rating system are trash. If it was uniform across the board it would make sense but putting numbers on subjective opinions are useless.

To make sense of each note, you need to know what each reviewer scale system is. Which defeat the purpose of aggregating score like metacritic and rotten tomatoes does.

There will be people like you who say 10 if worthwhile but not perfect, and others who will say 10 means there can't be anything wrong with the game.

Putting numbers on subjective experience is harming game literacy, it disengage players to read what is in the actual reviews and anchor them to a meaning less value that has no tie to their own scale system.
It’s up to the reader to run with the score or read the review. Having a score doesn’t harm the person who would rather read the review.


The nicest person on this forum
It’s up to the reader to run with the score or read the review. Having a score doesn’t harm the person who would rather read the review.
My thought exactly. At end of the day it’s up to you to decide if the game for you after reading or watching the review and not just looking at the score. Currently Far Cry 5 is getting great score but after watching bunch of different reviews I decided this game is just not for me. So doesn’t matter how high score it gets, I know it’s not my type of game.


My controversial opinion is that I think Spider-Man 2 the movie game was trash. Absolute trash.

I'm a huge Spidey fan, I played and enjoyed the PSX games and the first Spider-Man movie game. They were like the prototype Arkham Asylum game before Rocksteady refined the experience.

I remember the glowing reviews, which I now look back on in disdain, and finally being able to play it borrowing it from my cousin who was loving it. After finishing the game I felt hollow.

Literally the only thing good about it was the web swinging, but everything else was garbage in comparison to its predecessors. I couldn't believe that Treyarch would throw away the entire formula just like that.

I later played Ultimate Spider-Man when it came out which was a significant improvement, but I still missed the old style. Haven't played a Spider-Man game since...

Maybe Insomniac will change my mind.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
The western games I play or at least follow until release are games published by Sony, Rockstar or sometimes Ubisoft.

I wished Sony would make more quirky-like games.


GTA is awful
RDR is awful
Mass Effect Andromeda is phenomenal
Mirrors Edge Catalyst is better than Mirrors Edge

Xbox should have kept snap

Mixer is to Twitch as Zune was to iPod - a waste of everybody’s time and money

Xbox one UI is shit
PS3 UI was awesome til they shat on it with an embedded singstar ad (never forget)
PS4 UI has some stupid flaws that could be fixed if it wasn’t designed by committee

Mario Odyssey is not the second coming. It’s a good game but reviewers went too far with their praise.

Nintendo are starting to lose their soul. You can see it in how they turned off Splatoon features on Wii u. My kid can’t even use the drawing feature anymore on Wii U because it was disconnected when they removed that app. Charging for Mario kart multiplayer by subscription is another example. Mario kart on 3ds and Wii U has free online multiplayer.

Many gamers are drifting away from gaming because they think they’re getting too old when they’ve simply upgraded and unknowingly introduced input lag (with new tv/console) reducing their enjoyment without realising.


...as Zune was to iPod - a waste of everybody’s time and money


The Zune was so much better than the iPod in just about every way but marketing. It was the superior piece of hardware that you looked like a complete dork for using.


I hate the fact that most JRPGs are based around kids who have amnesia, only they can save the world, and are crazy powerful even though they appear not be in any sort of physical shape.

There's other things, but those are the constant.
Yeah that amnesia trope got old real quick. It seemed like it was more popular in the early years of gaming too, but maybe I'm just imagining it.


Imo What remains of Edith finch is one of the most overrated , boring , smug ,self righteous , piece of shit games that as ever been released.

all walking simulators ain't worth the time of day.

Blood Borne

Mortal Kombat 2 is the best and only good game in the series.

RDR is average at best.

The Witcher 3 is a borefest. The combat is lol worthy.

There's no such thing as a good Assassin's Creed game.

I hope PS4 Pro and Xbox One X fails.

Handheld games stopped being fun after the Original Gameboy.

Sony published games > Nintendo published games.

Xbox 360 had little or no good exclusives.


Bubsy 3D was an ok game.

Its hard to compare it with anything else because there was no other game like it in Playstation by the time. There were only some horizontal-scrolling games like Gex or Pandemonium, puzzle-slow-paced games like Jumping Flash! or corridor-platformers like Crash Bandicoot (probably the first truly 3D platformer ever?). So Eidetic (nowdays Bend Studio, yeah..) had to build pretty much everything from zero: The big open levels, the secret-paths mechanics, the vehicles, the puzzles (pretty clever most of them) and pretty much everything.

There were some other platformers in Playstation with big open levels like Spyro, but we are talking about a game that came out years later, with better tools and from the damn Insomniac.

Of course it could be done much much better since Super Mario 64 came a few months before and Croc a few months after. But Bubsy 3D was done by 8 devs max with probably not the best kits.

And, what the hell, it is the only decent Bubsy game, incredibly crappy license with three outstandingly bad games on SNES/GEN/JAG and one horrible game a few months ago.


I'm not a Nintendo fanboy (we have a weird, tumultuous relationship) but they've done the right thing by never implementing achievements. Just "turning them off" doesn't work for design ethics and our culture at large. Nintendo has the opportunity to completely revamp how we all think of online; yanking us from the tunnel-vision of what online "must be" we've had for over a decade now.

They probably won't though, because it's Nintendo; we'll eventually find out what they're doing right was because they "weren't sure if people would connect their profile to the internet".


FFVII is a better game in nearly every way than VI (and I'm not even including the graphics in this comparison). A far more interesting and varied world, more memorable/compelling characters, superior combat system, better minigames, and an antagonist who has a purpose beyond being a Joker ripoff. FFVI still has my favorite soundtrack.
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I feel like the key reason the PS4 is such a runaway success is because Sony lucked out hard.

And by that I mean, both of their competitors fell flat on their faces in the beginning of the generation. Xbox was $100 more with that stupid motion control peripheral no one wanted, and also had that always online/drm/used games shenanigans, betting more on being an "entertainment box" rather than a console. It didnt help that console looked like an oversized 80's vcr, and was less powerful than PS4 even though it was more expensive. And the Wii U.....yeah, its best we dont talk about that.

By the time Xbox and Nintendo got their act together (which took too, too long), it was too little too late. The PS4 snowball effect was too big to even attempt stopping.
I am not declaring if they do or dont derserve the success, I'm just saying PS4 would've topped out more in the 80-85 million range rather than the 120M+ its looking to be now, if Nintendo/Microsoft didnt have false starts.

This is odd, you base the PS4’s success on the incompetence of its competitors, when in reality you could apply that logic to every single success story in the history of human achievements. I mean look at Microsoft’s success with the 360 early last gen, they were competing with a $600 blu Ray player released 12-18 months after their own product with alien hardware that pissed off the entire developing industry.


Neo Member
It has probably been said here many times, but Fortnite is really boring. You scavage for weapons for 10 minutes without encountering any enemies. Then you do and you die. And then there are 10 minutes of menues and being in the lobby before you can try again. And none of your friends wants to play GTA or BF1 with you, and eventually you have not touched your ps4 for weeks :(


my friends call me "Cunty"
It has probably been said here many times, but Fortnite is really boring. You scavage for weapons for 10 minutes without encountering any enemies. Then you do and you die. And then there are 10 minutes of menues and being in the lobby before you can try again. And none of your friends wants to play GTA or BF1 with you, and eventually you have not touched your ps4 for weeks :(

I see the allure of Fortnite in that there's tension... you're always wondering if that building has someone in it, if it's safe to loot or to sprint through an open area. Yeah, the combat can be frustrating given how quickly it finishes, but I've found it is possible to get better and be the one wrecking others. Part of it is about learning to avoid fights (when possible) if you don't have the tactical advantage. Of course, you'll have no choice at the endgame.


It has probably been said here many times, but Fortnite is really boring. You scavage for weapons for 10 minutes without encountering any enemies. Then you do and you die. And then there are 10 minutes of menues and being in the lobby before you can try again. And none of your friends wants to play GTA or BF1 with you, and eventually you have not touched your ps4 for weeks :(

I’m torn on this one. Fortnite is a lot like Mario Kart where 80% of the matches are really boring to me, but you have that other 20% where everything clicks and it’s ridiculously fun, engaging and unlike anything else (even PUBG). It’s a real crapshoot.
This is odd, you base the PS4’s success on the incompetence of its competitors, when in reality you could apply that logic to every single success story in the history of human achievements. I mean look at Microsoft’s success with the 360 early last gen, they were competing with a $600 blu Ray player released 12-18 months after their own product with alien hardware that pissed off the entire developing industry.
I never said otherwise. I agree that if Sony didnt fuck up as bad as they did they would've won against xbox with a bigger margin. Say, 100 million PS3's to 60 million 360's, or some other number like that.

In 6th gen though, no one really screwed up, but PS2 still took the generation with 125 million units over second place.


Witcher 3 is trash. I respect everything that it accomplished and the work that went into it, but as a game I hated every single hour of my 100h playthrough. Just seeing Geralt in the new soul calibur makes me wince for example... I wish I got my time back.
Really excited for cyberpunk though.


Witcher 3 is trash. I respect everything that it accomplished and the work that went into it, but as a game I hated every single hour of my 100h playthrough. Just seeing Geralt in the new soul calibur makes me wince for example... I wish I got my time back.
Really excited for cyberpunk though.

Witcher 3 has the worst and most clunky battle system ever. Its incredible boring and I really don't understand how people like it. Its "open world" is shit. I played for like 15 hours and was bored every minute of it. I'll go back to it since I played it before the ps4 pro patch, and I would like to give it a second chance. Enjoyed assassins of kings more.

Uncharted 4 was BY FAR the worst in the series.

All of the big launch titles for Switch have bored me to tears. (Mario Kart, Mario Odyssey, etc.)
I finished uncharted 1-3 but couldn't get into 4. I can't quite put my finger on it...but it felt like such a chore. Way too much story and stuff, not enough gameplay, bad pacing, I would say.
Mario odyssey is great, until it becomes a chore.


Haha I just only saw the thread for the first time. Is this where beefs happen? Alright then, here I go.

Labo is stupid as hell.


Witcher 3 is trash. I respect everything that it accomplished and the work that went into it, but as a game I hated every single hour of my 100h playthrough. Just seeing Geralt in the new soul calibur makes me wince for example... I wish I got my time back.
Really excited for cyberpunk though.

You hated the game but still played it for that long? I can't imagine why.


The cringeworthy bad writing & worldbuilding reminiscent of 'Battlefield Earth' destroyed Horizon Zero Dawn. It's a shame because the gameplay & stealth is good (albeit repetitive), but the story, dialogue, acting, characters & artstyle? Yuk. I feel the critics were no where near harsh enough on the game in that respect.

If it was a movie it would have won the razzie awards, hands down. It even made playing the game embarrassing when someone entered the room during an in-game conversation, i.e. eliciting a literal "what the f is this cr*p?" reaction.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Games like Fortnite and Overwatch remind me of the fake games they would have children would play in the background of some police procedural TV dramas like 15 years ago.....Generic as hell


The Witcher 3 is one of the most boring games i ever played. It just drags on and on. It dont get better that all the characters and the voices are soooooooooo bad. And the settings is making me fall asleep.
I was a fan the moment i put it in until i realised what a bad bad game it is in reality. I got to where you
defend the castle after you find Ciri and thought finally the end of this game but noooooooooooo it drags on. im out
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I know people love to shit on the Wii and make fun of it for having so much shovelware, and that the only good games are the big titles like Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Wii Sports. But dig past those big games, and you'll find that the Wii had a shit ton of hidden gems. There have been many articles and videos highlighting those lesser known games, including MetalJesusRocks' excellent 3 part video. If you take those games into account, then the Wii actually has a huge, varied library of good and unique games. Easily my favorite console of that generation.



Likes moldy games
I know Xbox One console sales are a lot less than 360 sales and the only markets where it's near PS4 sales is UK and USA. So i think it actually has sold quite well considering it is only popular it these two country's compared Ps4 which popular in most of the modern world.


Neo Member
I hate the new controls and mechanics in God of War. They put Mirrors Edge controls in it and if I have to tell that kid to shoot arrows one more time I'll spank him. The axe should have been auto return and selectable on/off in game , can't even say how many times I flung it and realized I was fighting without it. It's my only gripe. Is the game a perfect 10.. No. It's a 9.5 for sure though. There I said it.


I don't see anything special about Uncharted, or The Last of Us.

people who argue Chrono Trigger, vs Chrono Cross on a intellectual level are pretentious.

people who buy a console solely for exclusive games made by the console manufacturer, don't take measures to look though the library the console has.

where i am glad this forum got rid of the political junkies, and hostile mouthbreathers, i miss the active in depth discussion (like rumors, leaks, media, and industry-insight)

Shantae would work better as a independent comic book series, than an actual game.

reuse of the same 10-19 anime eng dub voice actors breaks immersion in videogames, brits have more talent than any of them, in a single role in a game they happen to be in. any JRPG that uses british voice actors is guaranteed to sound better than any anime eng dub JRPG, (yes, even Xenoblade 2)

i miss a lot of dormant ips, but not all of them need to continue.
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Half Life 1 was a dull plodding shooter with boring unimaginative levels, forgettable enemies and a cliched stortyline that could have been written by a 14 year old sci-fi geek. I hated it.


reuse of the same 10-19 anime eng dub voice actors breaks immersion in videogames, brits have more talent than any of them, in a single role in a game they happen to be in. any JRPG that uses british voice actors is guaranteed to sound better than any anime eng dub JRPG, (yes, even Xenoblade 2)

That's one I share. Games like Dragon Quest are the only games I'm fine with a dub because I like the "British" approach a lot more than the often overly-cartoony American approach. In general, it's more in line with how Japan treats VA jobs. With American-dubbed games I feel like I've been hearing the same MLP-style voices for the past 15-20 years.

This probably comes across as a "get off my lawn" rant, but the same has happened to Anime. There used to be a much stronger tier of western VAs in anime like Michael McConnohie, Cam Clarke, Barbara Goodson etc (I even feel that the original Streamline dub of Vampire Hunter D is better than the Japanese version). Today they tend to lazily assign voices by what tropes they fill, and everything sounds like the Powerpuff Girls.
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Dr. Claus

4K looks barely different, even at optimum distance and size compared to 1080p. Buying a 4K TV is only worth it for HDR, which is the actual game changer in my mind.

Also gamers have become far too overly-sensitive. Can't trash talk (as in old school, 'yo-mama's so fat she inspired fat princess' style) without someone crying about how they are bullied.
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4K looks barely different, even at optimum distance and size compared to 1080p. Buying a 4K TV is only worth it for HDR, which is the actual game changer in my mind.

Also gamers have become far too overly-sensitive. Can't trash talk (as in old school, 'yo-mama's so fat she inspired fat princess' style) without someone crying about how they are bullied.

You need to get your eyes checked.


Mega Man Unlimited is the best Mega Man game ever made.

Smash Melee was fun in it's day but is way overrated now.

Revenge of Shinobi isn't that great and the Saturn Shinobi wasn't that bad.

Bloody Roar was better than Dead Or Alive.


All of the interesting ideas happening with indie games are lost between the two extremes of ironic "SUPER NARWHAL BACON RAINBOW FORCE" or weepy, overwrought narratives shoehorned into otherwise forgettable games as a bid for instant credibility ("Well by introducing Autism and Cancer into the mix, our game post-modernly deconstructs a lot of the restrictive tropes previously established by Tetris").

Indie games can be amazing and have been our saving grace from the AAA bloat, but I'm so sick of those two templates. Now they do anything but stand out, yet they're always the two types to get the most exposure.

Edit: Now that I think about it, that's probably not a controversial opinion these days outside of, say, Polygon.
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